Swim had a discussion on drugsforum and one man who posted a Dmt extraction post when asked what he thin MHRB contains beside DMT told that skatole can be present in the root bark i can't give you 100% proof but i think that Swimers should test it at tell everyone about they'r results this could save us alot of health
And i think that in teks presented on this forum there should be a warning to people about Bark species and other substances presented in those species .
If you interested you can read more about substances found in MHRB here :
Jungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark
Ask and ye shall recieve... This is a work in progress over at the DMT-Nexus. Several members here have expressed interest, so I'm
putting it up the current draft here for the Topiates to enjoy. It's gradually growing, and will probably be done in a few weeks (around Spring break), but I'll be posting new material as I put it together on the copy hosted at DMT-Nexus (link below). Once it's done, I can re-post here.
"Jungle Spice" - Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark
Synonyms - Jungle DMT, red spice, red DMT, dark spice, dark DMT, etc.
(Alright, this post will be under construction for awhile as I sort through the rest of the information that's out there and get this stuff written.)
(The wikiscipt is having trouble with links that have "MHRB" in the address)
So just what is Jungle spice?
Jungle spice is one of many names that has been applied to a particularly intriguing non-DMT alkaloid fraction which can be isolated from at least much of the commercially available Mimosa rootbark (See Botanical Confustication). In the most general terms, it is the alkaloid fraction obtained from the aqueous basic phase of an extraction by pulling with xylene or toluene after DMT ceases to be pulled by an aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent (naphtha, heptane, etc.). This product will almost always contain some degree of N,N-DMT; some extractors choose to remove the DMT in a hot naphtha wash to obtain a pure "jungle" experience, while others use the jungle/DMT mixture as it is.
There is a great deal of ambiguity surrounding jungle spice, owing to a wide array of factors. First and foremost, there appears to be a great diversity of compounds which can be isolated by extracting the aqueous basic phase with xylene or toluene. What compounds are actually isolated depends on some several of the following factors: minimum pH, maximum temperature and duration spent at this temperature, maximum pH and duration spent at this pH, and whether a fan is applied in the evaporation of solvent. On top of that, there's strong indications that some or all of the isolated compounds oxidize and change activity based on duration of time the material is allowed to sit at environmental conditions after extraction. And as if those things weren't enough, we also have to account for the fact that it's essentially impossible to know exactly what species of Mimosa the extracted rootbark came from. About all that is certain about it at this point is that it isn't N,N-DMT.
There has been a lot of speculation going around that this compound may be yuremamine, the novel phytoindole isolated from Mimosa tenuiflora and characterized in 2005. Looking at the evidence this appears to be exceedingly unlikely, based on yuremamine's known instability to acid, apparent instability to base, and speculated instability to heat. It certainly cannot be ruled out completely at this point, but there remains a substantial body of evidence against it. Until a GCMS of jungle spice emerges with a molecular ion at 477.1 m/z, I think it's safe to assume that yuremamine is not the red alkaloid that has been isolated by home extractors.
That said, I hope that the ensuing analysis can shed some light on the subject.
Table of Contents
I. Diversity of the Extracted Compounds
- I.1 Red/Brown Crystlline Goos
- I.2 Tan Waxes
- I.3 Yellow Oils
- I.4 "Kokusaginine"
II. Experiences
- II.1 Experiences Smoking the Red Crystalline Goo
- II.2 Experiences Smoking Tan Waxes
- II.3 Experiences Smoking Yellow Oils
III. Isolation Techniques
- III.1 Critical Switch's Tek
- III.2 Implant's Isolation of "Kokusaginine"
- III.3 Entheogenist's Jungle Tek
I. Diversity of the Extracted Compounds
Probably the biggest issue complicating the issue of jungle spice is the sheer diversity of compounds that can be extracted using roughly the same method. Based solely on physical properties, we can classify three distinct types of material that have been extracted as the endproduct from a xylene/toluene pull. When we consider the reported pharmacological activity of these materials in human subjects, the picture becomes much more comlicated; this issue will be dealt with subsequently.
I.1 Red/Brown Crystalline Goo
Jungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-criticalpdt.jpgJungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-redspicerpdt.jpg
Figure 1. Red/brown jungle spice goo from Critical Switch Tek (left), another specimen (right)
"After doing two pulls with naphtha I did two pulls with toluene, evaporated the toluene, and washed the solids with naphtha which made them dark red."
"Could you describe the material? My friend's has the consistency of a soft crayon and is brick red."
"The junglespice I got is just like a peice of a red crayola crayon. After evapping it looked like crystals on the dish, but when scraped up with razor blade it all stuck together to make this waxy homogenous stuff. It has a strong smell of indole when burnt, but otherwise it has a similar smell to DMT, but with a fruity kind of a smell."
"Swim succeeded in pulling the red spice. Its a dark , deep crimson color , almost the color of dried blood."
The reddish brown crystalline goo that one can find pictures of floating around the internet are what I tend to think of as jungle spice, but washing this goo can yield a surprising diversity of products. As the above quotes indicate, washing the dark gunk with naphtha yields a red solid which is insoluble in the naphtha (Figre 1). This red material has been isolated both by straight-to-base extraction (Noman's) and by acid/base extraction (Marsofold's tek).
