So here's the crack, my name's Arfan and I'm a 4th year undergraduate at the university of Edinburgh. I'm currently conducting a research based dissertation on the relationship between drug use and religious/spiritual beliefs and practices. I'm particularly interesred in users of entheogens; why they use these substances, how they go about doing it, what their beliefs regarding these drugs are etc.
So basically I'm looking for people to interview, if anyone would be intersted I would be most grateful. The interviews are kept entirely anonymous, they last about a half hour and can be conducted in person, on the phone, via skype etc.
As for myself, I've been interested in entheogens for a number of years now and have had my fair share of experiences, the reason I'm conducting this study is because it's something I believe in, care about and obviously its something I want to know more about. Furthermore if we (as fellow practicers of certain "rituals"

can be better recognised in society as decent people and not mad junkies then all the better.
SO if anyones got any questions or would like to take part in this study please do let me know.
Thanks and I hope to hear from some of you soon,