Get a GVG, or even just a VG if you can brother, nothing beats it! nahda! zilch!
Dosing low changes for everyone..some seem to really like it most of the time, and then others never do.
Some get mixed results. I think it all changes as ones relationship to the experience changes. I tend to stick to either high doses, or low doses, and generally avoid medium ones unless i've built up the effects over time and all is going well, and feels right. Because tip toe-in between 2 worlds can definitely swing the trip off track sometimes and its hard to steer it back on.
I actually had a pretty bad medium dose experience a few hours ago, and it was mostly (probably all?) set/setting related. Last week, the same medium dose just felt RIGHT, and it was beautiful and sooo clear. This week was opposite. Sitting in the sun I opened the valve to let in a little light: suddenly, a lot of unconscious baggage sprang up into awareness when i least expected it. Like an uncontrollable imagination explosion where you see your thoughts but can't get a handle on its unfolding. So strange how other times your mind can be clear as a nuns trousers. It was dealt with the best i could, but was definitely not what i'd call enjoyable. Now this place has a mind of its own for sure, but what you put into it is directly related to the output, to the experience itself. I was rushing and somewhat anxious for not having slept all night- which probably had a lot to do with it.
Most of the time I LOVE doing a low or sometimes medium dose while meditating or doing yoga, ESPECIALLY out in nature..oh my god. it is utterly magical and truly recalibrating. Those of you who dislike low/medium doses, maybe give it a try outside in the woods or a grassy meadow?
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"