I am gonna make your day right here bro... but after this... it is your job to answer for anybody else who asks, ok?
btw: The solution to this and probably all the questions you will have for while are in the wiki. <boom>
You don't need to evaporate your solvent to get the goods.
You can use FASA or CASA or even vinegar to get the goods out of that smelly smelly Toluene.
The short of it is:
Put your solvent in jar A
add some vinegar and swirl it around allot but too violently.
Use a glass turkey baster (or a plastic that is cool with toluene) to suck out the vinegar
Evap this much less smelly liquid and get full spectrum acetate.
It's probably sticky.
If you read about FASA you can get non sticky dmt fumarate if you use citric acid you can get dmt citrate. There are awesome descriptions of easy ways to convert <fumarates and acetates and citrates> into freebase on the wiki (and all over the forum)
your up next!
All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.