Hey guys, just wanted to ask if anyone could point me in the right direction of upping my yeild.
ive completed 4 vaguely successful extractions the best of which had about 1% yeild.
i took a little break and ive started again, only im halfway through a 200g (split up into 50g jugs) extraction and i would be suprised if i had .3
I have used Noman's Tek with a ratio ( i added more water because i have prepowdered bark) my method has not changed in between now and previous times Im not sure if i should name the supplier but they have a very good reputation on here with some reporting 2% yeild. The only thing i can think is that im more used to 400g extractions and the yeild looks small in comparison.
i used Wilkinson own brand caustic soda and both zippo lighter fluid and newport lighter fluid at first i thouight hte the yeild was the result of using newport lighter fuel, which i have suspected doesnt have much pulling power, i switched to zippo and the yeild is somewhat better but im still less than impressed.
Thanks for any help and its good to be back on the forum.
I is someone else