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Question regarding extraction of THC from fresh Cannabis leaves. Options
#1 Posted : 10/17/2010 11:59:01 PM
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SWIM has quite a bag full of enormously sticky female Cannabis leaves, fresh off of a friend's just harvested plant.

SWIM also has some Diethyl Ether as well as Petroleum Ether laying around. Now he was wondering:
Could either of these solvents be used to efficiently extract THC or hash oil from the leaves?

If not then Boohoo and could anySWIY tell SWIM what (relatvely easily obtainable)solvent he might need to make a safe, healthy THC extract?
(SWIM has heard of using liquified Butane gas as a solvent to extract hashoil, but isn't sure if it's safe to use; Wether or not it leaves toxic residues and whatnot..)


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#2 Posted : 10/18/2010 12:18:16 AM


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Butane is good
Naptha is good
any alcohol is good.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#3 Posted : 10/18/2010 2:26:00 PM
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Thx Shadowman,

Allthough SWIM is still wondering: Can DiethylEther or PetroleumEther be used for THC extraction from Leaf?
If so he can get started right away.
If not then he should try to obtain Butane, Naptha, IPA or Ethanol.

Butane; Can be bought in cans as refillable lighter gas if SWIM is not mistaken? Is such lighter refilling Butane pure and not polluted with toxic admixtures?
Naptha: Is not sure under what name this would be sold in The Netherlands. But SWIM's friend knows very well how to obtain Naphta.
Ethanol: SWIM's read here and there that foodgrade ethanol is sold as everclear grainalcohol in liquor stores. Is this True?

SWIM is still hoping he can use Diethyl ether or Petroleum ether for THC extraction, so can anyone tell if this will do the job?
#4 Posted : 10/18/2010 2:53:49 PM

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A butane extraction of THC is some of the purest honey oil you'll ever smoke.

You have to make a pipe bomb looking contraption to do the extraction.

Here is a quick how-to : http://www.erowid.org/pl...is/cannabis_info13.shtml

I've also heard that acetone can be used for something similar but it will have more fats in the end product.

I'm not sure about the diethl ether or petro ether. If you have an abundance of leaves, why not experiment a little and post the results?
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#5 Posted : 10/18/2010 4:30:51 PM

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soxhlets work really well with 91% IPA
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#6 Posted : 10/18/2010 5:53:40 PM
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Thanx Melodic Catastrophe,
This indeed is the very same Method using Butane that SWIM has heard of before.

SWIM has purchased 2 cans of butane sold as refillable lighter fluid.
SWIM also happened to have alot of PVC pipe laying around.
SWIM will have to improvise the pipe-caps though. Perhaps he can use scizzors and fire to reshape plastic bottle caps into pipe-caps, or would these be dissolved by Butane and mix with the hashoil?

For experimental purposes SWIM will soak some chopped up Leaves in Diethyl Ether in a glass 1 liter bottle for a couple of days,
stirring it rigorously every now and then. To see if the Diethyl Ether extracts any hashoil and wether it contains more or less fats/impurities than the Butane extract.
#7 Posted : 10/18/2010 6:38:24 PM

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The main reason to use the PVC fittings is because there will be a lot of pressure inside, and you don't want the end caps popping off halfway through.

The fittings are really cheap at any hardware store, so it's worth the extra trip out.

As far as the ether goes, it will be interesting to see what happens. I know that the end result of the butane extraction really does look like golden honey. So if it has a greenish tint, then it's definitely picking up more than the thc.

I hope it goes good for ya and remember to be safe with the butane while it's in the PVC and while it's evaporating from the collection dish. Potentially dangerous stuff if proper ventilation isn't used.
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#8 Posted : 10/18/2010 6:56:21 PM


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honey oil is lovely, but dosen't strech far enough for me.. started making some strong cannabutter instead and just freezing most of it.
Eating cannabutter in high dose is the way forward, makes it really psychedelic for me.
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#9 Posted : 10/18/2010 8:55:02 PM
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SWIM will get said pipe-caps tomorrow.
SWIM has 2 cans of Butane lighter gas that together total 600 ml of Butane gas.
SWIM now has a glass bottle with serveral buds, with leaf still attatched chopped fine floating in a generous amount of Diethyl Ether.
Every now and then SWIM shakes and mixes the contents properly. The Diethyl Ether has picked up heaps of chlorophyl, looking almost like
slightly dilluted green ink.

Tomorrow SWIM will set up the pipe-contraption as well as perform another experiment, soaking chopped cannabis in Petroleum Ether in another glass bottle.

