I like your intro essay, thank you for showing up!
Good info about zinc! Any particular reason why you posted specifically about this? And continuing on the subject: Do you have any idea what kind of impurities would be usually present in pure zinc ?
As for your words about yourself, im sure you're gonna be able to contribute, and you already started

I completely agree with you that its essential to integrate the psychedelic experience, hence why I give so much value to our health and safety section and the integration part.
Im sure a lot of us can relate that describing the psychedelic experience is very hard. I think the way to go about this is to, on one hand, find better ways of describing, whether by finding new words and expressions (sort of like the lexycon project is about), as well as artistically and so on. But also on the other hand I think we have to 'let go' and realize that we will never express it completely, that one has to live it to see, and that each experience is very unique. Going back to the integration part, I think that the key is that we let the psychedelic experiences we had speak to others implicitly by our actions. By being creative, by trying to keep our egos in control, by trying to be as self-aware and self-critical as possible, by being able to go beyond manifestations and see the 'light that shines behind reality'. I dont know, these are just some things that came to my mind.
You said you've had a liking for psychedelics, but you didnt mention specifically, did you try dmt/ayahuasca yet? What about extractions?
Anyways, hope to hear more from you soon...
See ya!