In the beginning there was____.
As the fool glanced back at the burned out path, he chose to take, for the first time, a conscious step to the left, and the magician was born..
In the beginning there was...why dont you tell me?
Just as the huichol indians appoint roadmen, human compasses whose role it is to guide the journeyors through the world of the peyote do we in the times we are going through need to appoint to ourselves our own, personal roadmen. A compass for the soul that reminds us, as terrence once said "where it is that we want to sail".
A new world is approaching, an entire new way of being is opening up to us with the potential to change the face of humanity to an extent never before witnessed. New frequencies are exposing themselves to us and we have been given the chance to ascend, to rise up from the dead decaying order we have created into a new world..a living world..
This world is sick, and this world is dying..let it die already..its time has come and its time has gone.
Dear humans..stop worrying..stop trying..learn to fall..its only once you plunge off that cliff for the first time that you truely learn that you CAN fly!
Our thoughts have developed a deep rooted sickness..our poetry no longer rhymes and the wings of great metaphore were clipped so long ago..mythology lies in her grave where we burried her in the face of an unsung story that never was written..
Our stories, they have no heart..
Where has the stories of science gotten us?..Nowhere. Science reads like letters in a line, but the metaphores..where are the metaphores?..The stories science has to tell us are like the shitty memos in the back of youre grd 10 science tells us there is just lots of letters..but science seems to tell a shitty story.
A good story comes from the heart. It is riddled with passion, lust and metaphore..things of the irrational mind..things science wont touch..
To think with the mind in the presense of a closed heart is our biggest sickness. We have become a socety of thinkers with this inability to feel. In a mind clutterd with thoughts with no heart to guide them, to act as the compass that drives them, a great great sicness prevails.
I see it often. Brilliant minded scientists who seem to have an incapacitating lack of empathy becase they have learned so long ago to use the head, while the heart-mind was altogether skipped. Negativity and pessimism prevails.
There is alot of talk amongst people in the psychedelic community of opening the third eye. Alot of focus on the third eye centre..and I hear alot recently about people who do seem to get very lost in the dimensions DMT can raise us to, becasue they have yet to activate the heart centre..they take these powerful psychedelics from a space of head-consciousness, with a blocked heart centre.
DMT is not all about visuals..In fact..visuals are a small part of the DMT experience in its entirety. However..with a closed heart centre one focusses on only the visions and many get lost..they remain in a state of agony often and come back proclaiming DMT is tricking us all etc etc..Most of the time these people also seem very hostile and negative, accusing towards others..and most of all, they dont seem happy at all.
Life in general and all of its experiences seem to go this way. When you go thruh life never moving from the heart and only thinking with the head, happyness always seems to be something in front of you to attain. People chas it and grasp at it, but they never ever simply allow themselves to stop, stop thinking, stop doing, and fall. They do and do and do, but they never be.
When we move into a space of heart-consiousness, we let go. We let go of fear, we let go of doubt, we let go of worry and silly desires we chase with no resolution. Being, from the state of heart centred consciousness instead of doing, from a state od head based consciousness, allows us access to the true core of who and what we are..and sets up the compass that we then take into the higher frequencies of a fully activated head space, and only then can we learn to navigate those spaces.
I hear people goin off on tangents about how the real wa is to smoke this much DMT..or only smoke these crysals or those crystals..always about doing this or that...all arguements(usually with a negaive tone as well) that seem a straight dialague frm a dominant head based consciousness.
This will drive a person insane.
The carrier wave holds the vibrations within it to activate the heart centre. The carrier wave has become my main focus within the DMT hyperspace. Antrocles was right so long ago when he started saying this. The wave downloads the codes needed to activate heart space.. as you let go into the wave, and allow yourself to fall you simutaniousily open up to the wave. Without first activating the heart, the visions are NOT navigatable. I will say that again..Without first activating the heart..the higher realms of visionary experience are NOT will get lost sooner or later. This is also true of all experiences we undertake in our time on earth.
This work is NOT about who can smoke the most DMT. That is a silly ego game and not the point. I fact I dont think that the largest doses are necessarily the most benificial for all people. Everyone rght now is at a different level in they're own activation and they're own genetics will know what is the best dose for them as long as they truely let go and learn to reasonate with the vibrational codes of the wave as it opens the heart space. Dont let anyone else tell you how to work with your own activation, only YOU can know that. Trust the body.
With the changes taking place on planet earth, a shift from a dominant head space to a dominant heart space is non-negotiable if one wishes to successfully intigrate with the new frequencies available and navigate them without getting lost.
Descartes was wrong, the seat of the soul is not the pineal..the seat of the soul is the heart.
Long live the unwoke.