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What is your viewpoint on Guns? Options
#61 Posted : 10/1/2010 5:44:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Maybe both ends of that barrel are the wrong end. Smile


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#62 Posted : 10/1/2010 6:13:58 PM

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Eden wrote:
Maybe both ends of that barrel are the wrong end. Smile

There's only 1 way to find out. Lol
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#63 Posted : 10/1/2010 6:40:38 PM

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I think guns are very bad and negative, even if for hunting or something their are still hunting accidents. We don't need weapons.
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#64 Posted : 10/1/2010 6:49:45 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Im curious about something: Is any of you people who own/defend guns vegetarians ? Or, do you gun owners/defenders try to be conscious consumers or do you feel it makes no difference what you buy/consume in the overall world situation or in your conscience?

I have been a vegetarian, but it was unhealthy for me.

I'm a very conscious consumer. Luckily, in my state there is a very active used weapons market.

OTOH, if there was some requirement on purchasing new guns, in my mind it would be the same as purchasing gasoline - a structurally created necessity that one should work against, but endure.
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#65 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:01:07 PM
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I think a very big boat would also qualify as a good phallic symbol.
Basically everything that says "lot's of redundant money" does: i've seen rich guys that where old, bald, fat AND ugly having young sexy girls around them as if they they where as handsome as i am.
#66 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:01:17 PM

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hyperspacing wrote:
To say guns are only destructive and only encourage violence is a bit ignorant. im a proud gun owner and find a day at the shooting range very therapeutic. it really is a great stress reliever.

hyperspacing wrote:

Ps . Do you know what a smith and wesson 500 is? Its one of the biggest caliber hanguns on the market. You don't wanna stare down the wrong end of that barrel

You're not really helping your point here. Smile

#67 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:16:22 PM

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soulfood wrote:
hyperspacing wrote:
To say guns are only destructive and only encourage violence is a bit ignorant. im a proud gun owner and find a day at the shooting range very therapeutic. it really is a great stress reliever.

hyperspacing wrote:

Ps . Do you know what a smith and wesson 500 is? Its one of the biggest caliber hanguns on the market. You don't wanna stare down the wrong end of that barrel

You're not really helping your point here. Smile

Have you ever shot a S&W 500? Its exhilerating.
Also its a fact you don't wanna stare down the wrong end of that barrel lol.
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#68 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:45:56 PM

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So exactly what is it like firing off a Smith & Wesson 500?

Describe in your most intimate detail.
#69 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:59:03 PM

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hyperspacing wrote:
soulfood wrote:
hyperspacing wrote:
To say guns are only destructive and only encourage violence is a bit ignorant. im a proud gun owner and find a day at the shooting range very therapeutic. it really is a great stress reliever.

hyperspacing wrote:

Ps . Do you know what a smith and wesson 500 is? Its one of the biggest caliber hanguns on the market. You don't wanna stare down the wrong end of that barrel

You're not really helping your point here. Smile

Have you ever shot a S&W 500? Its exhilerating.
Also its a fact you don't wanna stare down the wrong end of that barrel lol.

Your freewheeling attitude towards guns really rubs me the wrong way. I have nothing against you and nothing against guns. I love shooting at the firing range and went with my grandfather from the time I was 13 until he passed away a couple years ago. I inherited several of his pistols and some of his collectors rifles.

However, I find the manner in which you discuss these lethal weapons to be seriously disturbing...I dunno...I think it has to do with the glee that seems to be seeping from your posts. I imagine you with a maniacal grin, rubbing your hands together in excited anticipation of using your firearms.I have had a pistol to the back of my head...I have stared down the barrel of a sawed off shotgun...there was nothing to "lol" at...it was then that I first understood why the slang word "tool" is used for guns. I dunno man, I mean no disrespect, I just find the attitude of your posts in this thread troubling.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#70 Posted : 10/1/2010 8:20:08 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
I imagine you with a maniacal grin, rubbing your hands together in excited anticipation of using your firearms.

Lol that image just made my day. I also have an evil laugh like this. Buwahahahahahah.

