DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
I thought it would be interesting to see the different levels of usage among the members of dmt nexus.I know personally for swim,who has only been getting to know the molecule for a couple months now is smoking mabey once a week sometimes every other week.Lately swim has been thinking of stepping it up a notch and journey on a more regular basis primarily at night, before he goes to bed.I find that swims dreams are highly effected by smoking dmt.Plus there are re occuring themes and being's and its hard to really grasp what is going on unless you visit that realm more frequently.I was also curious about others outlook on the subject and other peoples patterns of useage.I'm sure there are people who have routines and rituals and i'm sure there are some that smoke sporadically but i just wanted to hear it from others.Do you use it as a tool or is it recreational? just curious. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 163 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 06-Nov-2011
did aya once a week for 3 months now once every 4 months at my peak i smoked once evey day for about 2 weeks know about once a week to once every 2 weeks You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
"You ask a glass of water."
Douglas Adams
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I've never taken aya but i imagine it would a lot easier to make sense of the experience rather than a 10min blast into hyperspace,sometimes it's hard to process what happened.Which is why swim is thinking of using dmt on a more regular basis,just to help him make heads and tales of these re-occuring themes and being's. Swim wants to take aya but would like to take it with a guide or shaman first.For some reason it doesnt seem right for swim to make the brew himself and drink it in his townhouse and lay on his couch.Would think it to be more beneficial and greater learnig experience to take it in the jungle with a shaman. Swim feels that he has cought but a mere glimpse into this new realm (unlike lsd or mushrooms) and feels there is a lot more to see and feels that he wants to use it on a more regular basis but at the same time not abuse it and come off with a negative expereience with the drug,if that made sense. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member
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Aya...that's DMT's big brother. Aya can show you things DMT can't because aya lasts much longer than DMT. "I saw the spirit of the sun, earth, moon, and met God and I was completely blown away. Before that I was an atheist. Through Aya, God told me many things that were going to happen that were impossible for anyone to know. Within weeks everything God said would happen indeed happened and my life changed because of it. I cannot doubt the existence of God anymore." I still get a little chill when I think about that. DMT can give you a glimpse of the spirit world for a flash in time, but aya gives you time to actually do something in the spirit world. “I use DMT, or aya, maybe a few times a month, sometimes not at all, other times twice in a day” I think most people are like that with DMT. DMT is not something you crave, it’s an adventure and like all good adventures you are always happy to get back home to your normal comfortable life when it’s over. Hopefully you bring something back from the adventure that’s helpful. People don’t go on adventures every day. That’s too tiring and will ruin the excitement of it. It’s like having pizza every day all day long. You get tired of it and want something else. DMT is like that. You will get tired of it if you keep doing it all day, but will probably return to it again in many months. Now something like cocaine, that’s a different story. Some people will use that all day until they die if they have enough money. I’ve known people that have a whole ton of DMT sitting in their freezers that they haven’t touched for years because they’re saving it for when they feel the time is right. Many people see DMT as a special thing that should be reserved for special moments in time. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
Swim feels as if he is just getting to know it or develop a relationship with it and wants to use it responsibly and at the same time bring back a lesson,you dig? I'm assuming swiy has lots of experience's and has reached a point where he has an established relationship w/ the molecule.Swim wants to get where swiy is,in that respect. I was just curious w/ the more experienced members how they developed that relationship,resposibly.I like my big screen tv aswell and the entertainment it brings with the pretty colors but swim is seeking something more.Mabey an aya excurssion would help but for now all swim has, is in his freezer and mabey like a meditation routine one can use dmt the same way inorder to bring back some of the lessons.Which is why i was curious as to how much people smoke or have smoked back when they were where swim is.If that makes sense. swim wont try aya w/out the propper setting,he wants to be in the jungle w/ a shaman,atleast for the first few times.I respect this molecule. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member
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hummmm let's see , i do it every friday, and some sundays aswell as soon has i wake up, aya , every 3 to 4 months in a closed group of aya-fanatics friends , all other stuff i do it everyday (except opium and it's closest's relatives)
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
Dwhitty76 wrote: I've never taken aya but i imagine it would a lot easier to make sense of the experience rather than a 10min blast into hyperspace,sometimes it's hard to process what happened.Which is why swim is thinking of using dmt on a more regular basis,just to help him make heads and tales of these re-occuring themes and being's. Swim wants to take aya but would like to take it with a guide or shaman first.For some reason it doesnt seem right for swim to make the brew himself and drink it in his townhouse and lay on his couch.Would think it to be more beneficial and greater learnig experience to take it in the jungle with a shaman. This is something you can do by yourself! Many, many people do aya alone before they spend the $2000+ to venture to Peru to experience it with a shaman. If you work very slowly with the brew you will build a relationship with her. Please don't feel it can only be done successfully without a ayahuasquerro (currandero's or "shaman"  . Building a relationship with Madre Aya is a very personal thing...it takes time, patience, and dedication. An ayahuasquerro is very helpful, but not 100% necessary to experience aya. I completely agree that doing it in your apartment is maybe not the best setting. Getting out in the woods is a much better place to experience it. Camping anyone? Quote:Aya...that's DMT's big brother.
