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The essence of God. Options
The Centre
#1 Posted : 10/11/2010 2:48:05 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: South Africa, Mossel Bay
I will use my trip report of my first two experiences of the molecule as my introduction:

At first I was granted some Salvia Divinorum 10x extract in two separate dosage packs, as well as two doses of some medium strength changa. A friend sent it through the mail.

I told another friend I'll share some with him, but I first want to test it.
I decide I'll try the Salvia 10x first. I empty the dose into my trusty deep bowled tobacco pipe, and I start to inhale, I inhale super deep, and I keep it in for 40 seconds. I blow out, and I take another toke, this time I finish it, and I also keep it in for 40 seconds. There is an enormous buzzing sensation, almost like an earth quake, but more like an total atmosphere quake, but that is it. No transformation, just that huge quake. A silent voice telepathically tells me to mix the salvia and the changa, all of it, and to smoke it all, and to call my friend saying he won't be getting any. I call my friend and I pack the bowl.I do this before the quake dissipates, and I inhale, deep, deeper, deeper, the neccesity to breathe seems to dissapear. Things start to get weird, but with an enourmous sense of urgency I keep on going. My face starts to become fractal, but I keep on going, till I finish it all.
I forget to close my eyes. I forget I have eyes. Two entities seem to appear on either side of me, but they are not what I expected, the fill my entire vision. I got the impression it is the DMT and Salvia spirit.

For some reason I stand up and go inside, but I leave the door open. Damn, things are strange here. Something tells me to go outside. I leave my room and go outside. Nope, strange here too.
I go back inside, I leave the door again. As I reach my room I feel something is wrong, and I go back to close the door, I am totally caught in a loop here. This all seemed like a massive torture, and then I remember: I had some strange thing called salvia divinorum. (Forgot completely about the changa)
I decide the best thing to do is to just lay down and close my eyes and let it ride.

It is now what I am shown a strange infinite dimentional circular book containing all knowledge in existance. I later learn this is the Akeshic records.
In any case, this record shows me millions of things, but that which left the biggest impression was the faces of the two people I love most. The rest is too personal to say here.

Things start to fade, I see various 4d structures and equations regarding the shape of the universe, the structure of DNA, and many other things.
I call my friend and I tell him he doesn't exist, and neither does anybody else, including myself.

Now, after that, I am granted a very special creation by Professor8.

Greetings all and welcome to Fulcanelli’s Folly.
Welcome to the den of discovery where the furnace flame of truth burns away the darkness from any who dare enter. I have decided to reopen this long forgotten chamber because it is time for the secrets of ancient wisdom and alchemical experience to be shared by the initiates of our sacred order: {IJ}Thunder

A member has come forth with stories of brave and fearless journeys.

We Acknowledge his accomplishments and are further intrigued by his boasts of high.

CENTRE Please step forward Wink

Strong words spoken in our hallowed halls; but born of the heart they are.

We, therefore, would like to grant his request for extended and soulful travel in the underworlds of Hyperspace.
You have been gifted with 2 portions of Fulcanelli’s Insight.

A Magick Changa blend of 11x Caapi infused Mullein spinkled with pure hamine, the soul of Anubis captured
Alchemical Gold infused 1:1 with the gods' own spirit to sharpen the mind and embolden the heart to new Heights.

*** You are tasked to assay and report back to the order of your experiences ***

Before carrier pidgeon is dispatched post haste and
as an initiated member of {IJ}Thunder , Do you accept this Quest?

Well then, this arrives in the mail and I go to my favourite beach, a place where I had many moments of great joy, high accomplishments, and harrowing experiences, and many other things while surfing it's great waters.

I walk along a path and go down to where I think I am going to do it, and I flip a coin to ask if I should walk further or do it now. It says I should continue.
I end up meeting a paraplegic man, (He lost the one arm completely and a leg above the knee in a motorbike accident.) and a guy with dreadlockes. An converstation is initiated where I complement the guy with the dreads on his dreads and he compliments my didgeridoo.
I find out the paraplegic man has done 20g of mush before, and went to the Amazon jungle and did Ayahuasca.
I thought: What is the chances of that, I have only personally met one other person who has done ayahuasca, or even knows about DMT, all the others where through an close knit internet community. So I thought, perfect, a trip sitter.
We ended up smoking a joint of lovingly grown marijuana. (I'll never smoke anything else anymore, I don't smoke weed really anymore, but if someone offers me something they grew themselves, I have a policy, nothing that is received in thanksgiving can be rejected.)
Anyway, I decide it is the perfect time to do it, and I load the pipe. There was a crystal in the vial and I let it drop in, it served as an diffuser.
I inhaled the entire dosage in one blast. 50mg spice, 50mg 11x spice sprinkled with 33mg harmala. It felt like nothing on my lungs, I kept the whole thing in for a minute.

