DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 08-Oct-2010 Last visit: 09-Dec-2011 Location: austin, tx
Whats up my fellow psychonauts. I'm new to the community and look forward to contributing in my own way. Swim is preparing for his first extraction and has a question about one of his improvisations. He could not find a glass turkey baster for separation, but he was randomly in the automotive section in walmart and bought this plastic funnel and nozzle for a makeshift separatory funnel.  He bought it in hopes it would be chemical resistant and not breakdown with the naptha. Does anyone have any idea if this is legitimate? If not, where might he find a glass turkey baster?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 50 Joined: 12-Sep-2010 Last visit: 18-Jul-2013
put some naphtha in and find out. I find most plastics hold up to naphtha with some exceptions, so i always test. I know the plastic won't stand toluene for sure. Just do a test.
Glass turkey basters can be had from, but i found plastic basters to work fine for naphtha. Also plastic eyedroppers are a lot more useful than a huge turkey baster imho.
if the stuff is made for automotive oil it will most likely hold up to naphtha. But without knowing the plastic type, nobody can give you an answer other than "find out" with clean solvent.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 08-Oct-2010 Last visit: 09-Dec-2011 Location: austin, tx
Thanks rave for the quick response, how does one "find out"? I was under the impression that the degradation of the plastic would be subtle. In other words, if there is no obvious and immediate reaction with the platic, Swim is safe?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
dayusx wrote:if there is no obvious and immediate reaction with the platic, Swim is safe? No, what rave suggests is very poor policy. It should say what type of plastic it is, HDPE will be safe with naptha. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 50 Joined: 12-Sep-2010 Last visit: 18-Jul-2013
what i am suggesting is poor policy?
Fine then, don't do any trials with clear solvent first to see if you end up with plastic in your product
i would suggest warming the solvent and running some multiple times through your device, then evaporate the solvent. No residue and visual damage is good to go. But i am sure there are people who disagree...
Sometimes there is no plastic code on whatever you have, so you just have to do a trial and find out before using on anything that is to be smoked. How is that bad advise? Sucking up some toluene in a turkey baster ONCE will tell you that it's no good. I am sure you would find out rather quickly.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
When we're talking PPM to have a health impact, visual damage doesn't present an accurate enough gauge, IMO. Especially if you're not running the test over an extended period of time. Why even take the chance, for a $5 funnel? PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms