Wow.... Wow, wow, wow, wow... just... wow man..
I'm almost shaking.. I have to head out to pick up my daughter soon (yay i get to see her today!!!) but I HAVE to share this first.. And it kind of fades, like a dream.. so I want to get this all down.
But yeah.. My second time brewing, definitely worked.. I think it was grinding up the mimosa that made a difference.. And yes, Mimosa can be a rough teacher.. I'm looking forward to my chacruna getting here. Ugh.. Wow...
Anyway, I only slightly altered my brewing technique, but I did use 8 grams of mimosa this time, not to drink it all, but to have extra in case I purged too soon..
Drank my Caapi first.. Waited slightly over 10 minutes, then drank my Mimosa, slightly more than half, so maybe 6 grams worth.. I was already feeling the Caapi when I drank the Mimosa.. And two minutes after I drank the Mimosa I started feeling something that I knew wasn't the Caapi.
I had a sitter with me. A friend who was there out of kindness, but has zero experience with psychedelics.. When I could tell how strong it was going to be I thanked her for all her help thus far, and kindly let her know I felt I would be better on my own. Gave her a hug goodnight and she took off.. Leaving me in the little shrine I had set up in my backyard, behind a shed.. Some blankets on the ground, out under the stars and clouds, away from everyone... All by myself.
The Mimosa started coming on very quick.. And sometime less than 10 minutes minutes after my Mimosa drinking, I started purging.. A little came up the first bout.. And just as I was thinking "well that wasn't too bad", KA-BOOM!! A fountain shoots out my mouth.. Again.. and again.. I can't believe there was that much to come up.. It kept coming and coming.. Felt like I couldn't breathe.. Finally it was over and I put on some Shpongle and laid down to try to enjoy things more..
It was so intense coming up.. Everything was vibrating.. There were visuals there, but nothing like what I expected.. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's because I had a small dose (6g is small, right?), but eyes open, the visuals were... weird.. Some flashes and trails, that's about it.. CEV's were certainly there but hard to distinguish/remember.. There definitely wasn't much of the crazy geometric patterning you so often hear described.. but that didn't concern me.. the mental and body effects were certainly strong enough for me that night.
When I purged I remember thinking "Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into? My body is obviously trying to get that stuff out of me as quickly as possible.. Oh boy"
Now I think it's best to move into the first-person, present tense, to try to relate this as best I can..
So now I'm laying here.. Looking up... Ok, ok.. I'm fine. Why did I do this? Remember.. To learn. To grow. To help my addiction problems. To cultivate more patience and kindness.. Yes, yes.. Ok.. Intentions are noble enough.. Why do I feel so damn icky then? Uuggghhhhh...
Body vibrating... Field of vision starting to spin a bit.. Closing my eyes at this point feels similar to my Iboga experience of falling into a black hole, except with this I'm not falling, I'm flying very fast..
My thoughts are going crazy.. Very weird. Certainly non-linear. Who's having these thoughts? Where do they come from? Are they mine? What does mine even mean? Who am I? "I"? What a crazy concept.. Suddenly I realize there's no such thing as I.. Haha.. what a silly dream-world we live in. It has a purpose, but it doesn't matter..
Ooooh the vibrating... This is strong. My body is melting. Hold on.. Just hold on.. No wait, don't fight it.. that will be uncomfortable. Oh shit, if I let go I'm going to die.. Right, that's the point isn't it? But wait.. I just realized something.. I don't want to die! Noooo!!!
Fear.. Panic.. Terror. I do NOT want to die. I thought I had my thoughts somewhat resolved on this, but there was no way to know until I actually felt it. And now I know.. I do not want to die. I'm afraid to die. I'm grateful for this life. I'm happy here.. I want to go home.. I want this to go away. Let me go in and go to bed. I'll never do it again.. I promise.. I wasn't ready. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Please be gentle. Forgive me. Wait, the vine.. Caapi? Where are you? Help me, please..
No answer..
