Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ok, well I just got my lye about 10 mins ago.... I'm wondering (because I don't have a scale/measuring cup) how I could go about doing an extraction with Lye/Naphtha? Do I just put the same amount of Lye:MHRB? In how much water? I read somewhere it is like 1g:15ml? Is that good? I have a pipette which has MLs on it, so I can do a rough guesstimate of the MLs. I do not, however, have pH testing strips (are they really needed? I could probably goto walgreens and get some? or cvs?) I'm only looking to extract from maybe 10-25g MHRB as this is my first time. Ugh wish I had a scale/measuring cup.... 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Click the link in my signature for the WIKI.. There you have the FAQ (very important read), and if you scroll down the main page you have all the extraction teks divided by categories/substance. Read a few teks, read the FAQ, and if after that, there is anything you dont understand, feel free to ask 
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
 Thanks endless, but I've read 'em all before. Just never done it, and it's different when your doing it and when your reading about doing it.... Anyways, I went ahead and started the process: Added Lye to water. (Started out as 150ml in two jars, so I tried to add ~10g lye each jar) Poured the jars into larger container. (So I could add the MHRB) Added MHRB, stirred. A lot of (what I guess would be emulsions? Formed) so I added slightly more water, and a lot more Lye, as when I added the Lye the "emulsions" seemed to go down. Here are some pics: (Ok I guess I did the img thing wrong..., so I put the links) http://i55.tinypic.com/29xzn1w.jpgThis is the "emulsions" I was speaking about. These are emulsions right? This was after adding some more lye. http://i54.tinypic.com/18y9sy.jpgThis is after I added even MORE lye. This looks right? The second pic is what it looks like now. I covered it (slightly so airflow can still get through) and am letting it sit. I'm pretty sure I've done it right? If not tell me what I did wrong (other than not knowing the exact measurements, I kinda just want to get the process down) Now my questions are: All I do now is add Naphtha to this, mix it around, and pull? Then evaporate? I'm planing on going the freeze precipitate route, so after pulling I know I reduce to about half, then freeze? Thanks 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 728 Joined: 09-Oct-2009 Last visit: 26-Jun-2024 Location: London
all looks OK to me - if you follow the teks closely then you will be fine, and every question you have asked has been asked in many threads before although, it looks like you have put your mix into an open top jar? it's going to be pretty difficult to mix that properly. you need a jar you can seal airight, so it can be rolled and mixed properly. Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Sic transit gloria mundi
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ahh ok, would it be possible (because I only have little like pint or half pint jars) to just transfer into those and then add naphtha to all of them, pull, repeat? Or should I just look into getting a single big container? I imagine the single container would be easier, but I wouldn't suspect it'd make much of a difference? Also, the container it is in actually has an airtight seal lid, its just a total RAWRRGH to get on but I could do it. Should I just do that? BTW: Thanks, and sorry if everything's been asked before, although probably asked in different ways and not to my understanding. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 728 Joined: 09-Oct-2009 Last visit: 26-Jun-2024 Location: London
I would imagine your yield will be much lower if you use an open glass and just stir the naptha in. The naptha has to come into contact with the mix to migrate the DMT into it, but as the naptha and mix will always try and separate (they are insoluble), this wont happen much unless you invert or roll the jar. I would use a jar with a proper seal. If you are planning to put a plastic cover on it, even if it is tight - don't. You will probably end up with your very caustic mix all over your floor, which is not good!! Invest a small amount of money in the proper kit with a proper seal and then it can be re-used as many times as you need. Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Sic transit gloria mundi
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Well, as in plastic seal, do you mean like plastic wrap? Or do you know the kinda bowl I got with the topper on it? Because I'm confused at how I'd get mix all over the place with the lid it has made for the bowl? I have jars I can use, and will probably just use them (just using many xD). Thanks. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 728 Joined: 09-Oct-2009 Last visit: 26-Jun-2024 Location: London
I mean unless the seal is tight like a jam jar I wouldnt use it. If is a plastic top like tupperware it might come off. Up to you though bro, just be cautious is all I'm sayin' Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery. Sic transit gloria mundi
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
ahh ok, no its a pyrex top. It seals airtight (not like gladware or anything lol) but I think the bowls wo tide and my turkey baster is to big to actually use the bowl to do pulls from. I've already started putting the mix into jars and adding the naphtha. Pictures will be up shortly! Thanks Ok heres some pictures: http://i53.tinypic.com/20kvy3m.jpgThis was the setup. I have a self-made funnel to load the mix into the jars with. http://i56.tinypic.com/ddpf1l.jpgThis is after the mix was loaded into the jars xD http://i55.tinypic.com/wcbzlv.jpgAnd I know its upside down, but you can guess this is after the naphtha was added. Atm, I'm just mixing them up; shaking, rolling, w/e... I notice that the mix is like a syrup xD pretty cool. Another thing: After shaking them, I notice some of them have almsot clear naphtha (which was what I was expecting?) and some have dark naphtha? Does the dark mean its not fully separated yet? I'm planning on waiting about an horu or so before I pull off the naphtha and add more. Is this seeming right so far to those more experienced? 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ok, going to pull the naphtha now. (Posting this to check time, forgot to look before  sorry for double post) Will put pictures up as soon as I'm finished! (Will just edit this post like I did the last one so as to not double post) Thanks Edit: Ok, while pulling I've noticed that there is almost always a "black dark wall" around the edge of the jar... how do I get this gone? On some jars I can pull the naphtha because I can see the line, although because of this wall I cannot pull it all, only some. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.

