my most memorable dmt experience so far has been visualizing the merkaba.
do any experienced DMT users know about this?
this is almost the vision i had, but again pictures fail in comparison with the many viewpoints of the experience, or is it panoramic and changing angles? i dont know.
the inverse pyramids spun as did the white lights coming from points forming a shell around me this shell broke and i came back to physical reality, the voices in my mind seemed inquisitive yet concerned, what should we do with him..... hahaha i felt i was missed when leaving, i felt like it was all more real there, another trap. Its full of traps and the awesome part for me now is just looking at them there and acknowledging them, without going into them and without making more.
the points of light also seemed to gain faces when they spoke it was all so fast though i could not keep up, so i lost concentration and returned.