Oh boy.. Flying fast and faster.. The vibration is almost an explosion. What am I going to do? I know I need to let go.. uhh.. NO! Tried it, too scary.. can't do that.. but wait, at this rate, pretty soon I won't be able to resist.. Oh god.. What's going to happen when it engulfs me? Oh boy oh boy oh god..
Breathe... My breathe. I have my breath still. I have that. Focus.. Oh god.. I understand what Tia was saying.. I'm just a baby! Oh loving universe, have mercy on me! You wouldn't hurt a baby would you? Everyone loves babies.. I'm just a baby.. so young.. I know nothing. I don't have a clue.
This all really is such an illusion isn't it? I can sense reality suddenly.. Like it was there behind the curtain the whole time.. I know this. I've always known this. Why do I need these crazy/painful psychedelic experiences to remember and appreciate things? It doesn't matter.. Nothing matters. It does, but really it doesn't. I have consequences for my actions yeah, but they don't matter.. Or do they? Wait, I know... They do and they don't at the same time. Yes, that's it. Duh.
I'm not alone now.. The vibrating is so strong I almost don't perceive it, weird.. I've flown somewhere far away. And there's something in front of me. It's so bright. And big. This is the biggest most powerful thing I've ever sensed before. It's so huge. Immense. Understanding. Loving.. So bright. Oh my god, this is the source. This is what I really am. (There's that silly "I" word again, what does that even mean?). This is the reason for all reasons. This is everything and nothing at the same time. That's the only thing that really makes sense anyway, right? We silly humans spend so much time trying to understand this universe.. but the answer is really so simple we overlook it all the time. The only thing that's even possible is everything and nothing. That's the only way it could ever work. There can be no other way. This isn't real. None of it is really real. It IS real. This makes perfect sense right now. I know this to be true. Human experience is kind of like the most powerful psychedelic the universe has ever known.
Nonetheless.. Here is the source. In front of me. Inside me. Outside me. Reality has ripped at the seams. Breathe. In. Out.. I'm still here.. I've been here the whole time. Did I ever let go? No, I don't think so. No, certainly not, not all the way. Thank you oh gentle teacher.. I wasn't ready tonight. I was NOT ready.. How can you be ready?! Hahahaha... Oh my god.. Hahaha...
Crazy.. What happened? What just happened?? Hahahahahhaa.. Oh my.. Is that rain on my face? Hahahaha... Perfect. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I love them. Oh my god, I love everybody. I want everyone to be happy. I just want to hold them in the womb of creation and let them know everything will be ok. I know it to be so. All is love. Pain is still there, but the love is stronger.. The only way is everything at the same time.. Love, pain.. Same time. It's the only way. That's why.
Wow I'm still here.. I made it. Ooooooh... Hahahahaha... Thank you, thank you thank you thank you... Oh my gosh.
Should I drink the last little bit in my glass?
NOOOOO!!! Not tonight... certainly not tonight.. Hahahaha. Oh no.
Wow.. Wow, wow, wow.. What happened? Hahahahaaha.. Oh my. I am just a baby. Yes. I was cradled, briefly, in the ultimate womb. I'm certainly not ready for this. But then, who really is? Will I do this again? Hahahahaha.. I want to say no, but I know that's a lie. Oh my.. oh my. Thank you Source. Thank you for being gentle. I understand you had to scare me a bit at first I guess.. But wow, I really am afraid of dying.. I hadn't realized it until now. Wow... Sooo grateful to be alive. Thank you.
So yes... It worked. And that was a small dose? Hahahaha... I'll add more if it comes to me, but I need to get ready to go pick my daughter up now. But wow I wanted to share that. Hope it wasn't too hard to read the whole thing.. I figured first-person prose was really my best chance at conveying things.. That's the best I can do right now at trying to catch the thoughts in my head.. Because that's where most of it took place, in my head.. Part of it was somewhere out in the universe, but this small dose... mostly inside me. And wow, I'm glad I started small..
Embrace this moment, remember: We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.