The wholy dance who wispers a scared vow,
into the ears of those who still twirl through the eternal now..
The ears of those who hold a never ending story to tell,
are sure to spin it, weave it so they can capture it well..
Through worlds of magic they spiral and sing,
never givin into uncertainty, for its there where one finds the bounty-and endpoint of which a destiny may bring..
They exist in the moment,
always and never in flight-cast away to the darkness long forgotten along with the light..
Puddles they step into finding oceans through which they fall,
finding depth is all shallows-endless detail-through even the largest passages they crawl..
The ones who were lost...
forgotten so long ago, and the ones who appear relentlessly to challenge all that we know..
One single raindrop, each tear from a childs newlyborn and quickly deceased dream-they fall into they're world like due, are collected up and the stuff of which they sew through the seams..
They are the ones of which the future has in store,
like great Hopi once said "we are the ones we have been waiting for"
Long live the unwoke.