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Physical effects of too much dmt? Options
#61 Posted : 9/22/2010 8:07:11 AM

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Oncewas wrote:
let me show you an excerpt of tihkal on 5-meo. I know this isn't dmt however this is important to notate. I've heard of stories of similar happening with freebase nn-dmt.


(with an unknown but large amount, smoked) I observed the subject pass very quickly into an almost coma-like state. Within seconds his face became purple and his breathing stopped. I pounded his chest, and breathed for him, and he seemed to emerge in consciousness, with the comment, "This is absolute ecstasy." He stopped breathing a second time, and both heart massage and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was provided. Again, he recovered and managed to maintain a continuing consciousness and achieve a partial recovery. In the awake condition he was increasingly lucid, but on closing his eyes he became possessed with, what he called, "The energy of terror." He could not sleep, as upon closing his eyes he felt threatened in a way he could not tolerate. Three days later, medical intervention with antipsychotic medication was provided, which allowed the recovery of an acceptable behavior pattern in a few more days.

Holy balls. Thanks for reminding me what im playing with. That's insane. God. And i dont have a scale. Stupid boy i am. I know how bad antipsychotics can be-theres one used for depression in small doses, which i took once for that purpose, and i liked it for a few days, then i think i started to get way too mellow. God. Please everyone, be VERY careful with pharma. My friend took too much pharma once, same dose as me, but this person was smaller...our first pharma experience. It kicked the persons ass. They had fun but, they were almost totally gone for 2 of the 8 hours they ended up tripping. It lasted only a few hours for me. Beautiful experience though.

Just dont look so far into the chasm that you fall in. This stuff is powdered genesis. It'll send you to heaven, then bring you down to hell and let you remember what it was like up there.
Guess thats all obvious though.
Come into the garden maud,
For the black bat night hath flown
and the woodbine spices are wafted abroad
and the musk of the rose is blown


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
the white rabbit
#62 Posted : 10/28/2013 4:53:50 AM

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A DMT breakthrough gives a near death experience from my personal experience. That dose was epic and taught me so much. To consider pushing the DMT limits is a terrible idea. It is not a fun feeling to get your ego shattered, nor does the idea of vomiting all over the place and potentially choking to death...Stop I say stop, look, learn and listen to the people here for they are wise.
#63 Posted : 10/28/2013 5:54:53 AM

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white rabbit, you have revived an almost 3 year old thread. Then I realized I'm the one who started this thread. How naive I was back then. I saw the title of this thread, and I was going to say, "the physical effects of too much dmt will be that you get knocked the fuck out, maybe convulse, maybe vomit, lose all sense of equilibrium". But there's also unseen effects that we can only speculate. From experience with that crazy dose I took all those years ago, I had a big headache the next day. Maybe I damaged my brain a bit, who knows really? Why possibly give yourself brain damage? I woldn't take that same dose I took. It was somewhere around 500mg orally. Half that would have still been too much for me at the time. If not damaged the brain in the sense that I killed neurons, who knows what other types of damage it could have done? Maybe it affected my 5ht receptors somehow? Like overstimulating them? I don't know. I seem to be fine, and I've taken spice hundreds and hundreds of times, but who knows.

I think it's more dangerous to take a high oral dose than it is to smoke it.... although I have never personally loaded so much for a smoke, purposely trying to take as large a dose as possible. At a certain point, it'll just knock you the fug out, so there's no point in taking more. Besides, you'll usually get ktfo'd before you can smoke more anyway. There have been a few times, however when I smoked a large amount, and had trouble moving for quite a while, and getting my bearings. I was confused. However, I was also on an oral dose at the same time, so it was a lotta dmt in the brain, but I was kinda worried about some kind of permanent brain effect.... but the unusual physical and mental effects wore off with the ayahuasca. Still, wouldn't want to go in to that territory regularly. When I had these weird effects, it was in combination with l-dopa as well, an amino acid that increases dopamine levels. High dmt + high dopamine might have created a particularly potent psychoactive effect that was just too much for me to function on, resulting in a lot of confusion.
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