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#1 Posted : 8/29/2010 7:14:25 PM
John Keys

Posts: 16
Joined: 29-Aug-2010
Last visit: 20-Nov-2016
Location: Braazil
You may call me asdroeido. I've not ever smoked dimethyltryptamine in my whole life, nor used any psychedelic substance: this will probably happen within the next six months. I've listened to a lot of McKenna and I regret not having transcribed/indexed what he said. There is a lot of stuff he says just once, and it's very hard to find those things if you don't get an index.

For instance: he once said, very incidentally, that you can find big semiprimes by measuring timewave zero day counts.
So, I guess the lesson is: don't watch.

If you google my nickname you'll just get a blog with some portuguese and nonsense, but nothing interesting really. I became very fascinated with the Lexicon and Enigmaticus. DMT has been around ever since the sixties, but there's surprisingly little language about it. Songs? Books? Anything? Not much. Even when you read trip reports all you get is either the "you can't possibly describe this" attitude or a very tricky attempt to use scientific or new-agey terminology to understand this experience, just like those French artists who came to the Amazon and painted the jungle with parisian buildings on the background. So I guess we really need to do something like this Lexicon.

Anyway, I'm all about hacking human language. I have ideas like using the timewave zero to replace statistical machine translation models, and things like using nanotechnology to guide DMT molecules through your brain so that you and other people can get the same visions. I also try to craft some viral memes every now and then, but no great successs yet.

I have a lot of work ahead, for sure.
Let's bring up the eschaton, shall we?


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 8/30/2010 3:35:36 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Welcome! Its interesting to have creative thoughts but its also important to keep grounded... As mckenna himself said, 'gotta have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls off' Very happy

I am interested in what your contributions will be regarding the lexycon and human language. I dont understand what you mean with the timewave zero statistical machine translation.. Also the idea of nanotechnology to guide dmt molecules to have the same visions, I cant imagine how that would work. Are you supposing that the localization of a dmt molecule in the brain = a specific type of vision? Thats a very very reductionist way of looking at it.

In any case, am looking forward to hearing more from you. By the way, you say you never did dmt or psychedelics but plan on doing so sometime in the next months... May ask what? DMT? Ayahuasca? Or some other psychedelic? Did you think how the setting will be for that journey alreayd?
#3 Posted : 8/30/2010 2:24:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 21-Jun-2012
Location: Massachusetts
Welcome to the Nexus! Sounds like a lot of fun thoughts. Let us know how your preparations for the first journey are going.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 9/1/2010 1:58:03 AM
John Keys

Posts: 16
Joined: 29-Aug-2010
Last visit: 20-Nov-2016
Location: Braazil
Take my ideas with a grain of salt. I'm just another guy trying to escape history and to technologically recreate the death state in this world, just like everyone, consciously or not. That said, I'll try these ideas out, however nutty they may sound - after all, if they're good enough, they will sound so - but I'll leave them behind as soon as they stop working. Relativism is not my piece of cake.


The machine translation idea says: Every data produced in resonating dates will show heavy syntatical similarities. In other words, if the timewave says that date x resonates with date y, then everything you read about x will remind you of y.

Therefore, if the timewave shows us that pharaonic Egypt resonates with Nazi Germany, and Michael Jackson's death resonates with Marat's death, we can use data from MJ's death to discover new historical facts about the French Revolution and about other resonances which go further into the past, even before the formation of the Earth. Furthermore, we can use those resonances to decipher texts like the Voynich Manuscript, or Finnegans Wake, and find out resonating, truly equivalent structures between different languages.


I'm not supposing that the location of the DMT molecule on the brain will trigger a specific vision. However, I have a fair number of reasons to suspect - simply from looking at both molecules - that where the DMT molecule hits your DNA determines what kind of vision you will get. Yes, recreational doses can be explained by the 5-HT2A and the serotonin receptors and all of that, but you can't explain what you get on heroic doses without resorting to the "these things are written on your DNA, and the DMT molecule reads it" hypothesis. At least, that's how I see it at this moment.


I'll probably eat something above eight dried grams of psilocybes. Then I'll stay for a week or so away from civilization and try to bring something back with me.
#5 Posted : 9/1/2010 2:12:32 AM

Not I

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You sound like someone that prefers to find his truth through direct experience as opposed to what society has handed down to him.

I have one peice of advice. Seek the truth. Wether we be proven right or wrong is irrelevant as long as you embrace the truth.

Happy Journey's Brother!

