Ok lets get this straight
1-You live in a country with very harsh drug laws
2-You even avoid smoking weed, at home and elsewhere, exactly because of the fears of getting caught, even if chances are unlikely.
3-You have very conservative parents, your mum has a very ignorant view of psychedelics.
So.. Lets imagine a few circumstances here. You are doing an extraction, your mom walks in. At the very least a huge personal problem. Maybe she would even think "oh my god, my son is producing drugs, I have to denounce him so he goes to jail/rehabilitation to get away from this evil" ?
Now lets imagine something else. Some friends of your parents show up without warning (unexpected old friends, the plumber/electrician going to fix something that you didnt know had a problem). Then they can for some reason find your stuff and denounce you and then your mom/family's life is screwed.
Or imagine that even nothing happens with you or your family, extraction goes perfect. But then some other kid reads this thread with recommendations for how kids can hide extractions from their parents and they get caught? Or some reporter makes the headlines of a story: "Internet forum gives tips for kids hiding drug manufacturing from parents ". What many types of consequences can happen from each of these and other possibilities?
If you think that when asking such questions you would get any other main answer other than "please dont do it", then you didnt understand just how much we in the Nexus are for safety, critical thinking and being conscious of the effects of one's own actions.
Here's a few possibilities for you:
1- Go rent a house for short time, maybe also somewhere far from neighbours, and take the risk only for yourself.
2- Do it at a trustable friend's house if he is the owner and if he agrees to taking the risk with you
3- Do it somewhere in nature (just clean it all up after, please

4- Wait till you have your own place. DMT and psychedelics will still be there, there's no rush. Countless members here have waited for years and years before they first heard about dmt till the got to extracting.
In none of these options you really need a 'stealth' tek. If and once you do have a proper situation without being a threat to others, you can read the characteristics of different teks and what kind of equipment/chemicals you need, all in the
WIKI. The FAQ has also a little
overview on different teks, so once you can safely do it, you chose what fits your situation better.
Please dont be self-centered in your thoughts and consider how you can affect others. Whatever way you do, consider it carefully, dont be impulsive. Do your research. Good luck