The crude extraction is invariably an impure mixture. In most cases, the crude xylene pull from the basified aqueous phase is a bright yellow color; the red pigment cannot be seen until the solvent is evaporated. When the DMT is removed from the crude extract by a warm wash in an aliphatic hydrocarbon (naphtha, haptane, etc.), many extractors report that the recovered DMT crystals remain stained yellow. It is this yellow fraction that is soluble in warm naphtha that I identify as the yellow oil component of jungle spice (see Yellow Oils).
It is important to note that some people obtain an explicitly brown goo from the xylene pull, with no real indication of red coloration whatsoever (Figure 2). Although they may appear appear similar on initial inspection to the crude red/brown goo, crude extracts which are exclusively brown appear to contain a different active principle, totally distinct from the red material. The lighter of the two tan waxy specimens (Figure 3) is the final product that was obtained from Figure 2 after the goo was washed with hot naphtha.
Jungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-xenonsionprepdt.jpg
Figure 2. A brown goo lacking any reddish tint
I.2 Tan Waxes
Jungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-xenonsionpdt.jpgJungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-spicemeisterpdt.jpg
Figure 3. A couple of tan waxy specimens.
"[A] xylene pull of a basified acidic extract of this material yields a crystalline slightly orange waxy substance that smells of tryptamines and glows orange under a blacklight."
"[E]nded up with tan waxy non oily stuff that is stronger than hell (10-20 mg) and terrifying. It's not just residual DMT, its too strong for that."
The name and the pictures say it all. This fraction is a very waxy solid, with coloration ranging from a light yellow/orange to a much darker brown. The exact color of this fraction appears to be highly variable from extraction to extraction. It is obtained in essentially the same way as the red material above; an aqueous hydroxide solution containing mimosa alkaloids is extracted with volumes of naphtha until no more N,N-DMT is pulled. The spent solution is then extracted with a few volumes of xylene or toluene to obtain a product varying from light yellow to dark brown. Washing this crude material with hot naphtha yields a waxy orange solid.
As far as I know, this material has never been isolated from a straight-to-base extraction. It's isolation has also been positively correlated with doing heated naphtha pulls to remove the spice prior to diong the aromatic pull, but it's not clear at this point whether this is simply coincidental. Again, we'll run into some further confusion when we look at the reported pharmacological activity of this isolate, indicating that there may be more than one compound comprising this fraction. Specifically, this is the fraction of jungle spice which is most frequently reported to change activity over time, indicating some chemical reaction (presumably ocidation) is occuring.
I.3 Yellow Oils
Jungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-erowid1.jpgJungle Spice: Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark-erowid2.jpg
Figure 4. Two samples of DMT containing significant yellow impurities, courtesy of Erowid.org
"The yuremamine which was evaporated out of the filtered xylene defat of the powdered root bark was a yellow creamy color prior to purification, and a translucent orange-colored almost oily residue which would not dry to a hard substance."
Lycaeum Member
"It's yellowish. Even a yellow crystal. Smells the same as dmt with a musty overtone."
"After two recrystallizations on the N-N that came out with [the jungle spice], swim tells me it is irretrevably stained yellow and resembles egg yolk."
This is by far the most ambigous fraction that comes out of the xylene/toluene pull. Some of the yellow oils that have been isolated from Mimosa have been speculated to be plant fats and oils; another fraction of yellow oil is suspected of being an oxidation product of DMT.
To further complicate the issue, it's very difficult to isolate the yellow oil on its own; in addition to being soluble in xylene and toluene, it is also quite soluble in hot naphtha. This is evidenced by the fact that many people doing otherwise normal extractions report obtaining a yellow-colored product when the naphtha pulls are done heated. These yellow crytals are usually reported to be qualitatively better in terms of effects than pure DMT. Also, when washing the crude jungle spice extract with warm naphtha, many extractors report that any N,N-DMT they recover from this process is strongly yellow-colored. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any experience reports using the yellow spice isolated from the darker jungle spice, so there's absolutely no evidence for claiming that these two yellow oils are in fact the same substance, although they very well could be.
Investigating the possiblity of the yellow oil being DMT N-Oxide, I found a 2005 paper reporting its isolation from a methanol extract of Acacia confusa, but it contained no description of the physically observable characteristics of the compound (such as color), only the measured NMR data.
Looking at the Radio897's GCMS of a crude xylene pull of jungle spice reveals a peak at 205.1 m/z, which corresponds to the expected molecular ion of DMT N-Oxide, so it seems like a pretty good bet that this chemical is generated as a sideproduct of the extraction process, most likely in the aqueous basic phase. It may exist in the bark as a trace component (there is a barely perceptible peak at 205.1 m/z in the Vepsäläinen paper reporting the characterization of yuremamine), though it's possible this trace peak was an artifact of the isolation process as well. It's also possible that the sample analyzed in the paper was from a different subspecies, or even an entirely different Mimosa species than is typically purchased as rootbark (see Botanical Confustication
I.4 "Kokusaginine"
When browsing around threads discussing jungle spice, inevitably you start running across people claiming that kokusaginine is likely the chemical responsible for Jurema's reported oral activty. Generally these posters cite the 1999 Entheoegen Review article where Jonathan Ott and K Trout are asked their opinions on the matter. Unfortunately, these people apparently read no further than the second paragraph before leaping to this completely unfounded conclusion. To summarize:
The article begins with a question from someone identified as J.S, OR.
