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powerful experience yet i cant remember it Options
#1 Posted : 9/30/2010 4:21:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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about 2 weeks ago i smoked up and had one of the most powerful dmt experiences ever. The problem is i cannot remember any of it. All i can come back with is this massive powerful feeling that i was shown some very very clear truth and taken on a long journey. It was extremely clear and very realistic. I was lead and shown all sorts of things. What i find strange however is that in the middle of it, it felt like i was somehow detected and a "error" or glitch in the program occured and that the entire sceen began to freeze and screw up. They (the guardians showing me everything) were aware of the problem/detection and attempted to fix it to no avail and i immediatly became self aware back in my room with this feeling of "being caught" or banned by some higher power. Also alllllllll memory of the experience left my conscious mind (i feel it still somewhere deep in my subconsciousness). I only remember having my eyes open and seeing the room i was in shift into different scenes like a television set changing channels. At one point i remember looking at my legs which were now in a lotis style ( i didnt start out that way) and they were blue, transparent, and had what looked like tribal tattoos on them. Once i came back to reality (well this reality) I was so focused returning to this magic place that i forgot to remember what i was shown and lost the entire trip from my memory. I had this incredible feeling of loss from not being back there and that i was shown some very incredible things. Has this happened to any of you that you returned from a trip with only bring back this feeling of seeing the universe but not being able to remember a shred of it??


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#2 Posted : 9/30/2010 7:47:08 PM

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"this feeling of "being caught" or banned by some higher power."

you probably got gassy!: D
i bet the stuff you can't remember now will slowly come back over time to give you guidance right when you need it~~: )
#3 Posted : 9/30/2010 8:35:32 PM

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One time I experienced of the most intense trips of all my DMT-life. I finished the trip completely enlighted and one phrase kept echoing in my head:

The voice in my head wrote:
The universe is made of DMT! DMT is the essential molecule of the universe. The molecule that sustains the universe.

(Do not laugh, it was serious!)

But normally I barely remember anything, and the more intense the trip the less I remember.
You have to be in Hell to see Heaven - W. Burroughs

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#4 Posted : 9/30/2010 11:14:53 PM

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This not being able to remember what happened phenomenon seems to be fairly typical of the DMT experience. It also seems to work against the usefulness of the experience. Just as the development of changa represents a step forward in the technology of exploring hyperspace, wouldn't it behoove us all to be consciously pursuing methods of better bringing the fire back down the mountain?
Is anyone out there working on ways to recall more?
Has anyone got any experience with using hypnosis to retrieve these memories?
Prepare your sleep apparatus. Increase the dosage; count back from ten...
#5 Posted : 10/1/2010 6:22:44 AM

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Yup all the time

Its just part of the program , they dont want us to remember :-)

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All the best

#6 Posted : 10/1/2010 12:23:26 PM

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I bet you cried when you realized what just happened.

i did...

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#7 Posted : 10/1/2010 6:04:31 PM

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its odd to cry and not know why, it was even stranger to call a friend and have no clue what universal secrets to convey. Felt like I was given the keys to the astral realm (figuratively speaking...this did not actually happen in the experience) only to have them abruptly taken away and the etheral door slammed in my face.
#8 Posted : 10/1/2010 7:09:59 PM

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Its funny how the memory of it varies so greatly from experience to experience, and its definitely more than just dose dependent- i think that's only a small part (but the more high doses, the easier to remember). I remember it much better if i keep my heart-rate as low as i can, and outside distractions at a minimum..but even then some parts inevitably can't be grasped again by mind, yet some are still so clear. I really think you can learn or teach yourself to remember better after a while of experimenting with it though.

"They (the guardians showing me everything) were aware of the problem/detection and attempted to fix it to no avail and i immediatly became self aware back in my room with this feeling of "being caught" or banned by some higher power."

I find it helpful to not cling to any conclusions you come to about the nature of the countless odd impressions that are experienced there..this might be something like what really happened to you, but by really believing these interpretations to be true we give our thoughts power, and can create attachments to an idea complex which could have negative affects. just my $.02

Happy trails

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#9 Posted : 10/1/2010 8:04:56 PM

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I have had many experiences that involve what seems to be a very deliberate and selective forgetting. I’m also generally aware of what I’ll be forgetting, so maybe I could call it “lucid forgetting”.

