Yeh, it would be very obvious if you got lye in your final product. There were be great globs of lye-bark floating around in your naptha. If you're worried, though, you can always use lime.
Also, it probably would be better to just get some MHRB for the extraction, maybe even trade your chacruna for some MHRB! You'd have to have a hell of a lot of chacruna to make a worthwhile extraction, anyway. You could probably trade 50g of chacruna for 25g of MHRB or so, getting at least the same amount of DMT if not more. Please try doing so at
I'm not advertising, just know some people who'd gladly trade you MHRB for your chacruna; it even makes me a little nervous to think of a ton of chacruna going into an extraction when it's of much more value to the ayahuasca-drinking community, and the MHRB would be a much nicer thing to work with during your extraction.
Also, you may feel the urge to try aya again after hanging around here for too long; and just because it doesn't work the first time doesn't mean it won't work the second! A slightly higher amount of caapi and some tannin-binding, and you'd probably be good to go.
If you're looking for healing, actually, trying again with aya and tweaking your extraction method might be the right choice. Vaped DMT is not really a healing experience, IMO it's very stressful and best attempted when in prime mental and physical shape.