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Any "stealth" teks? Options
#21 Posted : 9/4/2010 2:23:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Ok lets get this straight

1-You live in a country with very harsh drug laws
2-You even avoid smoking weed, at home and elsewhere, exactly because of the fears of getting caught, even if chances are unlikely.
3-You have very conservative parents, your mum has a very ignorant view of psychedelics.

So.. Lets imagine a few circumstances here. You are doing an extraction, your mom walks in. At the very least a huge personal problem. Maybe she would even think "oh my god, my son is producing drugs, I have to denounce him so he goes to jail/rehabilitation to get away from this evil" ?

Now lets imagine something else. Some friends of your parents show up without warning (unexpected old friends, the plumber/electrician going to fix something that you didnt know had a problem). Then they can for some reason find your stuff and denounce you and then your mom/family's life is screwed.

Or imagine that even nothing happens with you or your family, extraction goes perfect. But then some other kid reads this thread with recommendations for how kids can hide extractions from their parents and they get caught? Or some reporter makes the headlines of a story: "Internet forum gives tips for kids hiding drug manufacturing from parents ". What many types of consequences can happen from each of these and other possibilities?

If you think that when asking such questions you would get any other main answer other than "please dont do it", then you didnt understand just how much we in the Nexus are for safety, critical thinking and being conscious of the effects of one's own actions.

Here's a few possibilities for you:
1- Go rent a house for short time, maybe also somewhere far from neighbours, and take the risk only for yourself.
2- Do it at a trustable friend's house if he is the owner and if he agrees to taking the risk with you
3- Do it somewhere in nature (just clean it all up after, please Pleased )
4- Wait till you have your own place. DMT and psychedelics will still be there, there's no rush. Countless members here have waited for years and years before they first heard about dmt till the got to extracting.

In none of these options you really need a 'stealth' tek. If and once you do have a proper situation without being a threat to others, you can read the characteristics of different teks and what kind of equipment/chemicals you need, all in the WIKI. The FAQ has also a little overview on different teks, so once you can safely do it, you chose what fits your situation better.

Please dont be self-centered in your thoughts and consider how you can affect others. Whatever way you do, consider it carefully, dont be impulsive. Do your research. Good luck

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#22 Posted : 9/4/2010 3:10:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think you need to re-read my last post, I said I plan to do it out in the woods rather than at home anyway. I live in a separate part of the house that no-one has access to (I am the only one with keys to it etc) so the things you mentioned would not be potential issues, no-one could just walk in. Also, I never said I don't feel safe smoking Cannabis at home, I can, and even have permission from my parents to do so, but I just don't feel comfortable using any drugs around my mum due to her conservative nature. I think I should rephrase my original question, I'm mainly looking for a technique that doesn't need a lot of space, and doesn't need a freezer/oven/stove etc - things that I don't have access to for it.

Anyway, as I said, I'll be doing it out in the woods anyway, as realistically it is simpler, avoids anyone else any hassle, plus I don't have to make extra space for anything.

Electrolunchbox, your technique sounds good and I think I'll go with that and use the nearby woods if I attempt it soon. One thing though, is the dry ice necessary? Since I'd be doing it outside I'd like to use as little as possible, so bringing out dry ice, tongs, etc - would be a bit of a hassle. It could be done, but it'd mean many trips to and from the woods to store my stuff, which could raise some suspicion that I'd preferably like to avoid.
#23 Posted : 9/4/2010 11:49:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Honestly dry ice isn't very hard to work with and its cheap. Just carry it in a plastic store bag. You don't need to remove it from the bag it comes in or touch it. Just set it in a cooler and place your jar you want to freeze on top of it. Easy. Give it a few hours and it will do its magic.

-goodluck and be safe
-Close your eyes, See the light, and feel the sunshine in the shade

~All views, ideas and opinions of this user are strictly fictional and in no way represent an act done in reality.
#24 Posted : 9/5/2010 2:32:49 AM


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but I have access to everything I need and I have the money, so if anyone has any possible ideas it'd mean a lot Smile

Dude. Duh.....



STEP ONE: Buy house from mother.

STEP TWO: Evict mother.

Make DMT.

High-five father. (optional: while smoking DMT)


Should def bee added to the Nexus wiki IMHO...... Wink

Hello there Nexian Newcomers! (like me!) Learn how to ASK QUESTIONS THAT WILL GET ANSWERED! (Or at least are more likely to be answered) ***Click Here***

"That is ridiculous. Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, gobbling magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc 1989

E has the ability to change the way people look at the world and not always for the best...."PLUR" ( hahahaha). The world is not what E makes it to be. I know plenty of "Old School" ravers that roll. They just don't do it in that ugly "cuddle puddle, "God I love You, We'll be soul mates for ever, this is the best music I've EVER heard, can I touch you?????" Kinda way. [size=6]Every drug is best with moderation.

The night before: "nang nang nang nang nang"
Morning after: "clang clang clang clang clang"
#25 Posted : 9/5/2010 12:23:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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poorfish wrote:
but I have access to everything I need and I have the money, so if anyone has any possible ideas it'd mean a lot Smile

Dude. Duh.....



STEP ONE: Buy house from mother.

STEP TWO: Evict mother.

Make DMT.

High-five father. (optional: while smoking DMT)


Should def bee added to the Nexus wiki IMHO...... Wink


Haha. I do wish this forum had a +rep option.

In all honesty I haven't thought the whole thing through though, because the chances are I'm going to be moving out in just a few months time anyway, so I'll most likely just wait until then, as I'll be able to get much better results and yields when I can do it in the comfort of my own home than when I'm running to and from the woods every hour hah.

Still, this thread will have still helped as I'll probably still go down the stealthy route due to the fact I wouldn't want any of my visitors to find any of my equipment. So thanks for the help everyone Smile
#26 Posted : 9/5/2010 3:05:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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JesusGreen wrote:

Haha. I do wish this forum had a +rep option.

In all honesty I haven't thought the whole thing through though, because the chances are I'm going to be moving out in just a few months time anyway, so I'll most likely just wait until then, as I'll be able to get much better results and yields when I can do it in the comfort of my own home than when I'm running to and from the woods every hour hah.

Still, this thread will have still helped as I'll probably still go down the stealthy route due to the fact I wouldn't want any of my visitors to find any of my equipment. So thanks for the help everyone Smile

also when you do have your own plave I would not have every thing maild to your address. Especially all in the same order like the jimjamshop. I wonder what noob will do this but, don't it will
send off red flags that screem intent to manufacture! Also don't use your creditcard due to at least in america they an look at your statement and see what you order (good old patriaot act!) just be safe. I use a fake paypal to a safe address that I know I can acess and I use a prepaid creditcard with out my name on it.
just all ways thing of ways to not leave paper trail. Even worry about what and whos computer your doing this fourm on. It's never safe I'd bet. this world where ppl try to controle other ppls consousness. What I do is redirect my ip and bounce off of other ppls wifi. That's how a friend hacked nasa. Haha look it up man hacked nasa.
these post are excerpts from the daily life of a madman. One thinks that thought should be left alone......
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