gratefulfloyd wrote:I dont know how I feel about all this, I would not say that 5-meo-dipt is really spiritual, unless you call being twacked out and sitting on the toilet peeing out your butt spiritual (seen this reaction out of like 3 people, I dont touch the stuff). There is no spirit to the stuff from what I have heard, it can not engulf you like a lot of psychedelics can. My friends describe it as MDA + Meth + Laxative.... but that is just what I have collected on it, your experience may be different.
Well, the only time I had those $h!tz were after I had this weird garbonzo stuff my friends mom made, and we both had that effect, that was the only time though for me out of maybe 20 times using it. One time I had this fart, that filled a 12x12x12 room I'd say, for about 30 minutes! Yes, fasting is good I would say with this one indeed. Spiritual? My idea of what is spiritual is inseperable from the human experience, and I can only speak of my interaction with a substance, not the spirit of the substance itself as I am not that entity persay. I would think something spiritual has a much slower return, like how mescalin takes so long to come on, 5-meo-dipt on the other hand has a very quick return - in that way to me they are clearly in different worlds as you say.
Personally i cannot relate to the MDA +Meth +laxative, to each their own. I liked it better than LSD, and told myself the taste/body load was worth it. I remember getting "thought shadows" on the stuff, after thinking something, it would "crash out" into a visual in the same way recrystalization crashes out as it cools. I appreciated my research with the stuff and don't think I would go out of my way to do that again, and would still choose it over LSD since LSD is so readily available everywhere, though I would willingly imbibe LSD more often than 5-meo-dipt. I think I am working toward just living in nature, growing copious amounts of NATURAL entheogens, and getting to the point where I use less and less therogens and drugs, and even less entheogens, unless needed or as part of a ceremony or initiation or communication with angels. That's the spirit. I'm not going to glorify taking more and more like T. McKenna, just the opposite like the Bwiti tribes of Africa.