So, reading up on the effects of DMT on the human body in equilibrium yielded interesting results. The human body breaks down DMT to Melatonin to induce better sleep.
DMT is released naturally in the body during:
-Tantric Orgasm
-Deja Vu
So then, my question then becomes, if DMT is released naturally in the brain while you dream, is it possible to access hyperspace in a lucid dream state? I've yet to experience this so I cannot say for myself, just an interesting idea.
Also, someone was telling me about Deja Vu and how it actually relates to everyday waking consciousness. Obviously nobody can pinpoint the feeling exactly but what I think to be a very high possibility is a DMT flashback or flashforward. One theory is that Deja Vu is a form of psychological conformation or a sign that your life is on the right track, but for most of us, or at least for me, a Deja Vu experience feels like you're remembering something that you once knew. Most of the time, at least in my experience, I've been able to recall when I saw the initial event and every single time its been from a dream. Dreams and Deja Vu are connected in ways that I don't think I'm ready to fathom yet haha. I think also that dreams hold latent information from the future in some form of quantum consciousness.
If anyone is familiar with quantum mechanics then this might help you understand. Tachyons, are particles of light/energy/information that travel backwards in time. Its a highly quantum mechanical effect so to produce any sort of results working with tachyons there has to be an available quantum possibility field. When I say quantum field, I mean a place where every possibility is in superposition with each other aka a tripping or hyperspace state of mind. Anyway, since these particles can only be used in states of altered consciousness, it is my thought that moments of Deja Vu release tachyons into the past, into the dream world, affecting your dreams in the past, to give you a feeling of remembering something you once knew.
DMT is a definite awakening to the quantum world, and I would even venture further to say that hyperspace isn't anything but pure tendency. Lots have said that they can control it in higher states (LSD+DMT) but it is possible to control no matter what; usually its too overwhelming of an experience for the user to realize their potential. Quantum mechanics works on a very vague scale. It is a world built entirely on possibilities of consciousness.
Heres my Dimensions Map:
=0-3=Physical Reality
0- . -the first point. one single point of consciousness creating a primordial form of concentrated awareness on a single point in the void
1- ._. - dimension 1 is a line that connects two points to create the illusion of duality. Now there are two choices, seemingly, but they are still always connected by a line, making them one
2- ./_. - the 2nd dimension is a split in that line, creating a two dimensional plane
3- ./\_. - the third dimension is a fold in the split that creates space
=4-7=Mental (Perception) Reality
4- ._. - The fourth dimension is time. time exists as a line, moving forward and connecting the mental reality of 4th dimensional thought to the physical
5- ./_. - Dimension 5 is a split in the line of time, creating the visible perception of two possibilities at once. 5th dimensional awareness comes in altered states of consciousness that don't break through. LSD is common example of 5th dimensional awareness
6- ./\_. - Dimension 6 is a fold in the split line, creating the perception of all possibilities at once. This fold in the time line also creates time as a circle of awareness in which any event past present or future can be perceived.
7- . - The 7th dimension is every single dimension described above, comprised into one single point of awareness. The full 7th dimension is also known as our Physical Matter Reality (PMR). Going beyond this dimension of awareness is called breaking through.
=8-10=Dream Reality
8- ._. - The 8th dimension is a connection between 2 PMR's or a PMR and a NPMR (usually NPMR). Traveling down this line is DMT hyperspace until you get to the next point which in usually every case is a NPMR where thoughts happen instantaneously and your reality and your mind are one.
9- ./_. - Dimension 9 is a split in the hyperspace line usually creating something of a circuit to other NPMR's and PMR's through travel along the hyperspace line. Many worlds of thought become visible.
10- ./\_. - the 10th dimension is a fold in the hyperspace line creating a higher realm of existence. Space in the conventional sense of the word is not how the 10th dimension would be, but for lack of a better word we'll call it ethereal or angelic space
=11=Christ Reality
11- . -the 11th dimension is every single dimension of awareness comprised into one single point. Christ consciousness (or Buddha or Krishna or Yoda or whatever) is defined at this level of awareness. Let me explain this a little more.
In our 4 dimensions of reality, we exist in a single point of consciousness (at the 7th dimension) . so this point, which is our universe, exists in the "space" of a reality higher than it. Just like how we exist in the space of a reality that is higher than us. Make sense? Key:
* = our universe/and other universes
( ) = our immediate higher dimension, the 7th which is a single point in the 11th dimension;
[ ] = 11th dimension;
< > = hyperspace lines
? = NPMR's
[ (*) > ? < (*) > ? ]
Sorry if this is really confusing, but i find that there is a clear link between spiritual awareness (higher dimensions) and quantum mechanics. By the way, every single dimension described above is part of the quantum mechanics theory, so its not just some bullshit i made up, all of this is being studied right now by quantum scientists.
