SWIM got a PP - Polypropylene #5 big tub, it is the largish tub available locally because SWIM lives in the mountains
Will a pH-11 solution try to bond/steal some of the Hydrogens from C3H6 and degrade the plastic? It says only about the carbon on wiki, or is carbon repolymerised because it lost its Hydrogen/Hydronium bond?
Wiki on polyprop degradation says
Polypropylene is liable to chain degradation from exposure to heat and UV radiation such as that present in sunlight. Oxidation usually occurs at the tertiary carbon atom present in every repeat unit. A free radical is formed here, and then reacts further with oxygen, followed by chain scission to yield aldehydes and carboxylic acids. In external applications, it shows up as a network of fine cracks and crazes that become deeper and more severe with time of exposure.
For external applications, UV-absorbing additives must be used. Carbon black also provides some protection from UV attack. The polymer can also be oxidized at high temperatures, a common problem during molding operations. Anti-oxidants are normally added to prevent polymer degradation.
-Thanks nexians