ok. done a couple small scale extractions (100mg) and had less than savory results. went big and feel like i did fairly well this time. first pics i've posted of my extractions. i'm inlcuding the tek if you want specifics (it has lots of pics...not mine fyi...found it somewhere?).
here's the general rundown:
3 hdpe gallon water jugs
1 lb mhrb
1 lb lye
half gallon water
sodium bicarbonate
epsom salt
add lye to water, let mix. add mhrb and a little warm water. let sit...shake...yadayada. you know that part. 400ml naptha pullsx4. put all 4 pulls in 2nd jug. get sodium carbonate water to ph or 9 or better. add. shake. get it out of there. another sodium carb wash. small tap water rinse (which i accidentally skipped). microwave epsom salt til it's dry. add to clean naptha pulls. once salt settles at bottom, pour off through filter into final gallon. let it freeze. i froze mine from saturday night until tuesday afternoon.
may not be the greatest yiled. had a few hiccups. naptha wouldn't separate. a couple people on here told me what to do (add more water, maybe some salt). by that time i was already irritated so i got a little sloppy and spilled some of the second naptha bath before i could even siphon it off. probably lost 200ml+ of the separated naptha.

oh well. i'm pretty proud of myself. thanks guys and look forward to asking you many, many more questions!!!
embrace your nothingness...it's all you are...