As an example, sometimes I’ve seen “impossible” objects. As I’m seeing them, it’s clear to me that I won’t remember what the object looks like on return.

Other times, I have had experiences where I was given an opportunity to participate in some sort of “ritual”, but it was understood that I wouldn’t remember any of it on return. It’s the strangest feeling – to be fully engaged in an experience, to look all around, to take it all in, and at the very same time to know that it will all be forgotten. To clearly remember having an experience, to remember thinking to myself “I won’t remember any of this”, and to have no recollection of the content of the experience.

There are other times where I remember something from a previous experience while I’m having an experience. So it seems as if there’s a kind of continuity in the DMT realm, the details of which I’m unaware of after the experience ends. This is one reason I don’t think that a forgotten experience is necessarily an experience without usefulness.

I truly believe that some forgetting, especially this highly selective forgetting, happens for a reason. There may be things we are allowed to see/experience that we are not allowed to bring back.
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#10 Posted : 10/6/2010 9:11:39 AM
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i had the EXACT same experience, except i did not look around, i completely zoned out and saw LOTS OF THINGS, as if i was seeing knowledge and the channel was flipping extremely fast, i even heard random answers/explanations to the problems and issues i have been thinking about such as life. I swear i heard something explain to me something, but i CANT REMEMBER WHAT WAS SAID. I thought i was HEARING my own thoughts and my own explanations of what was going on while i was tripping, but i also thought to myself are these entities explaining something to me?? i also felt that these or the entity(ies) were communicating with me but i didnt realize that until i came back. I was hearing alot of background noise kinda like "chatter" but i was too busy focusing on the things i was seeing and i wasnt paying attention to the communcation.

Anyways, it was a powerful experience that i CANT remember, but im sure my description of my experience is totally nowhere near as close as to what actually happen because i am recalling through memory.
#11 Posted : 10/9/2010 10:10:10 PM

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A few things I found helped me remember after I had a very a powerful switch in realities. Get into the same position (i.e x legged, leaning back in a chair, whatever) in the same location (i.e bed, chair, whatever) you were in when you took the hit. Think back to just before you were getting ready to hit it (Pipe, bong, whatever). Use all your senses as best you can to put yourself back in that scenario, even hold the pipe and smell it if you can. Concentrate as hard as you can about everything in the moments just before the DMT consumed you. It's very hard and sometimes frustrating remembering, beacuase you know you've returned from this other, totally bizarre reality with fellings that are mostly undescribable yet they fade and disperse like your average dream (not that dreams are average....on second thoughts, probably shouldn't use the word average around here!) Getting back to the feel of the setting helped me remember alot about the take off and how I felt and what i was thinking during it. As for the moments before, try thinking about the moments after, when you returned to your physical body and realised who you were again and what you were feeling/seeing then. If you smoke weed, relaxing with a joint and concentrating on the experience might help too, it certainly did for me for a few days after. Looking at various images of fractal art/geometry may help too.

Give it a try, might help. I certainly remembered bits doing this.

But try not to be upset about remembering. It is an amazing, profound, life changing experience that one goes through with DMT and no one who has felt that can ever forget it.

#12 Posted : 10/11/2010 2:28:12 AM

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Yeah total memory loss, but also as someone else stated memory flashbacks occur during. I would not suggest trying to recreate this event to the exact tee. That is the reason I theorize you lost the visions. You chased them, you were sitting back chillaxin enjoying the view, but then you wanted more, you wanted to analyze, you wanted to attach yourself to them and you lost them. You must allow your mind to go free, repeating the ohm mantra works good for me. Also you will never be able to recreate this experience by trying. Never works for me, I have many times in error tried to recreate an experience and nothing. Empty my mind lose all attachments and booom Im breaking threw. Also lotus position is best with your lotus fingers. And let the ritual begin.........

Felt like I was given the keys to the astral realm.
Sorry about that but those are mine. haha
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