Aya can show you things DMT can't because aya lasts much longer than DMT." I believe that Ayahuasca is much, much more than orally active DMT. It's amazing healing power and visonary abilities come from the vine interacting with the light (dmt containing plants). The vine itself is visonary. If one takes a good dose of the vine they will have visions, albeit not as bright or clear as a brew with DMT in it, hence it being called "the light". I believe it can show you things that DMT can't because: A) the vine is guiding you to places you need to be B) the experience is slowed down (not warp speed) because of the MAOIs C) DMT is unruly at times, the vine keeps this unruliness under some control (mimosa is the execption to this, but then again Mimosa + Caapi is not traditional Aya). I personally very much believe that the vine helps guide one through the experience. Rue doesn't do that, only Caapi does (at least in all my experiences and the experiences of many others). I can feel a presence when I take the vine (with or without DMT containing plants). This is just my personal opinion, but Aya is so much more than orally active DMT. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 23-Jun-2008 Last visit: 09-Jun-2010 Location: Belgium
I do it when I can, when you have 3 teenager in the house it isn't allways easy to find the peace and rest you need to get blown into hyperspace... Also, not all my friends are THAT experimental to extract things from plants with some chemicals and then SMOKE it ('are you f*cking crazy, you don't know what it does, maybe you'll die, blablaaballab'  . Bottom line: once in a while... and maybe that is the best way to use it.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
Acolon_5, i dont know where the edge of shpongolia is but i'm definately down to camping! Actually, Dr. strassman told me of a shaman/retreat that only costs $500 usd (not bad) plus i would love to visit the jungle but we'll see.Mabey i'll just go camping. Bezz - I'm in the same boat as you (minus the children). My girlfriend cant "get off" due to her being on an ssri,which blocks dmt and has one friend/neighbor that he can trip with.Actually,i might have another companion.I just found out that aguy that just got hired at my company and that sits next to me is a psychonaut that has alway's wanted to try dmt.So mabey i'll have two companions but other than that i know no one that i would even mention dmt to. I defiantely need to experience the aya brew!! " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 173 Joined: 09-Aug-2008 Last visit: 20-May-2015
If you want to experience the vine to find out how to become a better being and not only to receive longer and more fascinating visions, that’s a great idea! I wish you best. Tell us about, if it is really easier to get a practical “use” out of aya, many people maintain this… I don’t know, I have never tried. To be honest dmt gave me enough "lessons and instructions". To fulfil that is a work for a hole life,imho... OM
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
Ayahuasca,being the ancestor to smokeable dmt,it only seems right to pay homage to the gift we've been givin by this incredible vine. Absolutlely lessons and moral principals into which to practice in life is taught by dmt but i do enjoy the pretty colors aswell. It just seems (based on what i've heard) that you can be shown things that might be overlooked by smoking dmt because of its short lifespan.Atleast thats what dr.strassman told me along with all the other travelers i have spoken to. I believe the spirit molecule is a tool to explore truths and realities not known to people that arent spiritually minded.I have also spoken with extremely enlightened people who'm never taken psychedelics. There are obviously recreational users that are just looking to get their kicks and dont live by the same principals that can be taught by dmt and arent looking to gain that insight. I'm not one to speak from a spiritual hilltop because i am just human with human flaws but i do try and practice love and tolerance as a code.If i am tolerant and show passion to someone that might be misguided or confused,there is a better chance of mee having a positive effect on that persons life. If i speak as coming from a spiritual hilltop to someone there is a good chance that i wont have that same positive effect and therefore nothing is accomplished except practicing my own self righteousness,which isnt good.IMHO I think if one uses dmt as a tool it would be beneficial to get to know it's father. That is also my opinion. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1813 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Oct-2013 Location: Heart of the Sun
Myself, I tend to smoke the spice in spurts. I may go a month or two without smoking any at all, one night I'll get the bug up my ass & smoke a bit. Then I may smoke some, 1 or 2 times a week for a month or so. I try to not do it more than once or twice a week. For some reason, I feel like I need to ration my DMT experiences. I don't want it to become something trivial!! Sometimes, if I have a not-so-heavy experience, I may do it 2 nights in a row. Or, if I have a really, really wonderful experience, I want to do it night, after night, but I try not to. When I first learned how to extract DMT, a friend & I smoked some almost every other night for a month or two. WS All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
