Hello and good afternoon as the time of now states during this post.
I wanted to ask a specific question to see if anyone has had a similar experience.
Setting before 'going in'
-Weeks before hand I have been practicing asanas, meditation, and mantras. Chanting also has been incorporated. I feel like a sponge as information that my mind is seeking reveals itself in my daily life.
The night I went in (and I want to see what others think about this) I had taken around 5 doses of LSD. Opening my crown chakra and connecting me to a more collective consciousness. While it was open full towards the end of the LSD trip there was a glowing red orb outside of my bedroom window. I had a intuitive thought that it was some sort of galactic communication letting me know that they were there and it was time. (later I found out it was the solstace) Without pre planning the journey the thought came to me in a flash to have an experience.
The onset hit me with 40mg white crystalline form. The yoga took over automatically and I was told by the entities to twist sideways slowly in a stuctured manner. As I was twisting over two overlapping alien seeming entites (one in the forefront and one behind him, the one in the front was trying to pull me in while the one in the back was giving him the okay to do so) the front entities arms stretched over to my body pulling me closer. I had to physically move as he tried to pull and wave me through. I was submursed in a Gooey water like liquid that made a sound like this (I was 'led' to this sound two days after this experience)
http://soundcloud.com/herobust/chewy-bakka when ever I was requested to move into the entities.
The rooms I was in flipped upside down as my eyes were closed, then rotated into a 5th dimentional realm.
It felt like every movement into the goo was cleaning my spirit.. I made it as far as I could go with my upper body but stopped moving into it because I thought the portal shift was already finished. What I failed to realize is that I needed to STEP through and into it.
Open to anyone. Would love to hear if anyone else has had anything like this??
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."