Well, as I said in my introduction essay the next entheogens on my list are mushrooms and DMT, but as my piracetam is on its way I'm taking a psychedelic tolerance break until it gets here, and as part of my schedule to get myself out of my old addict mindset I'm only allowing myself to take hallucinogens of any kind on Sundays, so as I still wanted some kind of trip yesterday, I decided to give Amanita muscaria a second attempt, my first being over a year ago and not really weilding any results. What I got was not exactly what I was expecting, but I am pleased with the results.
I picked up 15 grams from a local headshop and ate them late last night as they were; I know 15 grams can be a lot for a newcomer to them, but since they're just from a store and not online and I didn't do any preparations, in addition to the fact that I tend to have to take higher doses than most people to trip anyway, I figured it would even out to give me what I was looking for. For the entirety of the experience I was in my bedroom with not very much light, but I didn't need it for the effect they had on me. What I got was the strangest altered perception I've experienced yet that lacked any visual activity. I should add that because I used to trip waaay too often, I have mild HPPD consisting of colorful grainy textures and some pulsating, so that was present, but I'm very familiar with it and can tell that there were no drug-induced visuals added on, although it may have contributed to my mindset. Basically, the best way I've been able to describe it so far is that my thought process no longer consisted of words but very clear, very defined images, and these images were somewhere between dissociative and deliriant visuals in style (including the real perception of depth and abstract themes) and were actually based on what I could see in the real world, like my thoughts would normally be. I could describe the images in full detail and knew exactly what was occuring in them down to every color detail, but they were still thoughts, and only thoughts. The real world never once changed the way it looked, so what I had was a train of thought led by these strange images in my mind's eye that were based on a normal reality. There was also a good deal of euphoria during the peak of the experience, of the kind that went very well with me rolling around in my bed sheets.
It occured to me after this that while I've read a good number of Amanita trip reports, I've only ever seen good descriptions of high dose trips or really strange occurences, and I'm not quite sure what to expect as far as some of the more basic effects go. Is what I experienced common in the trips? Either way, it was definitely an interesting experience being that out of it while still seeing the world in a normal way (at one point I was sure that my hands were alternatingly pulsing in and out of reality while changing size, even though I could see them completely fine - it was so convincing), and I plan to experiment with them again at some point.