like i said since i've been extracting, i have been doing it mabey once a week or once every other week.If i have an amazing experience i might do it twice in one night. I cant help but feel that i have only scratched the surface with what the molecule can show me and i want to go further in, without abusing it (or disrespecting it) or like WS said having it become trivial,although it's hard to imagine something like dmt becoming trivial but i know what ws means. Ayahuasca is the inevetable next step it just has to be the the right setting. One other thing is that i havent smoked the spice alone yet.For some reason i like to have someone there,so when i can finally speak,i have someone to say "wow" to.The one thing that sucks about that,since i have such a low tolerance and can be in a trance state for up to 30 minutes,sometimes the other person gets restless which can take away from the experience. I still get that pre blast apprehension which is getting better and i guess thats why i like someone else present. Its such an amazing thing (in all respects)that since i've learned to extract i have become somewhat obsessed but i've heard others say the same thing. The joy is in the journey " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 121 Joined: 19-Jun-2008 Last visit: 22-Sep-2010 Location: Lake Superior
Quote: I completely agree that doing it in your apartment is maybe not the best setting. Getting out in the woods is a much better place to experience it. Camping anyone? I think you should start a North American shaman camping excursion Acolon Memory, prophecy and fantasy -the past, the future and the dreaming moment between - are all in one country, living one immortal day. To know that is Wisdom. To use it is the Art.
Posts: 1183 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 12-May-2024 Location: Scotland
I smoke it very sporadically now. When we first got into it it was quite reguarly but now its quite rare. Been working with the cappi alone, keep getting problems with the light plants but got some chali so going to hit it soon, the weathers crap at the moment so might not be able to go camping, but I have been working with the vine for some time now so I probably will add the light plants an do it in the house. I dont see any problem doing cappi alone at all, though could imagine getting into difficulties if it was a strong brew with the dmt plants.
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
Reborn wrote:Quote: I completely agree that doing it in your apartment is maybe not the best setting. Getting out in the woods is a much better place to experience it. Camping anyone? I think you should start a North American shaman camping excursion Acolon Sounds kinda good...too bad I would be risking my freedom if I offered Aya in the US. It's not a bad idea though. Maybe an underground thing only offered to forum psyconaughts?? The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
I actually have been thinking the same thing myself. No, one person would represent it or risk their freedom but to organize a camping trip with us likeminded people would be beyond amazing. There are people here (myself included) that dont really have close friends that would take aya ,actually most of my friends are recovering drug addicts that belong to a twelve step program and have sworn off all mood or mind altering substances (i didnt want you giys to think i didnt have any friends) so it would give people like myself and other who have friends that dont smoke dmt or drink aya the chance to meet like minded to journey with Also the coolest thing about it is that we'd all get to meet eachother face to face,all of us that have been chatting and exchanging information Ofcourse there is the element of organizing a criminal act but hey, i've never heard a bunch of guys and gals ever getting arrested for camping I dont think its a bad idea " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
ive been toying with this notion for the past couple of months aswell, but our problem ( one of them ) is we need/want an experienced leader/guide with the vine, and that would offer a more authentic "natural" experience that can be seen as strictly religious and be identified and accepted as a practice of our faith.
Dwhitty76, i havent smoked dmt, but drank of aya. i am scared shitless of smoking it and want to anyway. the brewing of the aya is very important and takes patience, but a good brew is attainable by all who perform the necessary functions of making it (even teenage derelicts) . (NO SHAMAN NEEDED) unless you want a guide, idk much about that, ive only gone head over heals ALONE into that place, id imagine it being rather peculiar with another person... nevertheless i am of great cowardice and want a leader to light the way/ break the ice to the other place. instead of my couch it was my friends bed, and then shower, and bed, then shower, and so forth
the experience of ayahuasca leaves me riddled with excitement of how much there is to learn!
Acolon5 mayhap we should have a socialistic democratic shamantic ayahuasca group, no leader, no follower, all students!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1813 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Oct-2013 Location: Heart of the Sun
Quote:Ofcourse there is the element of organizing a criminal act but hey, i've never heard a bunch of guys and gals ever getting arrested for camping Isn't that how they get away with Burning Man?!? I might be down for camping with a small group of sub-strangers. That does have the possibility of going bad though. WS All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 707 Joined: 23-May-2008 Last visit: 26-Jun-2016 Location: Miami
thats right i forgot about burning man, but we're talking lots of publicity and a lot of people. i hear where your coming from as far as camping w/ strangers and the possibility of something going wrong but ther is always the possibilty of something going wrong. I think having a smaller group of people camping in the woods could also have the potential of making the community stronger aswell. " Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti