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DMT sounds ? and a couple more questions Options
#1 Posted : 8/31/2008 4:55:00 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Hey guys..

So yesterday I brewed some 35g caapi with 9g strong jurema (all legal where I am, officer! hehe). First I´d like to mention that YUCK (!!!!), even after egg white cleaning, mimosa has the nastiest taste I´ve ever experienced!

So anyways, during the trip, I had some incredible auditory hallucinations. Do you guys ever get any kind of sounds?

It´s hard to describe, but it was some really futuristic electric-discharge alien cybernetic video-game insectoid weird-as-fuck kind of sounds... The only thing that comes a little bit close to it is some dark-psy music a friend once showed me..

Does anybody ever hear that? What do you make of it? It felt so damn real, like some alternate dimension of some kind.

On a side note, since im already making this thread, a couple other comments/questions :

Does anybody else also get a strange feeling in the throat later on during the trip after drinking ayahuasca/anahuasca ? Like some harsh something that feels stuck in the back of the throat. Also when I drink ayahuasca/anahuasca, many times my lips get somehow dry. I dont know if all of this is because of tannins and adstringency or something of the kind.. One thing I could drink which is perfect for this and im glad I prepared before is a watermellon juice. It works perfect, it´s so neutral and soft.

and lastly.. One thing I did that I recommend is ginger tea.. I dont mind purging/vomiting, but what I really dislike is this ´limbo´ feeling when you want to vomit and it just doesnt come, and there is this constant nausea and all.. So yesterday, I think in big part because of the ginger tea I drank before, I had very little nausea, even though at some point during the come-up I did vomit, but it came quickly and I easily got it over with.

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#2 Posted : 8/31/2008 5:07:18 PM

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Dagger wrote:
endlessness wrote:
Does anybody else also get a strange feeling in the throat when drinking ayahuasca/anahuasca ? Like some harsh something that feels stuck in the back of the throat.

That is most likely from mimosa tannins. My guess is that you have not been able to remove all the tannins. When you taste it, it should not stick to your tongue or throat. Sort of feels like it turns into sandpaper.

ah wait I didnt express myself well

I didnt mean in the exact moment of drinking ayahuasca, I mean more like, later on during the trip...

(I also get this when drinking normal ayahuasca and I even got this when taking rue tea with freebase dmt crystals) ..

but in any case, I do think indeed the egg white did not properly remove all the tannins, because at the moment of drinking the mimosa I did feel this sticking horrible feeling.. Im sure I removed some stuff because the egg white came out some disgusting dark greyish colour and the brew got lighter, but I guess there was still some tannins there..

but as I said, later on during the trip with ayahuasca I always have a bit of a strange sensation in the throat, and subjectively during the trip it feels more to be something do with the DMT, though I dont know if my subjective feelings at the moment are correct
#3 Posted : 8/31/2008 6:54:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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First on the taste of jurema; I have discovered that when you have taken MAOI's it tastes differently then when you have not (this is because i experimented a little with MHRB cold water infusion). When you have not taken anything like rue or caapi and you drink MHRB coldwater infusion, it doesn't taste awfull at all. It is because your body's defence system ( the MAO enzyme) is weakened, that your body experiences the MHRB in a different way; as a toxic substance it doesn't want to have inside of it, so when you drink it you feel all those muscles contracting, making these puke-movements allready before you have vomited and you feel a deep loathing for how it tastes and feels when it's on it's way to your stomach.
Then about the feeling in the throat; I posted a question on that same thing, earlier. I have this feeling with all tryptamines (but the least with ayahuasca, though). Somebody answered me that this is your bodies tryptamine alert.
The auditory halucinations then....Those are indeed incredible.
Sometimes it sounds to me, like somebody is drilling a hole through my skull, altough it doesn't sounds unpleasant. During this 'drilling' my body and spirit become totally one with the vibration. I have heard other people talk of the sound of a spaceship lifing off, and i guess they are talking about the same sound there. I compare it with drilling, because the sound get's so incredibly dominant. Not like something lifting of a mile away. When indeed it's a spaceship lifting of, you must be having your ears damn close to it's engines then. Normally i hate the sounds of engines and they give me a headache, but not this sound.
Other auditory halucinations i (very rarely) have are of high voices babbling with strange meaningless words that sound latin/italian like: hermamaroniparatila, or similar sounding words.
#4 Posted : 8/31/2008 9:03:14 PM

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Dagger wrote:

