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DMT extraction in dorm - why we DONT want! Options
#1 Posted : 9/6/2010 10:47:51 PM
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Ok first off I will say that I am not very social so I am not going to have many connections to get DMT from. however i would really like to experience dmt. a dmt straight to base extraction seems easy enough, however i am a senior in highschool (YES I AM 18 years of age) , of course i cant do an extraction at home since i cant order mimosa and lye and send it to my house without parents being suspicous. so i have no intentions of doing it at home. and since im not social due to various reasons and disorders, getting it from someone else is out of the question.

i will then next year go to college. i will be in a dorm. i could then easily order stuff and then i could try an extraction. yes i am well aware that a dorm room extraction seems incredibly stupid , cause if i get caught it will be prison time. however i am not at all willing to wait 5 years (this year plus the 4 years ) to do dmt, and also i will go and get further education after college so it may be more like 8 years or 9 years. that is a long time.

i will not be able to get an apartment either, i couldnt balance school and a job hat would pay that much at the same time.

so is it possible to do a dmt extraction in college dorm, i know it is stupid , but is it possible to conceal it, i honestly wont do the extraction more than once or twice if i get desired results. i just want to try it.

i dont want to go the ayahuasca route since i heard that lasts much longer and is less intense. i want a smoked dmt route.

and asking a friend to extract it at his house is again: out of question.

ok :you guys have expressed that it is clearly a bad idea to use a dorm. however is it possible to do this in the woods or something ? i will not wait 5+ years .

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#2 Posted : 9/6/2010 11:03:30 PM

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Normally people would tip-toe around and diplomatically insinuate that that is a really stupid idea, but you've done it for us, and directly.

PLEASE find an alternative.

Your future is at stake - there is no way you could keep an extraction a secret from other students or your floorfellows, jeopardizing your academic career, studies, reputation and freedom. PLEASE do not extract DMT in a dorm room - you would also, being a member, put this community at risk, and I am sure, even as a new member, you can see what a shame that would be.

Have faith in life; university is a great place with a variety of interesting and intelligent people - you WILL meet people of like mind AND people who can overlook whatever social difficulties you feel you have, and you WILL meet someone with an apartment who will want to share this with you. Along the way, you will surely discover other options too.

Be patient. The spice rewards patience and punishes impatience severely. You have your whole life, and your scenario of years is certainly a dire, worst case scenario. If you can't refrain for yourself, I implore you to be patient and refrain for the sake of this community.


JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#3 Posted : 9/6/2010 11:15:10 PM

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Yeah running in and out of the bathroom with stinky chemicals, turkey basters, flasks and stuff does not look good in a dorm..Its a bad idea all around trust me..its verrryy sketchy

Plus theres a good chance that your roomate will not approve as well if you get a random one..since he will undoubtedly know that something is up

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#4 Posted : 9/7/2010 1:09:23 AM
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for the next 5 plus years i will be at college (im actually a senior in highschool (im 1Cool , so i wont start college till next year. my social disorders (yes i have a mental disorder of social skills) makes it impossible to socialize so advice like "ask a friend" doesnt really apply here.

however i was thinking about a dorm extraction, now one quick post to this site about that, made it clear that dorm extraction is too risky.

so i will need to do it in the woods somewhere. is this possible. i live in a warm climate so during summer ,spring ,and fall i will have no problem all getting the naptha to evaporate rapidly outside. so is it possible to do a dmt extraction somewhere in the woods. i honestly just want to make enough for 1 or two trips, so it wont be that hard to conceal will it. the only other alternative ( i cant rent an apartment since i cant balance job and school) is to wait over 5 years ( i am going to grad school so it may even be like 7-8 plus years) . 8 years = eternity for an 18 year old. i WILL NOT wait 8 years. i know the least risky way is in a house (in a house that you (and not ur parents,host,etc. ) owns ) , however i wont have that opportunity to live like that for a long long time.
#5 Posted : 9/7/2010 2:50:55 AM


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i am well aware that a dorm room extraction seems incredibly stupid , cause if i get caught it will be prison time. however i am not at all willing to wait 5 years. is it possible to do this in the woods or something ? i will not wait 5+ years .

Your logic is intolerably unbelievable!
When you get busted and sent to prison, you're gonna be waiting alot longer than 5 years to try dmt.


I would also argue that an outdoor extraction is not a responsible/reasonable alternative to your living situation.
Considering you would be manufacturing scheduled chemicals while trespassing on private property, at the same time putting the environment at risk;
as well as this community... seems completely unnecessary to me.

