DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
I had been toying with the idea of doing an STB ever since I first had an experience with the spirit molecule. After some research and trial and error I came up with a decent product. Here is what I did(Norman's Tek); 300cc/mL Water 50g NaOH 50g MHRB I followed Norman's Tek very closely and only added to the soaking times at this point where the bark sits in the basified water, where I let it sit for at least 12 hours. I put in about 75mL of Naptha and then got the whole container warm for about another 12 hours. Let it sit on my XBox, since I game hard. Maybe get Naptha hot before you put into container of MHRB solution? I tried to siphon off the Naptha and evaporate it for a bit but that seemed to not work as well as just sticking it into the freezer for another 12 hours. Siphoned off into a glass baking-like dish, freeze-precip, pull out after 12 hours then let evaporate fully for white crystals. At first I was just using these crystals but when I saw the 'BIG HONKIN CRYSTALS' post in the STB part of the forums I was like...WTF!!! So after that I started to scrape and save the excess brown goo and refine the white powder with Bestine. I highly recommend this process for anyone trying to get crystals. Re-Xtal is the shit! I just put the brown goo and some of the less refined tanner powder in a champagne glass (not a 'flute'  , got the Bestine hot (careful to not be around open flames, boil water-shut off-put Bestine in pot of hot water), then slowly added hot bestine. Most of it mixed by itself but I did use a small needle to mix/stir the rest. I used a syringe and siphoned off the rest into a shot glass. Let it sit for almost 2 days (maybe 36 hours). At first it looked like it was going to turn to goo again, but in about the last 12 hours started to form crystals. !!!Xtals FTW!!! After this, I now cannot re-xtal. I got about 3 pea sized crystals, weighing somewhere around .25g. Thanks to everyone's help here! Could not have done it without you! Wish I could post pics, but admittedly the baby's are too small for my camera phone.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
I should also note, I reused all the Naptha I possibly could.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
awesome! glad it worked for you  Do you know the weight before you recrystalized? 0.5% yield is not the end of the world but its not a good yield either. Also you are using too much naphtha for very little bark. That amount of naphtha should be enough to pull 3x the bark. Your naphtha isnt saturated enough so theres probably quite much dmt there after freezing. Dont just 'evaporate a bit'. For that amount of bark, evaporate to a third of original amount and then freeze, to get more dmt out. You did say you are reusing naphtha, so thats also another plan, but then make many pulls and do evaporate the last one till just a tiny quantity to freeze it one last time. How many pulls did you do?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
Endless, Thanks for the tips. I am guessing the weight before re-xtal was about 5 hits worth...unfortunately I wasn't weighing but did two hits, and gave two to a friend, and still have a hit or so left over...not very scientific measurements but that is just white powder and not the goo. I will start weighing things more.
How much Naptha you suggest then? Like 50mL?
I did re-use the Naptha everytime...and it seemed like the second to last pull was the best out of 5 pulls. So you think the pre-evap step is crucial? Seemed to not work as well for me...
Should Naptha be hot when put into solution? Or heat after in solution?
THX Endless...you in particular helped me without knowing while going through some of your posts and replies. Big ups!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Yeah, judging by 'hits' is not accurate at all because there are so many other factors involved. There are several people that dont weigh their dmt but before doing that it is definitely recommended that one is experienced with dmt, has had breakthroughs (so that he doesnt misjudge a dose and has an unprepared breakthrough) and knows the particular batch and its general dosage. Also getting the smoking technique down is a must. How do you smoke dmt? I would suggest the vaporgenie but if one can't afford it, for me what worked before the vaporgenie was a bong and thick ash sandwich and going very easy with the fire, keeping it a few cms away. The genie is definitely worth the investment though, I now need maybe half of the dosage I needed with other methods to breakthrough As for the amount of naphtha, check this FAQ question, maybe it helps. Why do you say regarding pre-evap that 'it didnt seem to work as well' for you, what exactly happened? Heating both the naphtha or the solution+naphtha will generally cause more alkaloids to move into the solvent, but it will also cause more impurities to be dissolved. Im unaware of any side-by-side extractions testing the differences between only heating the solvent or heating the whole thing. There must be an optimal point where the solvent dissolves most dmt and not much impurities but I dont think anybody has ever tested to this point (though someone should  ). If you are freeze precipitating, you can just keep repeating until there is no more dmt crashing, then when this happens, do another pull and leave for long in the jar, like some days, mixing every once in a while... Probably a significant amount will still come out. Naphtha isnt exactly the most efficient solvent for pulling dmt. Other more polar solvents will be better, but they might also pull more impurities. I suggest checking out limonene extractions such as BLAB in the future, the yields are great and its much nicer IMO to work with limo  Im glad to have helped  I learned so much in the Nexus, its the least I can do to help others who are willing to learn and make effort and be conscious and respectful about what they are doing 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
So true endless. I have had one serious breakthrough before, and would say that these hits were level 2 worthy. Maybe a penny size worth mound of white stuff, some tanner/amber stuff too. Not very strong hits for sure. I have seen the VG, but a lot of people seem to think careful lighting works best. Not sure if I should invest or not... I use the sandwich method; MJ on bottom (2/4), spice (1/4), another layer of MJ (1/4). I keep the flame as far away as I can and for the first hit at least don't usually light the MJ. Ash huh? Why? Any suggestions to help my smoking method? Some times I use MJ I scraped the evaporation jars/dish with too. When I pre-evaporated instead of just freezing I only got like 1 white crystal. Every other time was a pretty decent amount of snow. Do you use Limolene just like Naptha, 1:1? If so, can I insert it into Norman's Tek too (I use the updated one, no wash)?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
The vaporgenie is definitely worth it IMO. I tried the MJ sandwhich and also innert herbs sandwich. Though they work, there are a few significant disadvantages relating to the vaporgenie. First of all, there is smoke, not only vapour. The smoke from any combustion is not healthy, much harder on the lungs and throat. Also, the heat from combustion will degrade some dmt, while vaporgenie will perfectly vaporize very effectively and with smooth pure vapor. When smoking, one needs to inhale all sorts of extra particles ( "fillers"  appart from dmt, so one cant get as concentrated amount of dmt at once. Im sure a lot of people here would back up what im saying, that if one inhales a large amount of dmt at, as opposed to spread out, it is much stronger effects. Appart from that, many people claim MJ fogs the experience and recollection, if I where you I would at least try some inert herbs. The advantage of the ash instead of herbs (at least on top) is that then you dont have some of those 'fillers' appart from dmt. As for the 1 white crystal, you have to pre-evaporate AND freeze, its not one or the other... How much did you pre-evaporate? as for using limonene, read the BLAB, its not the same you have to salt out.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
Hmmm...can you create a foil 'bubble/straw' thing? Put spice in the bottom and light bottom of foil? Kinda ghetto...
I pre-evaporated for about 6 hours. I also didn't heat up the solution before or after adding the solvent unlike the other times. A little heat seems to go a long way.
Could you use a vaporizer then as well? Maybe the sandwich method with a vaporizer?
Think a good smoke shop has the VG?
Lotsa ?'s I know.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
57u133 wrote:Hmmm...can you create a foil 'bubble/straw' thing? Put spice in the bottom and light bottom of foil? Kinda ghetto... please dont treat spice like that 57u133 wrote:Could you use a vaporizer then as well? Maybe the sandwich method with a vaporizer? From what ive read here on the Nexus, seems like you need to get the temp right for vaping, but also the worry of the whole devise smelling of DMT. 57u133 wrote:Think a good smoke shop has the VG? Some headshops do stock them, but you could just go to the VG website. Or you could enhance some leaf and smoke it out of a bong.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 582 Joined: 11-Jun-2010 Last visit: 23-Sep-2013 Location: that warm fuzzy place... hyperspace
I agree with Gamma. You should make some changa. I love me some changa -Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade
~All views, ideas and opinions of this user are strictly fictional and in no way represent an act done in reality.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 11-Sep-2010 Last visit: 14-Apr-2011 Location: The Bus
Re: Foil; Gamma, I feel you...was sorta jocular, since it seemed this sentiment is run throughout the board, me included. I have just a few, but beautiful xtals I am saving for something purposeful.
Changa? I looked at the Changa links but I guess it seems sorta like the same thing... I'll look again.
Thanks guys.