shishigami wrote:For each extraction with 25g powder:
I brought the pH of 750 mL of water to 2.5 with HCl.
I added 250 mL of water to the bark and waited for a few days then filtered that into collection jar A. I repeated this twice more, waiting one week in between filtering.
IME 3 hrs boil is better than a week of cold soaking. I believe this is your mistake No.1
shishigami wrote:I then added 50 mL of water with 2.5g NaOH. The litmus paper showed a ph ~10 but I wasn't sure if that was right or not (the water had changed color to from brownish red->grey->inky black).
Color change is OK, but pH should be higher, especially with cold soak. 12.0 and higher would be more appropriate.
shishigami wrote:I added 75 mL of naptha shook a little bit and waited a day before I separated this from the basic water with a glass turkey baster.
DMT is only marginally soluble in naphta. You should've pulled each batch at least 3 times (I do 5 pulls). This is your mistake No.2.
shishigami wrote:There was a film which I scraped up which weighed ~40mg.
Considering your mistakes it's normal.
I suspect lots of spice may be still in your bark. I would do the following:
1. Combine all your basic aqueous solutions.
2. Acidify them to pH ~3.
3. Boil the solution for an hour.
4. Strain the liquid and let it settle.
5. Do steps 3&4 3 times.
6. Let all strained water settle for a day.
7. Reduce the solution to 200 - 300 ml and let it settle for another day.
8. Basify to pH ~12 or higher.
9. Pull at least 3 times with naphta (3 pulls 50 ml each). It is difficult to separate naphta with a turkey baster, so you may use more naphta per pull. But remember more smaller pulls is better than fewer big pulls.
10. Reduce your naphta to ~20 ml.
11. Gradually cool the naphta to room temp then put it in a fridge then in 3-4 hrs move it to a freezer. Slow cooling and freezing helps to grow bigger and cleaner crystals.
This will help you to extract all spice that is still stuck in mhrb.
Your later steps may have helped somewhat, and you may have extracted some spice, but your very inefficient smoking tek prevented you from getting appropriate results.
Some basic solution in naphta is not a problem. I get it all the time. It drops to the bottom and is clearly visible. Decant the naphta carefully and you will separate it easily.
shishigami wrote:I considered making the machine but wanted to see if what I extracted was DMT or not. So far I have had zero effects from smoking it twice.
You'll need a good smoking device anyway. Read the forum there are many interesting ideas. If you're not ready spend $100 on the GVG, that is Nexus favorite device, make the machine.
Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.