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Added Mimosa THEN Lye Options
#1 Posted : 10/7/2010 8:30:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I had this terrible dream last night! It was a nightmare.
Ohhh.. I had the biggest face palm.

This was on a good amount as well. If there is any way that I can try to fix this in dream land tonight that would be great.

So let me tell you what happened. I got two containers. The first container.. done right.. but during recrystallization the jar became buoyant and tipped over, so I had a bunch of water that got into non-purified product. So I did what I could.. I siphoned the top layer of heptane off and stuck it in the freezer. The rest of this brown mess I stuck in the second tub to pull the alkaloid out later.

THE SECOND TUB. I added the mimosa to the water first. It has been a few months since I have done this dream right and I got ahead of myself without double checking on the instructions. please don't hate. Crying or very sad

So I slowly added the lye..... first pull.. nothing.. second. just a little bit. I went to the store thinking it was a temp problem as I had never used this dream fridge before. I got dry ice and denatured alcohol and gave the jars a cold bath. They kinda liked it. But still not the amount expected. ANY HELP PLEASE. Confused
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."

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#2 Posted : 10/7/2010 8:44:13 PM

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18 *gallon* extractions... Rolling eyes

Why do you need so much DMT?
#3 Posted : 10/7/2010 9:32:38 PM

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Herm. That isn't of much help.

I took a nap and I think I took care of it. I had this dream guide tell me that if I were to just take care of it in one loop that I wouldn't have to have a recurring dream all of the time and it would provide me with space to be generious with my time and be able to give gifts to my dream peers. As we awaken as one.
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#4 Posted : 10/7/2010 11:42:17 PM


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It doesn't matter, in your dream you should have made more basified water and just add it, unless of course you have overflowing containers.
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#5 Posted : 10/8/2010 10:45:16 AM

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wow dude, why are you doing such a big extraction????
#6 Posted : 10/8/2010 1:25:37 PM

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Life seems to present itself in interesting ways. If I was not called to make the loss then I wouldn't have any reason. For some reason it happened. I haven't seen the whole thing work itself out yet.

Still no suggestions?
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#7 Posted : 10/8/2010 5:11:05 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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No one is going to help you until you answer this...we do not condone selling dmt or distributing it in reckless or careless fashion. Until you can explain what the hell you are doing with such a large scale operation, you should not expect any assistance.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#8 Posted : 10/8/2010 7:24:37 PM

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There is a universal truth I believe in. If I have it, it will find the right home. I will be in situations in the future that will provide me with the oppurtunity to share the experience (these situations are always gauged, observed, meditated on, and set up for a healthy experience for the traveler) . In ceremony style situations I have found people that administer and hold space for incredible results in helping mend ones spiritual ailments. These circles usually 'go in' three times each person with 50 mg doses. My gift is that I am able to feel spiritually filled in listening to my inner self and having it end up benefiting so many.

And all in all. I have NO money and the extraction came to me. I would say that listening to the request I have meditated on, has led me to this ONCE AGAIN.

I by NO MEANS am attempting to abuse the medicinal qualities. And by all right I hope that this is a place that I can go to have esoteric beliefs listened to.

Thank you for your curiosity. I don't know if this helps the general noise I apparently created on the forum. Frankly, if you don't agree you are entitled to that and I would gladly give respect and just keep my network at a more interpersonal organic level. Love and Light.

Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#9 Posted : 10/8/2010 8:19:06 PM


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This is what i always say! why in the hell would you want sooo much DMT ?

I do 40g doses of my MHRB Very happy
#10 Posted : 10/8/2010 8:54:46 PM

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in post #8 I explain why this amount has painted a landing strip on my forehead.

The ceremonys usually consist of around 10 people.. so 10 x 50 = 500 x 3 = 1.5 g used in each event. aprox.
I don't feel completely comfortable talking about what happens in these dreams on here because they might be confused with actual events.

All I can try to express is that the set and setting is incredible at these ceremonys. Intentions are set, the results are beautiful, and they are held on top of a huge flower of life that has been charged with amazing energy.

I am wanting to persue my passion of sharing gained experience on these forums. I hit a blip with this last extraction. All things in life are perfect and I am not too worried, but I figured I would try to find a way to fix said problem.
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
Ice House
#11 Posted : 10/9/2010 4:25:24 AM

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gammagore wrote:
wow dude, why are you doing such a big extraction????

Better yet, why would you discuss that in a public forum?
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#12 Posted : 10/9/2010 6:33:20 AM

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This post is about a fictional dream I had after learning extensivly about the substance that is released during my dream state.

You do have a point though. I can see how it could be mis-understood. Thank you for the heads up.
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#13 Posted : 10/9/2010 6:53:46 AM

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another thing. The 18 gal tub is not full. I would just rather use a tub to scyphine off the naptha layer than pouring it off using a glass jug. The extraction isn't as grandious as you think.

Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#14 Posted : 10/9/2010 9:51:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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just why does anybody care how much he chooses to extract at any given time?

I have done extractions on 5 kg of powdered bark in large drums. Doing one large extraction beats doing several small ones (if you know what you're doing Pleased). I don't have much time at my disposal, and if i can render myself a stash that will last me till next year then i'd rather do that instead of cooking up 1 - 1.5g's every other week or so, getting sloppier each time i'm doing it.
#15 Posted : 10/9/2010 10:21:52 PM

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Notice the context in which you ask the question:

We have been for years working to not only try to create a good reliable base of knowledge regarding dmt and allied substances, but also to generate a respectful attitude towards them too. We dont want to just teach people how to extract and then some random kid just 'sucking' the knowledge and going off to extract hidden in his parents house or dorm, or someone with doubtful intentions extracting a lot to sell for profit, or even well intended but naive people that extract too much and give away too easily to others who will take it lightly, and then someone might have a very bad experience, freak out, hurt themselves physically or psychologically (or during the extraction). This all can lead to police, media, more negative attention to the community.....

We know we can't control what everybody does, and we dont suppose to. But im just explaining to you where the other answers are coming from. Its an attempt to try to generate rightful awareness towards it.

It might be that you're genuine, that you are very careful about who to introduce it to, and how to introduce it, that you are respectful and would never sell it. In that case, truth shows, and your karma will pay itself of, so no need to worry. But it might also be that you are not, that you are either selling it, or maybe have so much that you are not as careful in the introductions, or even that just the fact you are buying more materials/making bigger extractions (and talking about it on an open forum) will attract more negative attention. So because of this, its our duty to put it in question. It would be strange to expect something else from us. One of the things we stand for is critical thinking, self-questioning, and this is not meant as a personal offense to you, we all should self-reflect and put our own behavior constantly in question.

With that being said, the answer to your question is: "There is absolutely no issue with adding lye after adding mimosa to water. The reason for low yield must be something else (probably your solvent is not saturated enough to freeze. Make longer pulls, mix better, and pre-evaporate. Check FAQ "

But appart from this, this generates in me the realization that, if you dont understand why it wouldnt be a problem to add mimosa after adding lye, you are most likely not understanding the principles behind the extraction. It is very recommended that when one extracts, one doesnt just blindly follows instructions but understands why one is doing it. Therefore I suggest you to read the FAQ overview, explore the WIKI and read many of the teks (just scroll down the main wiki page) to understand why things are done.
#16 Posted : 10/9/2010 10:47:38 PM
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Oh of course, DMT deserves the utmost respect.
But what people choose to do with it is beyond my control, and i don't assume responsibility for another persons choice.

The way i look at is is this:
I'd rather do one LARGE extraction than several small extractions.
Sure, the chance of loss is bigger if you screw up. But think about it. i'd rather handle all the lye, solvents etc. ONCE and then not again for a while. This is why i think bigger extractions are LESS dangerous than a few smaller ones. By doing a few smaller ones you increase the time you're exposed to solvent fumes, handle lye and caustic stuff etc.

and if somebody wants to cook up DMT in their parents basement then i ultimately have no choice in changing the persons mind. I can provide him with information so that he is safe and successful, or i can say Fck off, and have him potentially hurt himself. I place the health of an individual far above the reputation of a drug such as DMT. The less attention it gets the better. Either way, the possible attention could be "Kid burns down parents house extracting DMT" or "Kid busted selling large amounts of DMT". Harm reduction and education is where it's at Wink

And if some kid decides to extract pounds of bark and sell it for profit then... well... let me put it this way, it will come back to him sooner or later, no matter what advise i give him. I just want him to be safe in doing the extraction, that's all i'm concerned about. and if DMT kicks a fool in the ass then it's righteously so. What were you expecting Laughing

and big extractions or small extractions, it only takes a good 50mg inhaled to give you a REALLY bad experience if you don't know DMT well, so i don't think the scale of extraction matters at all. What matters is education about the substance, it's uses etc. What are your motives in the first place? If you're just looking to have fun i suggest you turn around and walk away right now. It's no good recreational fun. It's tough going but very rewarding Wink Selling the drug for profit is the worst thing you can do, because some newbie will always freak the fuck out and then you got heat on you. And well... no... don't ever think about selling it to strangers.
#17 Posted : 10/9/2010 11:11:07 PM

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Yes you have good points.

Im sure we all agree with harm reduction, I mean, just look at this community and all the advices given here and the safety tips and sections such as the health and safety section.

Though there are two aspects of your argument that I must comment on. While we ultimately have no choice over what someone else is going to do, we can still try to reason with them our point. Its not just "take it or leave it" kind of thing. I have personally gotten into fruitful discussions with people who reconsidered doing extraction in their parents house and also another guy who wanted to sell, and they reconsidered their position after hearing certain arguments they hadnt thought about.

