don't worry about the weight, you will only be losing dross, not a signifcan amount of DMT, think of it as more of needing less in the bowl to make it happen.
I've went over a few of the xtal threads and I tried a very simple method to heating. I put the bestine in a shot glass with the spice. I put a coffee cup in the microwave with water and heated it to boiling, pull the cup out, and put the shot glass in the cup (don't put too much water in teh cup so it doesn't overflow when you set in the shot glass carefully) and within a few minutes (stir a little and suck up some of the bestine and squirt it back in with your dropper to mix) the d is mixed well leaving all solids.
Make sure you use enough bestine, if you don't the crystals will crash out when a few minutes after you pull out the warm shot glass solution and set it in room temp.
After a little while (if the crystals didn't fall out) an orange blob will be at the bottom, take the top layer off and then rextal freeze or evap and you can get snow white formations.
worked for me