"The more one is able to articulate what it is, the less others are able to understand."
I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars.
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#6 Posted : 9/7/2010 3:07:54 AM

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SWIM thinks it is quite possible to accomplish.
Lazymans/Normans are the only ones SWIM is familiar with and the only issue he can see arising is random bits of crap landing in your liquids.
Same thing if you are going to evaporate the solvent in a glass dish. (Instead of a freezer)
As long as you have the proper safety equipment, proper materials and a table I cant see any other issues. (Dont cut corners Pleased )
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#7 Posted : 9/7/2010 3:59:01 AM

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I wrote a tek just like this for some one else on here that did not want to do it at there home. Look up any stealh teks? This topic will be my tek that I do out doors titled Electrolunchbox's steath tek
these post are excerpts from the daily life of a madman. One thinks that thought should be left alone......
#8 Posted : 9/7/2010 4:02:16 AM

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jbark has put it quite nicely. imho, this is an extremely stupid idea, and blinded by your impatience, you are unable to see what is at risk here. i'm sure you know the list but let me reiterate: you will get kicked out of school, no good university will accept you, your financial aid will all be taken away, you will end up in jail for a long time, you will have to pay a lot of money for lawyer, fines, and fees which your parents will probably have to pay. your name will permanentally remain on a criminal record which means no decent employer will hire you, and your life will have ruined. apart from this, you will put this wonderful community and the spirit molecule at great risk which will have dire consequences. down the road in a couple years you will wish you had a time machine, but there will be no rescue, and only then will you realize the implications of your stupidity. is dmt more important, or the acquiring of patience?

and especially with a random roommate, don't even think about it man. my 1st year roommate was a snitch and told on me just for smoking weed in the dorm, and i've heard many worse stories about snitch roommates. in addition, college dorms almost always have random inspections which you cannot and will not know about beforehand. getting busted with that shit, you will have ruined your life..not worth it at all imo. better to wait than that.
in your 2nd or 3rd year, you can easily rent an apartment, and do your extractions there. idk if you know this, but living off campus is many many times cheaper than living on campus..and that's even if you're getting a shitload of financial aid from school.

for the upcoming 1 or 2 years, you should just read a lot about this substances and educate yourself on them. don't waste your life on an impulsive decision. just chill, and smoke some weed. once you have a few connects, you should be able to find some shrooms, and maybe acid. just go with that, and stay away from turning your dorm into a drug lab.
like others have mentioned here..there is absolutely no way that you can hide your extraction procedure from your roommates, and most likely they will tell on you so they don't get in trouble. even if that doesn't happen, then your roommates can tell some other outsider, and the word will spread like fire. on top of that, a random dorm inspection will have raped you hard in your asshole.

oh, and welcome to nexusSmile
#9 Posted : 9/7/2010 4:10:09 AM

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BLAB was designed for execution without a kitchen or much other lab gear. It also is geared for extended extraction times, so I would say it is about perfect as an outdoor tek, sitting in a milk jug for the duration.

Making enough for only one or two trips could be quite difficult in determining the amount of bark to be used and working with so little material.
Honestly, after those first two experiences, you will probably be regretting making so little. I blew through my first "lifetime supply" in about 3 months. Make a nice batch, save some, share some.
#10 Posted : 9/7/2010 5:26:54 AM
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better advice in this thread than in the other, almost exactly the same thread, that you also posted but titled outdoors.

maybe a mod can merge them??

btw, welcome, and
good post Jbark!

#11 Posted : 9/7/2010 4:37:41 PM
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Why can't you get an apartment? It's so much cheaper than living on campus.

I hate to break it to you but you're going to need to find a place to live. They don't always have enough slots for returning students on campus. Often they will have a first come first serve application for returning students. There's usually not very many slots available and they disappear the day they become available. If you miss it, you'll be completely out of luck for living on campus. Don't rely on this, find someone who will rent an apartment with you even if you aren't best buds. I recommend someone who's in your program and preferably open minded.

As for extracting in a dorm room, I wouldn't advise it. I will spare you the speech seeing as you are probably going to do it anyway. I would like to make it perfectly though...If you don't have your own sink or private bathroom it is IMPOSSIBLE to conceal the process.
1: Clean up. Keep everything absolutely clean (this includes your personal belongings). Clean the counters and sink well after everything you do, after every pull.
2: Keep sealed lids on everything. Use mason jars if possible.
3: Don't order everything all at once. They receive your packages and they can be quite clever about it...Some mystery plant and package from an aquarium supply store? Sounds suspicious.
4: Have an answer for everything. What is mimosa dye, why do you need it?
5: Look into d-limonene teks. Oranges smell better than naphtha. Those residence rooms are garbage, you can smell things from your neighbors.
6: If you still have the "woods" option available and must use naphtha for some reason. Consider doing pulls inside but only evaporating outside?
7: Do not evaporate naphtha inside
8: If you think there is even a flicker of suspicion about you, destroy all evidence immediately. Know your exit plan.