Posts: 981 Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Last visit: 13-Oct-2022
Plastic should be HDPE as this type is resistant to naptha/limonene. As should a baster, otherwise a glass baster can be used. Aluminum should not be used with lye, Google aluminum NaOH for some videos on that. HDPE milk jugs work well. A DIY scale can be made using household items. But thats only useful if you can measure milliliters of water. 1ml water = 1g. I am sure you can figure out how to do that. Maybe find a container with a known volume in milliliters to help. Like a drinks can or a juice bottle. Edit: Considering your exaction size, find something with a volume of 25ml and fill it with water. This can be use to balance out the bark weight. Double Edit: you'll need two equal containers. Then use the container of bark on the balance with a container of lye, to get the right weight of that. Just use enough water to make a solution, enough should be obvious as per the size of your mixing vessel. Dont forget room for the solvent. Just another quick thought... most shot glasses are 25ml right? Just be dam careful wobbling jugs of water and lye. You should already have gloves and goggles on, and a bottle of vinegar to neutralize any lye spills. I hope this helps. “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ok, well I dunno what question's you were answering there guy, but thanks  Edit: ahh I see, I'm good on the measurements, I'm just kinda doing a test run, see how it works, etc, etc. I have plenty of MHRB/Naphtha (although I used more lye than I though I would so I'll probably have to order even more) for more extractions. And for those I'll have a scale and correct measuring tools.  This is what I have now: This is the back crap I've been noticing, this is the worst of it on this jar, naphtha still pulled clean, but just wondering if this is common and if there is any way to get rid of it? http://i52.tinypic.com/1zycuop.jpgThis is the clean naphtha that I pulled (kinda low, like I said I couldnt get it all because I couldn't see, I used ~50ml in each jar of 5 jars....) http://i55.tinypic.com/2ihphxf.jpgAnyways, I added more naphtha and letting them sit for a bit, until I get more responses or just decide to go pull it off again. Thanks 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ok, well I pulled from the second pull... but I've noticed something. It seems to me as if the "mix" is actually like, "hard". I flipped teh jar upside down and there was a distinct line of air between the naphtha and mix... I shake it hard and hope it works. I just pulled my second batch and threw it in the freeze (it should go at least cloudy right?) I just hope I pulled DMT, as I'm not seeing any colors other than clear (and I've been reading of a yellows).... Any help would be great? Although I'm not sure what help could be given other than wishing luck! xD Thanks 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 457 Joined: 21-Mar-2010 Last visit: 06-Jun-2015 Location: Nowhere
Always remember kids, lye overkill is not only acceptable with extractions, but welcome in some cases. Don't worry too much about how much lye you use. Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous. Hate is the choice of a clouded mind. -"It takes humility to remember who we are"- "There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Uhm... ok thanks for that So are you saying that I should add more lye to make the mix more "wet" and less "hard/sticky"? Also... I just looked at the pull I put into the freezer.... there is a distinct yellow goo at a couple spots on the bottom which wasn't there from the beginning... I can take pics if needed... But I'm seeming to not get much help with the questions I've been asking, so I'll just continue to figure it out. Anyways, thanks. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Posts: 417 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 30-Jul-2022 Location: Hidden behind the obvious in front of you
Ok, so after waiting awhie, and thinking.... I believe I used to LESS water.... So I took all the jars, with all the "hard mix" scooped it out into my normal mixing bowl... added more water, a bit more lye... and viola xD I added more naphtha, pulled the rest first, and then topped it off, rolled it around, and now Im waiting on it to separate. Pic of me evaping... http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7813/alks.jpgThese are alkaloids I'm guessing? I got a VERY SMALL amount of cstals freeze-preciping, but they are there nonetheless.... probably .01g or something... I'll try it out later today xD 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
Posts: 36 Joined: 05-Oct-2010 Last visit: 04-Jul-2014 Location: Canada
1 gram per every 25 mls. "There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."