Then I usually just concentrate on it, and suck goo up from my throat and spit it out. Usually releaves nausea and the thing stuck in the throat. Will it work for you? Don't know, but might be worth a try Smile

I know what you mean about some of it just being a part of the come up (and these ´blocked energies´ or ´cleansing´ process.. I have no problem with that Smile This thing in the throat, though, is sort of curious. It did not feel like a part of the normal cleansing kind of manifestation.. Felt somehow more like some biological reaction of the body, kind of like the dry mouth and throat you mentioned. and it comes together with some sort of after-taste that I connect with dmt (also because I had the same thing when taking rue tea and pure freebase dmt, and also when taking normal ayahuasca, but could as well be something to do with the beta-carbolines or something).

Do you guys feel any thirst ? Like, if you drink something, doesnt it feel a bit peculiar? It´s actually even hard to put something down sometimes.. Thats why last time I learned that watermellon juice is one of the few things that can go down perfectly, better than water imo.. From now on I´ll always have a watermellon juice nearby if possible.

polytrip wrote:

First on the taste of jurema; I have discovered that when you have taken MAOI's it tastes differently then when you have not (this is because i experimented a little with MHRB cold water infusion). When you have not taken anything like rue or caapi and you drink MHRB coldwater infusion, it doesn't taste awfull at all. It is because your body's defence system ( the MAO enzyme) is weakened, that your body experiences the MHRB in a different way; as a toxic substance it doesn't want to have inside of it, so when you drink it you feel all those muscles contracting, making these puke-movements allready before you have vomited and you feel a deep loathing for how it tastes and feels when it's on it's way to your stomach.

makes sense. Like some sort of body reaction due to it knowing the mao ´defenses´ are down.. Maybe that is a part of the explanation.. Btw, when you experimented with MHRB cold infusion, how much did you use? Did it work good?

polytrip wrote:

Then about the feeling in the throat; I posted a question on that same thing, earlier. I have this feeling with all tryptamines (but the least with ayahuasca, though). Somebody answered me that this is your bodies tryptamine alert.

could also be something of the sort. That´s my feeling, that it was some sort of biological reaction. It´s been quite a while since I´ve taken some mushrooms so I dont remember, but in a couple of months picking season starts again.. Then I´ll check if I have this feeling with shrooms too.. With acid there is some sort of metallic after-taste, but its not the same.

polytrip wrote:

The auditory halucinations then....Those are indeed incredible.
Sometimes it sounds to me, like somebody is drilling a hole through my skull, altough it doesn't sounds unpleasant. During this 'drilling' my body and spirit become totally one with the vibration. I have heard other people talk of the sound of a spaceship lifing off, and i guess they are talking about the same sound there. I compare it with drilling, because the sound get's so incredibly dominant. Not like something lifting of a mile away. When indeed it's a spaceship lifting of, you must be having your ears damn close to it's engines then. Normally i hate the sounds of engines and they give me a headache, but not this sound.
Other auditory halucinations i (very rarely) have are of high voices babbling with strange meaningless words that sound latin/italian like: hermamaroniparatila, or similar sounding words.

pretty crazy, heh? I mean, ok probably neuroimaging exams would show the activation of the areas connected with audition in the brain, but it is still quite mysterious and it seems more than just ´random synaptic firing in auditory-related areas´...
#5 Posted : 8/31/2008 10:01:43 PM


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Hey Endlessness, S'up?

After our MHRB discussion (and your Ginger tea reminder, thx!) I did go ahead with the MHRB cold water infusion trial (following the consumption of 15 mg. Passion Flower which was in extract. Probably not enough for MAOi suppression but definitely potentiating in another way)
No throat thing, per se - but I was BLOWING MY NOSE, and lots of phlegm in the throat all day long!Well, it was educational, and for both the immediate nausea and for later on the tea was very soothing, but I still puked my guts out in the first .5 to 1 hour. Fine after that.
Regarding the sounds - oh yeah. Auditory sensations like pops and whistles, buzzes -vibratory sound/feelings.All quite familiar to me. Synesthesia maybe? I saw a neat article on TV about synesthesia last night. People who see colors and hear shapes etc. as part of their *normal* are as common as one out of 300 in the human population.

I don't really know what else to make of it, but it is FUN!Laughing
However I also have tinnitus from damage done to the eardrums supposedly from cancer chemotherapy. (Sitting inside a woofer at a concert when I was 16 so I could *feel* the base sounds didn't help either, I bet)
So I hear crickets and bells sometimes when I have not even consumed an aspirin. It's annoying if I let it be.

endlessness wrote:
Hey guys..

So yesterday I brewed some 35g caapi with 9g strong jurema (all legal where I am, officer! hehe). First I´d like to mention that YUCK (!!!!), even after egg white cleaning, mimosa has the nastiest taste I´ve ever experienced!

So anyways, during the trip, I had some incredible auditory hallucinations. Do you guys ever get any kind of sounds?

It´s hard to describe, but it was some really futuristic electric-discharge alien cybernetic video-game insectoid weird-as-fuck kind of sounds... The only thing that comes a little bit close to it is some dark-psy music a friend once showed me..

Does anybody ever hear that? What do you make of it? It felt so damn real, like some alternate dimension of some kind.

On a side note, since im already making this thread, a couple other comments/questions :

Does anybody else also get a strange feeling in the throat later on during the trip after drinking ayahuasca/anahuasca ? Like some harsh something that feels stuck in the back of the throat. Also when I drink ayahuasca/anahuasca, many times my lips get somehow dry. I dont know if all of this is because of tannins and adstringency or something of the kind.. One thing I could drink which is perfect for this and im glad I prepared before is a watermellon juice. It works perfect, it´s so neutral and soft.

and lastly.. One thing I did that I recommend is ginger tea.. I dont mind purging/vomiting, but what I really dislike is this ´limbo´ feeling when you want to vomit and it just doesnt come, and there is this constant nausea and all.. So yesterday, I think in big part because of the ginger tea I drank before, I had very little nausea, even though at some point during the come-up I did vomit, but it came quickly and I easily got it over with.
"If you rely only on your eyes, your other senses weaken."
- Frank Herbert, Dune
#6 Posted : 8/31/2008 10:19:10 PM


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Whoa Polytrip! Rather, *woowwoo!*

I can relate to both these auditory experiences. Very common for me, in most details. Both the spaceship vibes and the linguistic phenom.

Two questions for you: (and the rest of the Gang here too - jump right in!)
1. When I hear words like your *hermamaroniparatila, or similar sounding words* I understand and get meaning out of them, and sometimes I also answer back with comprehension. Surprised
Does this happen to you? Some would call this a pathological symptom, but I don't buy it.
2.Have you ever heard *Esperanto* spoken or otherwise? This is an modern artificial language supposedly borrowing from all the major linguistic groups, but looks very Latiny to me.

- FM

polytrip wrote:
I have heard other people talk of the sound of a spaceship lifing off, and i guess they are talking about the same sound there. I compare it with drilling, because the sound get's so incredibly dominant. Not like something lifting of a mile away. When indeed it's a spaceship lifting of, you must be having your ears damn close to it's engines then. Normally i hate the sounds of engines and they give me a headache, but not this sound.
Other auditory halucinations i (very rarely) have are of high voices babbling with strange meaningless words that sound latin/italian like: hermamaroniparatila, or similar sounding words.

"If you rely only on your eyes, your other senses weaken."
- Frank Herbert, Dune
#7 Posted : 8/31/2008 11:28:45 PM

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For me, It's this drone that becomes a ringing and it's not very high pitched or very loud. Like it started quietly, and then I think I focused on it more and more and drowned everything else out. I have goosebumps thinking about it. I focused on this sound, and my body was vibrating and buzzing the whole time, and then the sound kind of just engulfed me and I was transported. No rocketship blast off yet, just "click" and I was somewhere else, overwhelmingly white and nondescript, but I remember blues that I can't place and I'm fairly sure that it wasn't just white emptiness, I felt as if I was in a room, I just can't remember anything except white walls and floors, but there was black and blue somewhere. The tone was gone and I could hear myself breathing and nothing else, I felt completely lucid and normal for about 5 seconds, I realized that I was somewhere else and I paused my breathing and that's when I got scared and everything went crazy and I could hear the babbling and stuttering as something came pouring from me and I poured into liquid with it somehow, my wife was there and she poured out as well, then I was in some swirl with her and could hear pops, whoosh, whirs, all sorts of onomatopoeia. I heard my voice saying things later in my dream, heard my wife saying things, things that weren't said.

I kept thinking "This is what people meant when they were talking about it? This buzzing and whirring? Why would anybody want this? It's kind of scary." then I was transported and reality broke. I couldn't convince myself in the least that it wasn't real, it wasn't even a thought of mine. I was swallowed by the universe.
Thanks for reading my dream diary! I hope you found it interesting! LMBO!
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