For those who use 69ron’s HCl tek on Torch powder, and then wash the crude extract with acetone and IPA (rather than recrystallizing):
* What is your source for Torch powder?
* What exact color and consistency is your extract after washing? After how many washes with each solvent?
* Concerning the already-washed extract: has anyone washed it again (one or more times) with MEK? If so, how many times did you wash with MEK? What exact color and consistency was your extract after washing with MEK?
* Do you use 69ron’s tek exactly as written, or do you titrate during salting? If so, to what pH do you titrate?
* And what exactly is the experience like for you, at what dosage(s) per unit body weight? (Or just what dosages do you use, and what’s your body weight?)
* If potency was satisfactory but the character of your experience was disappointing (like it was for my friend): if you don’t mind saying, what is a rough approximation of your age?