SWIM has enjoyed high and medium dose space cakes, made with Cannabutter, but allways becomes gruwesomely tired and sluggish from it.
The higher the dose the more numbing and the more lethargic the experience it seems to SWIM.
SWIM reckons that space cakes made from rediculously THC rich cannabutter, combined with a relatively powerfull stimulant could make for a more awake and aware THC experience.
Perhaps Cannabutter cakes with additives such as ground Coffee beans, ground Cola Nut, Ephedra, ground Cacao beans or combinations of those could make for a cake that induces a deep, psychedelic THC experience without it forcing one to sleep.

But back to the topic at hand:
SWIM wonders if the hashoil yielded from the Butane-pipe extraction is suitable to vaporise in a typical crystal DMT-vaporising pipe?
#10 Posted : 10/18/2010 10:21:54 PM

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SWIM did oil many times in the past.. in swim opinion almost best/non toxic/eco friendly/cheap oil is oil extracted with grain alcohol or ethanol.. he really doen't noticed very difference between ethanol oil and burane honey oil.in his country butane cans are small and costs a lot,and even is difficult to get real pure butane gas, so i suggest you to use alcoo
the secret to get pure oil is shake and wash your leaves fast with maybe 10-15 C temperature of alchol...the faster you do it the berrer will be the product. with this method swim produced amber coloured and clear 'glass oil' it was so pure and thingt that it cristallize into a rock candy chunk of sweetness Laughing Cool
secret is use dry weed imo..to get it solid,very good filtration,with lab filter paper and good purge of alcool from plate dried oil
if you obtain one of theese candy you will be fine for a while that's sure!Wink
you even could use 1/4 oil and 3/4 dried sieved kiff to obtain a really good and tasty full specrum hash,with some contaminants that in swim opinion will reward you on tasteness and management of this sticky as hell stuff

sometimes swim did 'spice' too with oil almost alcool free, putting spread tobacco on it and than evaporate alcol left--> roll and enjoy
Tz'is aná
#11 Posted : 10/18/2010 11:30:56 PM
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Thx DiMiTrix,

Is SWIY sure drying sticky leaves isn't going to seriously degrade the present THC?
Or would degradation only occur if it were heatdried or overexposed to light?

SWIM was a little concerned about how much hashoil he can extract using 600 ml of butane. SWIM has quite a remarkable amount of Cannabis plant material.
He was thinking of either using a longer PVC pipe(1 meter or more) or using 2 PVC pipes each 45 cm long to be able to use more Cannabis to extract with the Butane.

SWIM also wondered if it weren't alot more effective to mix the liquified Butane and the Cannabis more efficiently than just letting it run through the pipe once?
SWIM imagines buying 4 pipe-caps could solve this. 1 pair is drilled through with holes, the other pair has no holes. First attatch the single-hole-cap at the top and a pipe-cap without any holes at the bottom of the cannabis filled pipe, then spray in the Butane and replace the top-cap with a cap without a whole. If this closes properly the pipe can be shaken and turned upside down every now and then. Then, after some serious mixing and some 30 minutes, one could keep the pipe upside down and replace the bottom-cap with the pipe-cap with many holes + cotton rag as filter. Then turn right-side-up again to drain the hashoily Butane into a container below. Wouldn't that increase yields ALOT?
#12 Posted : 10/19/2010 12:12:11 AM

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Or would degradation only occur if it were heatdried or overexposed to light?

yes. completely dry plant material in a cool, dry, dark, drafty place.

a lot of people have good results using butane, but i would not use it, especially with PVC. (my research showed a fair/not recommended status for chemical resistance) this is telling me, that butane may etch and slowly dissolve some compounds in the Poly Vinyl Chloride. ==YUCK! if u must use solvents for thc extraction, then buy a section of ss pipe for your extractor. u did say u wanted to be safe, right?

i would recommend ice water and silk screen bags to make the finest hash, then purify with ice cold dry ethanol.
#13 Posted : 10/19/2010 12:54:58 PM
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Thx again,

What would ss pipe be? SWIM has been concerned that PVC may be partially dissolved by solvents too.
To avoid that problem, but still be able to use Butane, wouldn't it be possible to just put the Cannabis into a Glass bottle, Spray Butane in there through a tiny hole in the cap, mix/shake properly and drain out through a cheesecloth or Cotton cloth into seperate jar/container?

This would replace PVC with non-reactive glass. Would this work to extract THC efficiently from the leaves?

