Ok SWIM has had previous experiences with N,N-DMT and loved it. SWIM came across info about cebil/yopo online and quickly became fascinated. After much research was done an oz of seeds were purchased from a vendor whose reliability is unknown. SWIM attempted to make a snuff with baking soda by toasting the seeds mixing with baking soda wetting drying and repowderizing. Large amount of powder was in-sulfated and only produced a sick feeling. SWIM attempted to smoke the seeds to no avail. A crude extraction was attempted. seeds were deshelled and placed in the oven at 450 degrees F for 30 mins. They were then powdered and boiled in a vinegar solution and solids were filtered out. The solution was boiled down. SWIM's research suggested that sodium bicarbonate was not very good so SWIM attempted to cook the Baking soda to turn it into Washing soda. this was then mixed with the alkaloid vinegar water solution and water was added and it was mixed and boiled down. The solids left over were mixed with 91 percent IPA and mixed and heated. The IPA was then filtered and poured off. The IPA was then evaporated and the resulting solid was smoked but it only left SWIM feeling sick with no psychoactive effects like previously. SWIM has probably around 10g of seeds left maybe a little more, and needs help as SWIM does not want to waste them and wishes to experience Bufotenine. Ideally an extraction involving only materials that can be found without shopping online would be ideal. Thanks in advance for any help it is much appreciated.