I cant imagine dmt ever becoming boring besides i dont use it for entertainment,although the imagery can be quite entertaining thats not why i use it.I'm fairly new to the spirit molecule myself and if yo go back through the thread you'll see some of the responses as far as how often people smoke.
I've been averaging once a week to mabey every other week but it's been about two weeks for me now since my last journey.
I have read that chronic smokers can suffer from deprression as a result.
I try not to think of the molecule as a drug (although society at large would beg to differ),i look at it as more of a tool in which we can access other realms and seek enlightenment,that is if thats what your seeking.
I think for me getting to know the molecule has been a slow process and is still ongoing. How far can it take you?
Boring is not an adjective i'd even use in the same sentence. Sometimes i get bored of smoking pot and will take a break but this is completely different.Like you said i've been pacing myself.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti