A lot of people don't use acids at all when brewing cactus. I've only ever used citric acid, so I'd be interested in the difference in onset for each type.
Very slow, dosed with 6 large rolled up balls...about 2-3 times the size of coco puffs.
It started with sedation after about an hour, which then moved to waves of chills and slight sweating for another hour. Then altered perception combined with waves of euphoria. Vision became faceted...he stood in front of a mirror for what must have been 30 minutes, looking at his face which had begun to resemble a Picasso cubist painting. Like looking through a crystal.
Oh, he did have a slight vomit episode...very little, nothing about the experience was unpleasant. I think he is ready to move on to a stronger dose.
yes, no acid is needed! the alks are in acidic form already
Hot tip, thanks.