I would also like to note that you should never admit to extracting DMT in a dorm, whether online or offline. This narrows you down quite a bit. Buy as much as you can with cash and destroy the receipts.
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#12 Posted : 9/8/2010 6:01:09 AM

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you have no right to privacy in a dorm. hell, doing it guerrilla style camping in the woods like a meth cook is a better idea.
#13 Posted : 9/8/2010 6:57:38 AM

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Are you going to have a roommate? The only way i would recommend this is if you didn't have a roommate and did a tek using no heat, and use EXTREME CAUTION. Seriously you're talking about performing an extremely dangerous (legally not physically) operation in a very public place, so if you do not feel completely safe then don't do it, it's not worth it. If you truly want to find the spirit molecule and you are ready for it then it will find you. Believe me you will be surprised how things fall into place if you have a pure, true desire for it. Either way your skating on very thin ice even proposing this idea, my friend, so you better know the consequences of your actions well.

Om Mani Padme Hum

#14 Posted : 9/8/2010 8:17:55 AM

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I can understand your impatience. Its always easy to argue from a position of strength (having a place do do chemistry), and no, its not everywhere cheaper to rent an apartment or even possible. Like Eden said, BLAB would be an option, but you'd have to factor in the fumarate conversion step. I still think it would be doable in the woods.

If you do it there, please make absolutely sure you won't spill any chemicals on the ground. D-limonene is toxic to water organism. Better take some time to plan this one very well with escape routes, an appropriate set of safety rules .....

Have you thought about eating mushrooms? Maybe there are some growing in your area and with lemon juice, the experience only lasts around 4 hours.

However, you sound a bit defiant if i may say so...and that's not a good attitude to begin with and the spice could ass slap you for that. It's not a commodity and in the end you may have to make compromises ... better get used to the feeling that your personal will means nothing in the world of spice.
#15 Posted : 9/8/2010 10:10:07 AM


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Dorms are a bad idea just cause of the sheer amount of random traffic percentage you will be subjugating yourself and the material to.

Patience is virtue, and in cases like these, one can't express that more!
I would recommend that you find people you can trust to live with outside a dorm situation to move onto extractions.

I'm also not going to recommend the woods (assuming its not private property owned by you or your family) because of the random anomalies.
I am also in doubt about the quality of the extraction you can achieve in the woods.
Besides, your in college.
I'm pretty sure 5 years will go by pretty fast with or without the spice.

At the end, take heed to the dangers people are expressing to you.
These people are giving good advice, and it's not practical to deny it all and end up in a place where you don't want to be.

The most merciful thing in the world... is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
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#16 Posted : 9/14/2010 1:59:21 AM
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I have seen some pretty interesting bed side type setups in dorms. From desks to rollouts from under beds. Keep to yourself and should be fine, but definitely not the ideal nor safe place though. You would want to be concerned with smells and may want to look for the less stinky of methods.
#17 Posted : 9/14/2010 2:19:12 AM
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If you cant do it at home, how about getting a suite for the weekend? one with a kitchen.
#18 Posted : 9/14/2010 3:49:04 AM
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JBark's post was right on the money.

A dorm extraction is an incredibly stupid idea. If you get caught, you will very likely face possession and manufacture of a Schedule I substance. There's not a whole lot that can get you out of that mess, and prison isn't a pretty place to visit for any length of time.

What motivations do you have for being so hasty and impatient? What experience do you have with psychedelics and other altered states? When you are ready for the spice, the spice will find you. That might sound ridiculous right now, but it's absolutely 100% true, and just about everyone on this forum will tell you the same thing. Don't let your ego and some rash decisions end up ruining your life.
Anything stated above is a work of pure fiction. The delusional author is writing a story about his imaginary friends. The author does not condone nor participate in any illegal activities. Anything said by the author should not be attempted, taken seriously, or believed. Enjoy the story.

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#19 Posted : 9/14/2010 3:50:51 PM

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Don't be stupid, solvents smell a lot you can't do it in such a crowded place. The chances of detection are very high and unlike your parents these guys will probably report you to the police.
#20 Posted : 9/14/2010 9:30:34 PM

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Do you have a van? do you have keys to the back part of the van (the cargo hold area)?
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