I love my guns. I ccw where allowed. I. Would consider myself a very responsible gun owner. I have 2 small children so its imperative that I am. I'm very enthusiastic about guns because I love and respect them. Its my favorite hobby.

As for the way I write my posts, that's just my personality. We seem to disagree often so I'm not suprised you feel this way.
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#71 Posted : 10/1/2010 8:28:29 PM

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hyperspacing wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
I imagine you with a maniacal grin, rubbing your hands together in excited anticipation of using your firearms.

Lol that image just made my day. I also have an evil laugh like this. Buwahahahahahah.

Hahahaha, I'm glad you get where I'm coming from. And indeed, I would say we have very different personalities (but ain't that what makes life grand?) I hear what you are saying and totally understand your perspective (well, as best I can) having several friends who are gun enthusiasts. Out of curiosity, with your kids and given the size of your collection, how do you store your firearms? Do you have a gun safe or locks or both or what? I don't know anyone with children and guns in the same household, which I just realized as a result of your post.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#72 Posted : 10/1/2010 8:47:15 PM

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In my early teen years, I was moved into the great boondocks of northeastern USA. I rode two buses to school because everyone's houses were so dispersed through the mountains. Every kid on my bus knew how to assemble rifles and had coordinated plans about how to form their own militias if need be.

That was just How It Was. More than half the school was absent on the first day of "Huntin' Season."

No judgment... simply observation. I never knew of anyone who ever got into a hunting accident. Everyone was definitely knowledgeable about their weaponry, it was all always stored properly, and when kids were taught to use the guns, they were obviously also taught properly.

Are these any choices I would make for myself? I'm basically Jain these days.

Ted Kaczynski makes some very interesting points about the necessity of guns, however; even if YOU aren't violent, in the case of something like you farming happily in the wake of societal collapse, you may very well have to defend your food. Even Jains are allowed self-defense...

I've recently taken up martial arts again. As far as body/mind coordination is concerned, it intuitively appeals to me more than a gun range. Ideally, I will spend my life sparring with others for the joy of the dance and never having to apply any self-defense in a real situation.

There is no denying a very large part of the population IS violent and insane. I am definitely praying and acting in ways that cultivate peace whenever possible.

Maybe my perspective will continue to evolve. I still kill mosquitos. I attempted a no-kill pact with them over the summer and got miserably eaten alive. I don't kill them when they are outside, only in my house. They are the only insects I kill in self-defense... Confused

But also, when is it wrong NOT to defend yourself? What is the most healthy assertion of boundaries? What if it came down to protecting something like your children? What if you couldn't run, what if all peaceful and reasonable possibilities have been exhausted?

Any anime fans of Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin?
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#73 Posted : 10/1/2010 8:48:10 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
hyperspacing wrote:
SnozzleBerry wrote:
I imagine you with a maniacal grin, rubbing your hands together in excited anticipation of using your firearms.

Lol that image just made my day. I also have an evil laugh like this. Buwahahahahahah.

Hahahaha, I'm glad you get where I'm coming from. And indeed, I would say we have very different personalities (but ain't that what makes life grand?) I hear what you are saying and totally understand your perspective (well, as best I can) having several friends who are gun enthusiasts. Out of curiosity, with your kids and given the size of your collection, how do you store your firearms? Do you have a gun safe or locks or both or what? I don't know anyone with children and guns in the same household, which I just realized as a result of your post.

I have 2 safe's in my house where all guns/ammo are kept. As soon as they are old enough I plan to burn gun safety into their brains. I really look forward to when they are old enough to take to the range.
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#74 Posted : 10/1/2010 10:54:31 PM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I never knew of anyone who ever got into a hunting accident. Everyone was definitely knowledgeable about their weaponry, it was all always stored properly, and when kids were taught to use the guns, they were obviously also taught properly.

lol they were properly taught to kill animals without shooting each other

ms_manic_minxx wrote:

But also, when is it wrong NOT to defend yourself? What is the most healthy assertion of boundaries? What if it came down to protecting something like your children? What if you couldn't run, what if all peaceful and reasonable possibilities have been exhausted?

