
in a sense it's like fun having the memory of a big crazy looking science experiemtnt before it
when I was going under, I felt that I'd done it before and it had been with the same friend but long ago.. but I remembered that I hadnt.. but then looked back and it was that me and my friend had done it millions of years ago together
then everything in world was one thing in relationship with nothing.. the scenario of myself and my friend having done it before, I realised that it was me.. the space.. and it was the world/life I had done it befopre with
it doesnt feel like I did something, just that the two side became seen.. it was another occurance of it happeniong with patterns leading towards it and after it
one thing is that it feels like tonight, 2 people in the room did it once, but the other side of it..the emptiness had 2 massive trips in an hours :o .. its not millions of years ago.. it's probably doing it again somewhere now :o the humans are giving god a million dmt trips