What came next is completely indescribable, so I will keep it short.
I split in two.
I became an intense infinite geometric pattern.
I was shown the akeshic records again with the faces of the two most important people in my life.
I realized the point is not to be at the top or the bottom that counts.
And in general I had the most intense and indescribable experience of my life.

But what is most interesting is what happened straight after the experience.
I gave the other dose to the paraplegic man. I realized that my destiny is to become a nature photographer. I saw everyone is wearing a mask and they got so used to it they do not even know it. I knew this because I was putting on a mask for everyone else since I was still on a 1000g mushroom trip 30 minutes later, but that was NORMAL compared to where I was earlier, so it was fairly easy to do so.
And when I finally got to strength to play my didgeridoo, I played the best music I have ever played. My ears where so sensitive I could hear the difference between pointing it to a rock, my shoes, the sand, or straight in the air. I cannot usually do this, but it was incredibly clear.
My respect for these two people sky-rocketed.
And best of all, I resolved the great conflict in me, and realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be. (I wanted to take a very risky move, but I only later found out that would have been detrimental. Later though a dream made me doubt again where I want to be, but the move would have been somewhere else. I realized again when looking back at the experience that I want to be here right now.)

All in all, while I can say not a single one of my experiences was what I would call enjoyable, euphoric, or anything less than terrifying, I learned a great deal, got more peace of mind than I had in my entire life, got rid of much inner and outer conflict (yet it is still far from gone.) and also quit cigarettes and habitual marijuana use.

A little more info on myself:
I am an University student in Agricultural studies.
I am a dedicated surfer.
I am a philosopher since early childhood. (The earliest thing I can remember was at age 7 I wondered what it would be like and if it was possible to switch conciousness with another person. I also wondered if School could ever be replaced by a pill or an program of some sort. The second one proved to be possible. Laughing )
I love music, especially Beethoven, Wagner, Shpongle, Oliver Shanti, and various other classical and psychedelic music. (By psychedelic I do not mean trance, but anything from Shanti to Shpongle to Didgeridoo to chants to shamanistic drumming ect.)
I play the didgeridoo.
I was privileged enough to learn meditation at 7 years old.
I sometimes wonder if I am Einstein reincarnated. Laughing
I cannot relate to 99% of people my age, nor 95% of the rest of the population.
I find the people on this forum are probably also Einstein reincarnated, and probably also cannot relate to 95% of the population.

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#2 Posted : 10/12/2010 1:03:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member


Posts: 2807
Joined: 19-May-2009
Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Hey bru, welcome to the Nexus

Nice to see another South African join the forumSmile lekka lekka!!

BTW, posting drugs through the mail is not the brightest of ideas.
#3 Posted : 10/13/2010 12:24:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi The Centre

The Centre wrote:

Now, after that, I am granted a very special creation by Professor8.

Greetings all and welcome to Fulcanelli’s Folly.
Welcome to the den of discovery where the furnace flame of truth burns away the darkness from any who dare enter. I have decided to reopen this long forgotten chamber because it is time for the secrets of ancient wisdom and alchemical experience to be shared by the initiates of our sacred order: {IJ}Thunder

A member has come forth with stories of brave and fearless journeys.

We Acknowledge his accomplishments and are further intrigued by his boasts of high.

CENTRE Please step forward Wink

Strong words spoken in our hallowed halls; but born of the heart they are.

We, therefore, would like to grant his request for extended and soulful travel in the underworlds of Hyperspace.
You have been gifted with 2 portions of Fulcanelli’s Insight.

This is one of the strangest TRs I've read. Fulcanelli's Folly and Fulcanelli's insight, hmmmm... I would never expect to find the foremost 20th Century Alchemist (note the capital 'A'Pleased cited in this forum. Specially in a TR!

Care to elaborate where this came from? Wink

"The elfclowns of hyperspace are already juggling in the center ring. Hurry! Hurry!" T.M

The Centre
#4 Posted : 10/13/2010 6:03:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 112
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Location: South Africa, Mossel Bay
That was a quote from the guy who sent the DMT to me as an initiation rite. He called the preparation Fulcannelli's Insight as a reference to his reported discovery of the philosophers stone.
He called the initiation itself Fulcanelli's Folly as an emphasis on the impossibility of comprehension of the experience itself.

