So I have some MHRB (about 50g) and some Rue (about 10g). I'm hoping to have one special trip with these - and 1-2 smaller ones, and I'd like some advice on how to go about it.
Basically I'm planning on doing either a CWE or a perhaps light boil followed by tannin binding. The rue I'll either eat crushed, or I'll make a tea.
• I'm thinking 15g of bark; it's a few months old.
• I'm then thinking grind this bark to a fine powder, and place into a pot with distilled water and big pinch of citric acid. Heat carefully (30~ mins) until deep red liquid is observed. Decant and filter off liquid - place filtered liquid into container. Replace distilled water and citric acid in pot and continue heating. Remove next fraction once deep red colour is observed. Replace distilled water and citric once more, and once again decant and filter again. Then get the liquid back into the pot, and use egg white (lightly cooked) to collect some tannins.
• Would vinegar be better than citric acid? More citric acid needed?
• If I instead opted to let the MHRB steep in citric acid water, would there be a loss in potency? What would the recommended timeframe for a steep to be? What temperature?
• I'm thinking 4g of Rue.
• Is a triple-boil with a filter good enough? I'm thinking: boil finely ground seeds with citric acid (or vinegar?) for 25 minutes, decant liquid, repeat twice more and combine extracts.
Drink half of the rue liquid, wait 45 minutes, drink the rest of the rue liquid along with the MHRB water. Prepare for spewing and ego dissolution.
If I've gotten anything wrong, can you please point in out.
Cheers, bluntmuffin.
Edit: Can a mod please shift thread to 'General Extractions Help'