So AFOAF told me he recently tried a STB extraction on 250 grams of bark. It was his third extraction. He used a blender to powder the bark then used around 3.2 liters of water and 300 grams of lye.
The whole stuff laied for 24 hrs in 2 jars , being shaken once in a while. He then proceeded to put the jars in a hot water bath and to multiple pulls with lighter fluid(the only solvent one can get around here) .
Around 300ml solvent were used in total. Afterwards he did a sodium carbonate wash on the solvent. then he evaporated around 2/3 of it and afterwards placed the solvent in the freezer for around 24 hours. What he was left with were 2.3...2.2 grams of yellowish crystals and some red goo like substance in a small amount. The smell seems ok but the red goo is probaly there because of the whole warming up the jars thing.
All these things aside, is 2.3 grams an ok yield for a STB?
Also, this FOAF intends to buy some limonene and fumaric acid for future uses. do you guys think the extra hassle involved in a FASW or FASI is worth recycling the solvent? Thanks in advance and it's good to be here