i dont think it's ever wrong. but to own a gun because of a few "what if's" is unnecessary, especially in stable countries. but if all peaceful and reasonable possibilities are exhausted, then it is a completely diff scenario. in that case we would be forced to pick up a weapon, or remain slaves.

ms_manic_minxx wrote:
Any anime fans of Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin?

there is no better anime in the world (yet..to me) than "Samurai Champloo." i dare anyone to not get hooked after the first episodeWink esp if u like animes
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#75 Posted : 10/2/2010 12:12:40 AM

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I have an air gun and my dad has a double barrel for hunting... for me guns are ok actually as long as right individuals have it in their hands.. for self defense i can imagine having a gun coz when i need to defend myself that gun wouldnt be close enough sumwhere where i can reach...
For hunting i can understand haing a rifle, as long as ur not hunting the shit out of the nature.
But for shooting practice and shooting ranges guns can be quite fun... The conclusion i came about guns is that guns are not as dangerous as we think as long as right individuals hold them...
So we can blame people but not the guns for the violence... If i wanted to kill someone probably a knife would be my choice instead of a gun personally...

But i agree on one thing that guns are very encouraging for mafias and gangs... so they become much more powerful and violent then government can handle... so yea like everything has advantages and disadvantages guns also have their own...

as an addition, I would like to have a good quality bow for a cheap price rather then a firearm personally Razz
#76 Posted : 10/2/2010 1:21:32 AM

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Another brief interlude:

The used gun market is by far the most interesting. I don't want to give my money to modern arms manufacturers.... but the hobbyist running the local shop is a fine person to support. Besides, the Enfield .308s that the British gave India post-Empire are way more badass than any of the .308s they make these days... plus, for another example, Mosin Nagants are tagged as "fireball guns", for reasons which I think you can imagine. They don't make guns like that anymore either.

Secondly, I think guns are the ultimate phallic symbol in that they are like a phallus. Is a tiger like a phallus? Is money like a phallus? No, it's used as compensation for lacking one, but having a bigger gun actually resembles having a bigger penis. That's what I like about them. Same goes for swords and the like.

And even though I like rifles, I don't buy that having a large collection of rifles for hunting is entirely necessary... bird hunting needs shotguns, but when it comes to quadrupeds, bow or axlatl works fine and is much more fair.


#77 Posted : 10/2/2010 5:26:14 AM

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soulfood wrote:
So exactly what is it like firing off a Smith & Wesson 500?

Describe in your most intimate detail.

only takes two words

hand cannon
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#78 Posted : 10/2/2010 9:03:05 AM

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a gun can be used to save life that would be lost if your un-armed.
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#79 Posted : 10/2/2010 2:34:35 PM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I've recently taken up martial arts again. As far as body/mind coordination is concerned, it intuitively appeals to me more than a gun range. Ideally, I will spend my life sparring with others for the joy of the dance and never having to apply any self-defense in a real situation.

I think this is also why I don't particularly like firearms. Or relying on any weaponry for that matter, besides my own body. I've been into martial arts for some years now, and it (for me) is way more satisfying than firing some weapon. And I have fired a gun, bow, crossbow, for those who may think I don't know what it's like.

Martial arts just seem to be much more empowering for me. Knowing that I can defend myself without the aid of some tool. Sure, if I was unarmed and had a gun pointed at me, there wouldn't be much I could do. But who could? You'd have to be pretty fast on the draw with your concealed weapon in order to defend yourself anyway.
#80 Posted : 10/3/2010 11:05:00 AM

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Hell yea, i love guns. My dad even BUILDS guns (around a purchased barrel)! And we like shooting customized sniper guns at 300m range... Razz Razz Razz

And about martial arts and fighters... i very much enjoy the hardcore fighting that can be seen on you tube.
Fedor Emelianenko is surely one of my heroes : ) I absolutely love his strategies, style, surprise attacks, etc. Imo he is the best. Hardcore to the bone. Nice guy too i think.

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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