There are other links to quantum science found in the spiritual world that cannot be overlooked. After experiencing DMT, the mind cannot be the same. It is forced open to a new world of consciousness that includes what some might call "unnecessary awareness" or what I call "psychic awareness". Telepathy is a common occurrence for me on a regular everyday basis. I've been able to read thoughts and send thoughts easier after experiencing DMT, which leads me to ask: since DMT is so eye-opening and unlocks the possibilities of your mind, can it be used to train the mind into doing things its not used to? Telepathy, or a form of psychokinesis is such a pure thought in hyperspace that the mind is literally forced to accept it as it happens. In your state of suspended pure ego-loss, your mind accepts everything that it sees to the point of desireless-ness, allowing you to experience enlightenment for a brief period of time. In this state, I think its possible to train your mind to accept certain psychic occurrences to the point of true, unbiased phenomena, allowing you to then access their abilities during waking consciousness.
-= Quantum Mechanics Crash Course =-
-Entanglement- Two particles (or multiple) particles that share responses to stimuli, even across vast distances. What happens to one will happen to the other precisely at the same time
-Superposition- A particle in superposition is occupying every quantum state. To properly describe a particle in superposition, one must describe every possible quantum state as well as the probability of the particle being in that state
-Bose-Einstien Condensates- These particles are states of the quantum wave function that are visible to the eye. A Bose-Einstein Condensate is one particle in two places at once. One particle, in multiple positions.
-Wave Function- usually referred to as the "collapse of the wave function". This is also known as the act of observation. the wave function refers to a quantum state of a certain particle eg. superposition. When the particle is observed by any conscious being, the wave function collapses to a single point, no longer a quantum function, but rather a static particle. This is why when we experience DMT we see all the particles moving and shifting, visibly seeing the wave function of the quantum world. Also explains when we're sober we can only see our reality as solid and static, unmoving even though we know that this world isn't solid and its made purely of possibilities.
Telepathy I think is a quantum mechanical effect. Telepathy is when two conscious beings share one thought, whether one being sends or receives, its still the same thought occurring in two places at once. One reason I feel that we cannot share these psychic experiences normally with our everyday thought pattern is because we still observe the world and the very act of observing collapses the wave function. It collapses the possibilities of psychic experience.
-The Double Slit Experiment-
Scientists conducted an experiment. You can read about it online if this doesn't make sense, its really hard to describe.
When shot through two slits, particles show up on the wall as a pattern of two slits like this: | |
When Waves move through two slits a wave interference pattern is created: . , ; | | ; , . This is caused by the waves canceling each other out.
When electrons (particles) are shot through two slits an interference pattern is still created: . , ; | | ; , .
This is because of a quantum mechanical effect. So the scientists were clever and decided to shoot electrons through the slits one at a time so there could be no interference, but the same pattern emerged after an hour of this. So what actually happens is the electron is shot at the slits, is broken down into a wave of potential, goes through both slits, and neither at the same time (superposition) and interferes with itself to create the interference pattern.
This is where it can get messy haha. The scientists decided to take a peek to see which slit the electron went through when it was shot one at a time. They put a measuring device near the slits to record the data but when they ran the experiment the original pattern of two slits emerged: | |. There was no interference pattern. The electron behaves differently when observed.
Electron Slit pattern w/o observation: . , ; | | ; , .
Electron Slit pattern w/ observation: | |
So the electron actually behaves differently as though it knows its being watched.
It is for this reason we cannot access our psychic abilities. We have to observe them for them to be accessible but the very act of observation collapses the wave of potentials where the abilities exist. However, in the state of hyperspace, you are ego-free pure unaltered possibility, literally living in the quantum world where every psychic power is accessible. People who have experimented with LSD+DMT would say that its possible and quite easy to control the hyperspace world. This is because before they enter into the pure psychic world, their minds are already experiencing things that aren't part of a normal waking consciousness. Their minds are already open to the possibilities, allowing more control over the pure energy of hyperspace.
DMT is enlightenment. Call it whatever you want but thats just what it is. You experience complete and total ego-loss, you cease to exist as the person you were. You die. And then are reborn as a person of higher awareness of self. This death and rebirth is a glimpse of what enlightenment is. After experiencing this for myself I started doing research on the biophsyiology of enlightenment and found that it could potentially be an offshoot of natural DMT release in the brain. An experiment was done with a device called the God-Helmet. This helmet, when worn, activated certain areas of the brain believed to be associated with spiritual connections by electron stimulation. The experiences reported by the users of the helmet are verbatim DMT experiences. And so I will leave you on this note. Should you experience DMT, your immediate goal for the present, is to get yourself to release DMT in your brain naturally. Break through to the world of higher consciousness without the use of exterior DMT, and it is my strong belief that you will attain enlightenment.
An old poem about enlightenment read:
The mind is a mirror, dust gathers on the mirror
Who cleans away the dust is enlightened.
When the enlightened master read this he laughed and said
There is no mind, there is no mirror
He who knows where the dust lands is enlightened...