Thanks for the replies!
@ragabr: It's funny, I actually stored the brew in the fridge for over a week and when the time came to partake I intentionally drank the sediment at the bottom erroneously thinking that was the appropriate thing to do! Next time, I'll obviously skip that step. If that doesn't work I'll try out olympus' tek.
I also wanted to thank you for your suggestion regarding head/heart. Accepting myself and shortcomings as-is is nothing I've ever considered. I've always stressed improving and never being content with myself. I'll have to think about this more.
@olympus mon: Thanks for the freezing tip! As for my expectations, I was looking for an introduction to the vine, a learning experience, and nothing too intense. I never thought it would be like "tripping" or "fun"
I'm using ayahuasca for personal, physical, and "spiritual" development, along with exercise, eating healthy, finishing school, getting married, etc. I want to evolve, become more good, and gain greater insight into creation than I currently have. I hate the fact that we all die and I've wrestled with that fact since I was very young. If I can some how come to peace with that, via the vine or some other method, that would be something.
Lastly, another quick question: I felt I was flying through tunnels during certain parts of my experience. Are feeling/seeing tunnels a common experience? What's the presiding theory on those?
I'm looking forward to the next, less nauseating, experience!