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Changafied with rue extract Options
#1 Posted : 11/11/2010 3:10:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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not sure where to put this but this may be a good place as any else

first harmala extract (on this site) and first experience with freebase before blastoff, very well recieved. Now i've got the ingredients for changa time.

Just put togethe my first changa with rue extract, not alot of info on rue freebase changa formulas (as one person had mentioned) so I thought I would add.

here's what i got

rue extract (saltd twice and freebased once to a lite grey khaki color)

+/- 1,000 mgs of material (parsley 60%, lavender 30%, and pinch of pa d' arco 10%)

+/- 300 mgs of spice (white-off white crystals freeze precip quality)

+/- 250 mgs of rue extract

91% ispropyl alcohol (CVS pharmacy style)

eyeballed the alcohol (in tall don tequila shot glass) to what I thought would cover the material in a bottom of a small glass ashtray i was going to use to infuse the material

warmed up the alcohol in a coffee cup with water microwaved to boiling (+/- 4 minutes in)

threw in the rue extract and stirred alot (about 70 percent dissolved, but not very well - I had actually put about +/-450 mgs of rue, but that seem like too much- so I halved the alcohol and topped if off (in the shot glass) with clean alcohol to get to the desired level for saturation of material and kept dissolving)

(just a note, the rue did not dissolve very well, I had read that a little vinegar would help, but I didn't want to get the vinegar smell or possibly get dmt acetate (might not have made a difference) - I did put a little vinegar in the left over rue/alcohol mixture that I halfed and the rue dissolved instantly - will try the vin/alc/rue changa formula next)

while the alc and rue mixture was still hot I three in the d and it dissolved instantly, let sit for a bit and mixed.

dropped the material in a small ashtray (very small little marlboro gift one cigarett ashtray about 2 inch across)
and covered the bottom

poured in the material, but there was alot of liquid it seemed, so i added more parsly to fill it out (to approx 1000mg of material)

mixed it up, and let sit. a few hours later I could see that the material had soaked up alot of liquid and I had a little bit of residue on the side of the glass (not bad, but still there)

Mixed it up some more and waited overnight. Next morning all liquid had been absorbed, but the material still felt a little wet and had slight alc smell. That evening get back and the material had a slight crystal sparkle, but was not covered in a dusty film. Felt a little spongy, but did not leave any liquid when squeezed and smelt very good, think of parsly with lavender with rue with spice, smells very earthy to me.

sooooooo.. wanted to wait for the weekend to try but got up the nerve to try my new batch of homemade stuff (this is supposed to be the nicer, gentler way to smoke spice, right?) tonight.

good idea? I think so!!

main smoking utensil is a small bong (8" hi) with glass one hitter in the stem (had a bigger bowl but was having problems with too much airflow and too mcu of the material being smoked while hitting the d)

packed just a very small amount (think of about a pencil eraser amount in the small bowl)

just got a cheapo torch lighter and use that worked well.

another note, smoking the changa was about 10 time easier than material with crystals on top, basically just like smoking the mj, but being more delicate on the heat. The changa material lite right up but didn't burn away too fast, like well cured mj buds. smoked perfect.

and the good part, wasn't sure what to expect, but it was more thanI expected for sure!!!

very nice uplift without being too overpowering (powerfull tho) and very forgiving mentally - the mix of rue and d is great and I don't think that I will ever go back to straight d (no 0ffense to d) but the rue adds another facet and depth that is hard to describe - alot more room to manuever and work things out.

someone described it as medicine and i agree, a great combo, rue extract freebase and changa mix.

has this combo been named? I know parsly isn't on the top of the list for material - but it hits clean and leaves the d to speak for itself while the lavender and d'arco makes a realtively fragrent and smooth smoke.

any suggestions?


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/11/2010 8:29:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 65
Joined: 05-Nov-2010
Last visit: 15-Aug-2014
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That sounds wonderful, thank you for sharing Smile
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