There really isn't enough info about what your doing here to give a real good guidance, but:
If you've basified your formula (or are using a STB technuque) that makes the substance within it volitile as it's in its freebase form. So, you could heat it to increase the solvent power of the naptha (all solvent holding power to retain solutes increases with temperature), but you don't want to exceed a certain temp. say 140-150F, or the substance in volatile freebase form will convert to vapor and be lost. Also use a better solvent such as heptane. Use a double boiler heating setup and a thermometer.
The safe to heat temperature of 140-150F, for the formula containing the freebase substance, is up for debate- or subject to the authority of a more knowledgable nexus member than myself.
Also, shake it up vigourously to intermix it. Re-check and increase your PH to break up any emulsions as needed, a PH of 12.5 should suffice to easily coax the substance into the warm nonpolar solvent without leaving a big blob of difficult to handle emulsion.
Repeat the process several times, and then check the contents of the solvent your seperating out for precepitaiton by evaping a small amount on a clean glass dish. When it dries and leaves no residue at all you'll know you've completed as many "washes" as are effective. Then condense the collected naptha by evaporation 'till its contents become saturated to the point of crystal formation. Then cover it and put it in the freeze.
Also most importantly don't forget to wear your safety goggles AT ALL TIMES when handling bases and base-basified solutions and agents!!!Don't risk your 1st and 2nd eyes by getting in too much hurry to open your 3rd eye!!! "Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."