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Help me with Aya and analogues preparations, im a bit lost Options
#1 Posted : 10/2/2010 12:00:09 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi guys.

Im a little lost with all these different Ayahuasca and analogues preparations method.
I have tryed preparing the brew only one time, and right now i am preparing it with another recipe because first time it was ineffective (little alteration that could have been placebo and no nausea and puking).

First time my preparation (cold water extraction) steps were those:

1) soaked 10 g mimosa in 400 ml distilled water acidified with a lemon for 36 hours.
2) roasted 3 g of syrian rue to convert harmine into harmaline, then grounded them to a powder.
3) soaked the rue in acidified distilled water for 24 hours.
4) added milk to mimosa and rue concotions to bind with the tannins and let it sit for a while
5) filtered the two concotions through a cotton t shirt 3 times. Lot of littles red scales (tannins?) were in the shirt after filtering.

Then i have drank the rue at t 0 and the mimosa at t 1. Nothing happended.

Now im trying a different method. I have boiled 3x1 h 6 g of powdered mimosa in water acidified with vinegar, then reduced. Then i have roasted the rue, powdered it and made 3 siryan rue coffee shot with an european moka (coffe machine) charged with acidified water, the reduced the rue.
Now im pretty sure this time thing would work, but i dont wanna to drink nasty tannins, and im wondering if im previous attempt the milk binded not only with tannis but also with actives and made the brew inactive throug filtering. Or maybe the cold water extraction was ineffective.
What should i do this time? I dont have acces to gelatin, maybe egg white filtration? Or fride overnight and decanting?

Ah the problems are not the ingredientes, my mimosa is pretty active (exctracted dmt crystal from it previously) and in general rue doesnt vary much in potency from batch to batch from what i've read, so i think that's not the problem.


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#2 Posted : 10/2/2010 5:35:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've never read reports of a successful cold water extraction of harmalas or dmt. Would probably start with that.
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#3 Posted : 10/3/2010 9:04:08 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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In the cold water extraction of mimosa that is done in Brazil they smash and squeeze the pieces of root over and over again to extract all the actives, and I think they use a little more than 10g when they go for that route.
#4 Posted : 10/3/2010 9:57:28 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Your second try sounds like it'd probably work, but what issue do you have with the more traditional recipes, like doing 3x45 minute boils on the rue, and 1-2x45min boils on the mimosa?


#5 Posted : 10/3/2010 12:51:52 PM


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Just for reference Toloache:


β€œRight here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#6 Posted : 10/3/2010 4:39:50 PM

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from where did you get the information that roasting rue will turn harmine into harmaline?

Also, what tribe are you talking about that does the cold extraction? Because you are adding lemon to it, which makes a big difference. In brazil when they do this they dont add acid. Jace Callaway's research showed that yuremamine, the alkaloid that might be responsible for cold jurema's oral activation, is destroyed with acids.. They dont take with MAOI containing plants (except sometimes smaller amounts of passionflower but that has minimal if any MAOI so it doesnt really count), so the fact that there's no acid added is essential. Also if you look at ott's publications, he tested and said that for cold water extraction of mimosa, the dosage is around 25g.

I would suggest forget that roasting (also because even if harmine would turn into harmaline, which I would like to see some source for the claim, many people find harmaline to be more sedating and not so pleasant, so better keep harmine).

Another 'mistake' I think you did was just making one soak for everything. Its a fact that one single soak wont get all the alkaloids, you'll be losing a lot (just like one soak with your clothes wont wash them so well, better 3 or so).

I would suggest next time you do 3-5g mimosa and 3-4g rue, boil 3x. Check the FAQ for more information on how to brew. If you still want to go for the cold water extraction (CWE), do maybe 2 soaks and add no acid and try more like 20g mimosa instead, with no rue. I never tried CWE so I cant say from experience, but the boiling 3x mimosa+rue (separately or together) I can guarantee it will work if your mimosa or rue arent bunk
#7 Posted : 10/4/2010 11:36:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello guys and sorry for the late reply, but i have had a busy clubbing weekend Smile

The info about cold water exctraction and rue roasting were all read from ayahuasca.com forum.. I thought they know what they were talking... I tought the cold water extraction would have worked because i wasn't trying to make vino de jurema but only to exctract the actives in cold water.. It makes sense to me that to make dmt active with juremamine you have to drink more mimose, but if you use it with MAOI, ayahuasca style, i suppose 30 g is an overkill, even if cold water exctracted!

Aniway, my only problem with the traditional method are the tannins, i really dont wanna puke more than i have to, sometimes with strong does of mushrooms i puke a lot and it ruin the trip a bit!
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