You should hear some of the other stuff he said later in the thread...

Funny enough a lot of what he said was conveyed to me through prophecy before this actually happened, through an entirely different form of symbolism that matched perfectly with his form of symbolism in meaning, but coming from fairly opposite cultures.

On a separate note, I would like to say that I am a Christian, but a very much different Christian to the normal church goers or the gnostics. I feel I understand that Christ came to let us understand God is in everything, and that all Religions either worship God or the Ego (The Christians call the ego Satan.)

I also understand that the punishment of being thrown out of paradise was there not because Adam and Eve ate some fruit, but because they tried to hide from God, by making the first forms of an house and clothes.

To quote Jesus Christ when asked "when will the kingdom of God come?" by his disciples: "It is already here."
Jesus Christ was God incarnate, but remember, he called us his brothers. He is in us and we are in him. The Bible (which is quite possibly the most misunderstood text in history.) states that we are the Temple of God. We have just been corrupted my our own ignorance of this fact. And the word ignorance stems from the word ignore.
God is not separate from us, but he is greater than us. The only time this is understood fully is when under the influence of either spontaneous divine insight, or under the influence of DMT.
The Centre
#5 Posted : 10/13/2010 6:16:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 112
Joined: 13-Aug-2009
Last visit: 06-Nov-2010
Location: South Africa, Mossel Bay
gammagore wrote:
Hey bru, welcome to the Nexus

Nice to see another South African join the forumSmile lekka lekka!!

BTW, posting drugs through the mail is not the brightest of ideas.

I agree, but it was offered to me and also it was sent along with some other crystals. Here in South Africa they will not even know what it is mate. If I was living in the US I wouldn't ever consider it.
I read in "Die Beeld" that our crime scene investigators are told to watch CSI to learn how to investigate crime scenes. Rolling eyes

Anyway, I'm willing to spend 7 years in prison for DMT. My entire lifetime feels like nothing compared 1 second in hyperspace.
#6 Posted : 10/13/2010 7:04:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
7 years in a South African jail, hmmm thats gonna hurtSmile Jabu and Bongani are gonna have some fun, lol.

I know that the system in south africa is screwed up, just dont want any lurkers to get any crazy ideas.
The Centre
#7 Posted : 10/13/2010 7:41:12 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: South Africa, Mossel Bay
gammagore wrote:
7 years in a South African jail, hmmm thats gonna hurtSmile Jabu and Bongani are gonna have some fun, lol.

I know that the system in south africa is screwed up, just dont want any lurkers to get any crazy ideas.

Yea, hahaha.

But hey, do you think after obsessing about DMT for 3 years and then getting the chance to take some of the most powerful changa known to man that I was going to say no?

In any case, do you think they have the equipment to test for DMT in Mossel Bay? My name wasn't even on the parcel, just: The Centre... How will they know it wasn't sent to the wrong mailbox with their screwy system.

BTW, I wonder what would happen if someone slipped 200mg of Harmaline and 200mg of DMT into Zuma's drink...
Twisted Evil
#8 Posted : 10/14/2010 9:00:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member


Posts: 2807
Joined: 19-May-2009
Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
The Centre wrote:
BTW, I wonder what would happen if someone slipped 200mg of Harmaline and 200mg of DMT into Zuma's drink...
Twisted Evil

And another example of a not so bright idea!!
Please take a read through the attitude page, talk of posting changa through mail and spiking peoples drinks does not go down very well here.
The Centre
#9 Posted : 10/14/2010 9:07:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 112
Joined: 13-Aug-2009
Last visit: 06-Nov-2010
Location: South Africa, Mossel Bay
gammagore wrote:
The Centre wrote:
BTW, I wonder what would happen if someone slipped 200mg of Harmaline and 200mg of DMT into Zuma's drink...
Twisted Evil

And another example of a not so bright idea!!
Please take a read through the attitude page, talk of posting changa through mail and spiking peoples drinks does not go down very well here.

Ok. But hey, I was talking about Jacob Zuma here. (For those of you who don't know who Jacob Zuma is, he is the president of South Africa, and he was held on trail for corruption prior to his election, and an associate was jailed for corruption. When he became president he immediately released his associate. Oh, and did I mention he never passed the 3rd grade, and he also has unprotected sex with an HIV positive person and then he showered thinking it will prevent him from getting HIV. Not to mention he is currently trying to make free speech illegal.)

I won't mention mailing DMT again. And just to clarify, spiking the presidents drink was completely hypothetical, and won't be mentioned again.
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