The advantage of keeping in separate jars is because usually different pulls will result in different ratios of dmt and impurities.. Often it can happen that the later pulls are much more yellow, so people freeze separately because they can already have separated part of the yellow/white stuff. Disadvantage is having to use all these jars and then having problem scraping most of the dmt out of the jars (but then one can just use alcohol/acetone to pick it up and evap in a better container).
But you might not care for this if you dont feel that yellow is bad in the first place, or if you recrystalize. If you keep it all together, there is one advantage which is that with all the crystals precipitating together, its a much nicer sight, and easier to scrape

Do as you please, it will be fine either way.
But yeah the recommendation of preevaporating naphtha before freezing can be a good one. Check the FAQ about size of pulls and pre-evaporation.
Regarding freezing MHRB to break down cells and increase yields, I think so far its just conjectures, speculation. Not that it isnt true, but I would like to see a side-by-side test before reaching conclusions. With pre-powdered mimosa I suspect it would make very little if any difference, but would be interesting if someone tested and proved me wrong