My friend did 69ron’s HCl tek on some cactus powder (supposedly Torch), and then washed the crude extract first with acetone and then with IPA, which yielded a semi-refined product, as well as two “grades” of resin yielded as side products by drying the stuff that got removed by each of the two washes. He now wants to wash the semi-refined product with MEK, which he’s pretty sure will yield a third resinous side product. So here’s the question: can worthwhile amounts of pure mescaline be extracted from these three resinous side products by recrystallization, just as it can from the original crude extract? If so, what solvent should be used for recrystallization for each of the three washes? And if recrystallization isn’t the way to go, is there any other means by which pure mescaline can be recovered from these resins?
Please note: what is desired is pure mescaline, so suggesting that the resin be consumed “whole” isn’t really helpful. Thanks for any help that anyone can offer.