I dipped a pH paper in lemon juice as a test, the color did not change much or obviously and I was in doubt when looked at the chart and found It's hard to determine which one is shares the most similarity in color to the paper...
I was thinking about getting a digital pH meter, something cheap and small (pocket/handheld). are these way too expensive? to what aspects pay attention when buying? generally guide me please. or I don't know maybe my pH paper is too old or poor quality and I'm better buying a new and better pH paper? The one I tested is way too old (maybe 7 years), I found it in basement with lots of dust on its packaging.
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.