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#6 Posted : 9/6/2010 11:58:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 52
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Last visit: 01-Oct-2010
Location: SHPONGLELAND!!!!!
yes good to hear!!! Time wave zero I feel you on that point but. Dmt is not going to teach you about time wave zero or not have anything to do with it. I believe that your thinking about mushrooms gave him the bision for the oracle the book of changes. Dmt is a personal thing and the way it works for you will not work for me. It affects ppl in a differant sort of way. I have smoke dmt very much as of late. I love the perplex feeling of the unexplainable I have meet entitys that have told me all sorts of things like I have one the game of life ect. Ect. Telling that I get how life flows and I'm my own god. And you only get one three dimensional life so enjoy it! You can take this far but you can also take this too far. I have seen this drug spiritualy enlighten most and I have seen this dilute ppls views as well. Exp. My buddy feel that we are slipping in and out of diferant dimensions every time another change ocures oh were in the dimension where joe is wearing a red shirt and drops his snow cone. Idk I see what you mean but just don't go straight for the pie interms for understanding and enlightenment. The elves will know you better than you your slef due to the launguage barrier that you have between your spirit and body! I use psychoactives to do that to comunicate with other parts of my mind and body that I have lost contact with due to scoiotys warped evolution process. You should look at others veiws before you give so much credit to Mckenna. I mean I love the guy and his theroies but maybe DMT is not the first drug you should do? Maybe some lsd or a small dose of majic mushrooms get the feel for it, experience Ego death! Feel the warmth of mecaline just do your home work. Because once you smoke spice you veiw of the world will change and I want you to be prepaired! Look at dr. Shulgin's work too him and McKenna where good freinds and also dennis had some good points too. Be safe or it will warp your veiw of life and possibly take you off the track that your ment to be on.
these post are excerpts from the daily life of a madman. One thinks that thought should be left alone......
#7 Posted : 9/6/2010 12:07:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 52
Joined: 25-Jul-2010
Last visit: 01-Oct-2010
Location: SHPONGLELAND!!!!!
also I would not sugest eating 8g of mushroom either!!! That is a huge dose and you have never even experienced them so how do expect to react from them? What if it's too much to handle? You should just eat 2-3.5g for the first they can be over whelming! I hate for to be scared out of your pants. The deities have there own agenda remember they made a fool out of terrance. Also if you do take that much folloe terrance's guide to taking psychedellics and roll bomber and hold your ground and let the green men come in! BE SAFE and don't give anything to much credit or you be diluted too allways question everything and stay progressive.
these post are excerpts from the daily life of a madman. One thinks that thought should be left alone......
#8 Posted : 9/6/2010 9:59:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 258
Joined: 01-Sep-2010
Last visit: 02-Apr-2015
electrolunchbox wrote:
also I would not sugest eating 8g of mushroom either!!! That is a huge dose and you have never even experienced them so how do expect to react from them? What if it's too much to handle? You should just eat 2-3.5g for the first they can be over whelming! I hate for to be scared out of your pants. The deities have there own agenda remember they made a fool out of terrance. Also if you do take that much folloe terrance's guide to taking psychedellics and roll bomber and hold your ground and let the green men come in! BE SAFE and don't give anything to much credit or you be diluted too allways question everything and stay progressive.

Yeah 8g is quite a lot. I'd also start out < 3.5 or so. Terence often references 5g in his "Sit in silent darkness on a heroic dose". That should be plenty, but a 2-3.5g dose is a very effective dose to start out with.
#9 Posted : 10/11/2010 12:21:30 AM
John Keys

Posts: 16
Joined: 29-Aug-2010
Last visit: 20-Nov-2016
Location: Braazil
So, here follows something I've found. I saw the Book of Toth on the Books section, so I thought this may be of interest to some of you.

( http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html )


( days between end date and target date ) / scale


endyear = 2012
endday = 21
endmonth = 12

Then the remainder of this division is the number of the target date’s
hexagram on the King Wen sequence.
Therefore, the remainder of this division also reveals the target
date’s trump and the target date’s aminoacid (
If the remainder equals zero, then the target’s date hexagram is hexagram 64.

This will work if the scale equals

64 days x 6 = 384 days = 1 lunar year


64 days x 6 x 64 = 6 minor sunspot cycles


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 = 2 zodiacal ages


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 = 1 complete precession of equinoxes


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 x 64


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 x 64 x 64


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6


64 days x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 x 64 x 64 x 6 x 64


Alternatively, this will work if the scale equals

64 days


1 day


1 day / 64


( 1 day / 64 ) / 6


(( 1 day / 64 ) / 6) / 64


((( 1 day / 64 ) / 6) / 64) / 64


(((( 1 day / 64 ) / 6) / 64) / 64 ) / 6


Note 0: if your scale is “1 day” that means “every day is Before
Completion, that is, before the end date.”

Note 1: for scale values below 1 day you must turn ( days between end
date and target date ) into ( 1/64 day chunks between end moment and
target moment ) or ( (1/64)/6 day chunks between end moment and target
moment ) or etc..
The “end moment” for our calculations is 21/12/12, 11:11 am (universal time).

Note 2: scale values different from 64 may get a remainder above 64.
Then divide this remainder by a new scale in which the remainder will
fall below 64, and this will be your target’s hexagram for that scale.

Note 3: If your scale is larger than the distance between the target
and the end, the target’s hexagram is 64 ( for that scale ).
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