Also another point, yes it only takes 50mg for one person to have a really bad experience, but its pretty obvious that 50mg badtrip x 500 doses distributed can offer more risk than 50mg x 20.

Regarding larger extractions, I do realize that each person has his own way, that there is no exact quantity when it is 'too much' because this is very contextual and depends on each person. But still I think its our duty to put into question when people talk about too large extractions, trying to enquire whether indeed they have a rightful attitude and know the power they are holding in their hands with that much dmt. We would also question people doing small extractions but with bad attitude, by the way..

I know that if the person has rightful intentions, they can understand why they are being questioned and their clean conscience will let them participate in the argument without problems. Just spending a few hours in this forum, one will realize its genuine reasonable concern for others and for the community, open to revision, and not a blind arbitrary judgement.
#18 Posted : 10/9/2010 11:13:32 PM

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This is where my confusion has been stemming from. I did not expect there to be a problem, went through all the variables. What it came down to is that either the freezer wasn't cold enough or for some strange reason the PH change while the mimosa was already in the water somehow messed it up.

Thankfully I have had success in getting it straight. Silly thing though and I am sure this will resonate with you all. This is a powerful spirit that I have high respect for. This spirit always decides how much one can get perfectly. It decides the situations that I am involved in to turn it on to the right people.

I was just feeling good about recovering it and boom! during recrystallization the jar bottom cracked with a good amount and it went everywhere. lol. I am left with half of what was expected. Personally.. I feel a strong connection to the process and the offerings it has. I believe with all my being that it is 1)helping me purge feelings 2)keeping it perfect 3)showing me that it truly does have a brain of its own made out of pure light and love.

-rave 420

kindly I would like to say that your posting feels like a wall of assumptions of my situation. With that aside I would like to explain. This is a requested extraction from a friend. It was going to provide me the ability to handle it once again medicinally. Like I have said on a previous post.. these ceremonies are bringing in the new light from the 5th dimension. Sadly I only have enough to give the guy that requested the extraction. So I am left with my back hurting and the extraction kicking my ass for the first time.

The intentions were pure on my end, but knowing how the substance works.. The intentions may have been impure on his. So... I learn this lesson here for the first and last time. If someone is asking for it.. find out their intentions before you get consumed by excitement in your own. also, if the substance wanted me to turn a profit it would have given it to me a long time ago. and.. if the substance didn't want me to be involved it also would have made that clear. It is still teaching me. I am sure it is still teaching you as well. In the spirit of learning and teaching I leave you with this.

I have worked through the kinks of a flowering introduction to the depths of spirit in the substances ability. I don't find it to be an amusement park ride. I also find that this substance is an introduction to the possibilities that lie behind a deeper consciousness without the medicine. I think it is a tool to see beyond and solidify belief systems that have been sought out. I don't know about you.. but.. in using this tool.. I have been seeking a way to reach these levels of being without the tool. It seems that this is only the beginning of the beauty called awakening. DMT is only a glimpse that causes some to want to keep going back to search and find out what they missed the last time. They keep searching in the substance where they don't need to look further than deep within themselves.
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
#19 Posted : 10/9/2010 11:50:25 PM
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oh i am sorry, i wasn't talking about you when i was saying "some kid in the basement". No judgment towards you!

you know your situation better than i do, and if you follow the tek the way it's outlined you shall be successful Pleased
I would love to share my way of extracting the goods, as i have worked with just about every tek out there. I have "done them to the T", and found better results by tweaking the teks to fit better into my kitchen.

Go ahead, as long as you got basified mimosa in solution that is not too thick, add some NPS and agitate, let separate and pull off the NPS. Then i suggest you place your NPS in a compatible plasitc container and stick it in the freezer. With glass containers i always find it sticks to the sides and i can't get it off. Naphtha and Ziplock containers on the other hand, the crystals slide right out Pleased

Let's put this bickering aside, and let's get you one step closer to the final product Pleased . If you need any input on your situation or have further questions just fire away, let's not get too worked up about hypothetical situations. What matters is that you get the spice in the end, and nobody got hurt!
#20 Posted : 10/10/2010 12:13:42 AM

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Much love my brother.
Very happy
Alright. Have recovered much of it. Sadly weird things happen sometimes. without getting into anymore detail we will just say that it gifted just as much as it should have. White fluff sparkly love.

So I am going to shoot you a question.

When a person is left with all those coffee filters.. any best way to efficiently recrystallize that into purity? have been putting lye in water on the stove and heating them up in there until the water turns brown then doing the whole naptha bit again. I assume there must be a better way out there.
Currently pulling stories and knowledge together to start a work of fiction. Anything expressed on the forum is related directly to my dreams, my love for fiction, and my love for information. "The magic is in the mind."
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