#14 Posted : 10/19/2010 7:03:51 PM

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if you really want do BHO (butane honey oil) don't use pvc but maybe PE (swim saw many cans of butane of this stuff) but imo better is glass or stainless pipe,maybe copper is good too but really dunno if butane could dissolve copper oxide, so better you don't use it
f you have bags,ice hash is best of any oil imo,better taste too and almost same stone..
anyway if you really want butan buy some good colibrì brand or triple purified butane as king brand 'hash masta' is one of best oil master imo,check his threads on the web Cool
Tz'is aná
#15 Posted : 10/20/2010 12:33:49 PM
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Why? Would lighter fluid cans sold as Butane contain non-butane contaminants? If so that would suck Monkey balls.

SWIM will defenitely take his time to ensure that his hashoil will be pure, uncontaminated and harmless to consume.
Also if components of PVC might dissolve into Butane liquid, something SWIM has been suspecting, he thinks he could try and score some PE-pipes to perfrom the extraction with instead.
SWIM thinks metal pipes may be not so ideal due to the possibility of oxide-layers dissolving into the solvent.

SWIM thinks it is likely he will find PE pipes at the plumbing store nearby. He's not sure what SS-pipe, something biopsylo mentioned, is. Is it some type of Styrene? Suppose he could ask the people working at the Plumber store if they have either PE-pipes or SS-pipes with pipe-caps of the same material.

Is SWIY sure no components of PolyEthylene or SS(Whatever material this may be) are able to dissolve in liquified Butane?
SWIM would prefer a glass or pyrex tube/pipe, but these would be harder to find. SWIM wouldn't mind paying some extra money for a proper glass or pyrex
extraction tube that SWIM could use for countless extractions, but PE pipe or some other pipe of synthetic material that won't dissolve in nor react
the slightest bit with liquified Butane gas are more readily available (Plumbing shop in SWIM's street.)

So what would the SWIM-team advise? Is PE or SS safe enough that SWIM should buy it and use it in the extraction? Or should SWIM leave the Synthetic pipes for what they are and not start his extraction untill he has obtained a glass or pyrex pipe with caps/plugs?
#16 Posted : 10/20/2010 1:59:15 PM

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google: butane chemical compatibility chart

good luck, tell us how it went (pictures welcome Razz )
#17 Posted : 10/20/2010 2:39:25 PM
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Thx endlessness,
A quick google search gave SWIM this: http://www.thcfarmer.com...ke-extraction-tube-8920/
It sais several metals, such as alluminium and titanium, are excellently compatible with Butane, meaing ( as far as SWIM understoodm from that site) they will not react with Butane and no oxides will dissolve in Butane.

If this is true then SWIM's best bet is to get a cheap, 1,5 meter aluminium tube at the hardware store for his Butane Honey Oil extraction.

Once he has the tube he would like to get started straight away, but needs one more thing clarified;
Is the Butane in the lighter fluid cans likely to be pure Butane or is there any reason for SWIM to expect it to be mixed with Contaminants?

PS: And sure SWIM will provide pictures to share with the Nexus.
#18 Posted : 10/20/2010 4:54:47 PM

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pe will work nice i think..purity butane test: spray some milliliters of your butane on a clean glass or better a mirror,if it leave a stain when evapped it means you butane is impure
Tz'is aná
#19 Posted : 10/20/2010 10:51:11 PM
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SWIM obtained a nice Aluminium tube, 2,8 to 3 mm in diameter and about 1 meter long.
He found a winebottle cap which he assumes is aluminium allthough he can't be sure.
Even if it isn't Aluminium; This will be the top-cap with the single hole to spray Butane through so it'll hardily come into contact with the Butane at all.
SWIM hasn't found any other suitable cap, so he's thinking of closing the top end off with a tightly spun Cotton rag instead of a cap with several holes.

And thx DiMiTrix, this is the same way SWIM tested Petroleum Ether to see if it would leave impurities behind. Stupid of SWIM to forget.
#20 Posted : 10/21/2010 1:51:04 AM

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How foodsafe is the butane in the end?..I had a french friend and his uncle used to make tons of honey oil from all the leaf clippings and give it to me and him..he always used iso though and refused to use butane becasue he was convinced it made a less healthy end product..I know people just evaporate it to see if there is residue but still I wonder..

I always used 99% iso and made really nice oil from the leaf I had from my plants back when I grew it..sometimes I would take all the bud leaves that were covered in trichomes and chop them up a bit and then evaporate the iso oil onto it wile stirring it around..kinda like changa..it was soo easy to smoke in my pipe that way or roll joints.
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