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3rd eye , why? Options
#1 Posted : 11/1/2010 1:48:47 AM
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has anyone felt the 3rd eye vibrate after psychedelic use....the middle my forehead has had a buzzing vibrating feeling for a few weeks now after a heroic dose of lsd... is this really my 3rd eye ,if so is it opening? would love to hear what you guys think>

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#2 Posted : 11/1/2010 2:41:37 AM


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I cant say i as of yet have felt the 3rd, through i know it exists (i can imagine it being there as we speak)

i think its great after a psychadelic experience you have noticed it there, even better thruogh meditation Very happy
#3 Posted : 11/1/2010 3:11:23 AM

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SWIM felt some kind of liquid energy pumping up and getting concentrated somewhere in her brain just behind her forehead bone wall after just her first low dose of DMT.
SWIM says it felt like there was something long time left there inactive and suddenly it was filled with energy and turned on.
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#4 Posted : 11/1/2010 1:00:19 PM

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Prior to Iboga I was somewhat sceptical of third eye claims, it all sounded a bit new agey to me. But during my Iboga initiation my third eye opened in a very profound, clear and obvious fashion, and remained open for the better part of a day. An incredible and completely unexpected experience. Thus I believe firmly that we all have a third eye, whether we know it or believe it.
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#5 Posted : 11/1/2010 8:47:50 PM


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I have these strange brain sensations, feelings, whatever, sometimes when using certain psychedelics. Mainly cannabis and shrooms.
When I haven't smoked in a while, weed can be very intense, the other day I had 1 bucket and it was equivalent to something in-between an ayahuasca trip and LSA. Sometimes the intensity of my thoughts leads to this third eye feeling, it's like something is trying to rip through your head, or like I'm experiencing my brains electro magnetic field.

With the mushroom it's more like a small psychic drill, drilling into the middle of my forehead, or like something is being sucked out. It reminds me of the rotating of a double helix and I have found myself moving my limbs in this way as well.

We can try to weigh it all up in countless ways, but I've come to realise that "what" things are is unimportant and that it can be more helpful to look at it's meaning in relation to yourself and your view of the world. I'd like to hear more interpretations of this though.
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#6 Posted : 11/3/2010 5:57:37 PM
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The very first time i tasted spice i felt my third eye open. I was at my brothers apt. And i we just finished smoking a spliff. And he turned me on to DMT and told me all about it and showed me some and the pipe and all. Well there was a little residue in the pipe and he let me try it. I had no break through or anything like that. I got really really happy. My smile was ear to ear. and it felt like my head was cut around at my forehead. like if i turned my face to the right, the top half would spin the other way. like they were disconnected right where the third eye sits. I was sitting at a kitchen table during this and deiced to move to the couch right next to it. and when i sat down i felt like i was watching myself from an over the shoulder prospective
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
~Dalai Lama
#7 Posted : 11/4/2010 8:39:04 AM

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Try this meditation before going into hyperspace. It is very important to do a chakra cleansing AND very worth it. The cleansing goes like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngH_KJ7ess8&feature=fvw)

I like to do each chakra chant eight times. Four for the earth and four for the ascension.


When you end up getting some smoke(or whichever) with ya, look straight where you were looking during this meditation. oops.. have I said too much??
I also find it extremely helpful to imagine a brilliant white light filling the room protecting you from anything but the highest vibration. I alleviates any preflight fear, and connects you to creation and intention. try to feel anchored to the earth and connected to the Godhead at the same time.

If this is of any help and you want to learn more about techniques feel free to message me and I will be happy to give information I have collected and placed into use. This is an extremely brief explanation of the power that meditation has.
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#8 Posted : 11/4/2010 9:00:39 AM

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i kinda had this feeling the first time i traveled, it began with the ringing and slowly it felt as if the vibrations was moving towards the center of my forehead, i didn't think of it much till i read this Very happy
If God dropped acid, would he see people? ~Steven Wright
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#9 Posted : 11/7/2010 9:04:31 PM

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Interesting observation and question. I am not sure how the LSD is these days, but if it is anything like it was back in the sixties and seventies then I can definitely say you may have been totally opened up. You use the words "heroic dose", hmmm, yeap I have done that, too, and had symptoms, for lack of a better word, that lasted for quite some time. For me, when referring to the "Third Eye" it is more of a spiritual congnative sense than physical - Perception, inner and or outward. What are your thoughts and feelings after your experience? Do they tie into the physical sensation you described or are they not connected? I like the suggestion that you might want to meditate, do some cleansing, get focused with yourself. These are all very good suggestions. In the end, it has always been up to me, myself, to judge the outcome of such experiences and to follow the path perceived... Such as the path that was given to me Friday night during my San Pedro experience. It will take me some time to understand it fully, though it was truly a gift given to me from an ethereal entity, one that, for me, could only be found in the esoteric realm of "Third Eye" concepts. (man, that was a mouthful... forgive me. :~)
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