Jonathan Ott seems to think that Mimosa hostilis is active without MAOI added. The ingredient, kokusaginine, which is morphine-like in structure, may possess MAOI properties... I would suggest that the kokusaginine, supposedly insoluble in water, is nonetheless extracted enough...
Does anyone know, for certain, what the effects of kokusaginine are?
The Keeper of Trout was asked about this, to which he replied
I have only heard of kokusaginine reported from the Rutaceae. I know nothing about its activity except for the fact a related compound was reported to be antagonistic to Ditran... I did notice a very strong stuporous component with one bioassay of M. tenuiflora root-bark and a MAOI, that I did not in the others. Jonathan would be the best one to talk with about this.
So the folks at Entheogen Review asked Jonathan, and here's what he had to say:
I've no idea whence derives the querist's notion that kokusaginine occurs in M. tenuiflora, and I am in agreement with K. Trout's remark in this regard, while it is a mystery to me why it would be assumed this compound possesses MAOI activity, nor indeed how this compound-or moclobemide, with which it is structurally unrelated- is "morphine-like," none of which has anything to do with the recondite pharmacology of jurema preta/ tepescohuite, in any case.
Perhaps there is some confusion here between the rutaceous kokusaginine [found in New Caledonian Dutaillyea spp., among others] and the socalled "kukulkanins" reported from powdered stem-bark of Mexican tepescohuite [misreported as Mimosa tenuefolia L. (sic): Journal of Natural Products 52(4): 864- 867, 1989], also of obscure pharmacology. There is no reason to suppose this compound or any of the diverse saponins likewise reported from bark of Mexican tepescohuite show MAOI activity, and at least five phytochemical analyses of Brazilian jurema preta [mostly unpublished] have failed to show presence of ßcarbolines nor any other category of potent MAO. Moreover, pharmacologically and pharmacodynamically, the psychoptic effects of cold-water, hand squeezed and short-time-infused, aqueous extracts of simple pounded jurema preta root-bark prepared according to the traditional manner as documented in several Brazilian reports, bears no relation to the-to me-well-known pharmacology of the ß-carbolines and other MAOI...
Preliminary chemical evidence reveals rather the presence of several novel and yet-unidentified DMTadducts in jurema preta root-bark, apart from free DMT itself. Either these compounds show oral activity per se, not being substrate to gastric MAO, or rather show a higher affinity for the enzyme[s], serving thus as competitive inhibitors respective to DMT for its active site[s], in the manner that the ß-carbolines do. My current work strongly suggests the former conjecture is the more parsimonious.
It'd have been nice if Mr. Ott explained why he feels the former explanation to be more parsimonious, as the isolation of yuremamine, with its intramolecular H-bonding, would tend to indicate the latter explanation. Regardless, I hope that this can put to rest the idea that the soporific component that has been isolated from Mimosa rootbark is kukosaginine.
Based on physical descriptions as well as reports of its effects, the compound that people have called kokusaginine is a variety or the tan waxy specimens, usually described as being very hard. Particularly with this fraction, it's been reported that as the chemical ages, the stuporous effects dissipate, and are replaced by a fully psychedelic activity profile.
For an account of the isolation of this fraction, see Implant's Isolation of "Kokusaginine"
II. Experiences
II.1 Experiences Smoking the Red Crystalline Goo
EASY DOES IT. 10-15 mg's of this stuff is insanely potent and just a bit more scary/intense than N-N DMT.
I took 3 full tokes from the red oil, the effects were a lot like regular DMT but there was something different. It seemed to be missing the loveing presence, the "other place" halucination was there but the colors were not, or at least they were very dark & dull.
My friend & I both felt like we would much rather stick to the regular, definable, loving, white DMT.
There is a distinct difference between DMT and the red spice for me. When smoking DMT, I want to smoke as much as possible, but after a few puffs, I was completely revolted. The anxiety and intensity of DMT was not present, but it was very odd and frightening. It's flavor was a spicy barbecue sauce, which was more or less tolerable. The effects of it were much more subtle with an 'easing in' instead of a blast off. The room became twisted, a more grotesque version of itself, some out of Nightmare Before Christmas. It felt like a graveyard and that I was alone (in a bad sense), but then some beings started to appear. They were black, fuzzy balls of energy, about 1'5'' tall and 1' wide, with an aspect of children. They were quite friendly and investigative of me (like children). However, the experience made me draw up into myself and I was quite dissatisfied with the feelings. I would like to note that subsequent DMT use (30 min-ish later) brought me up to a BAD part of the 'city,' with clown (not jester/joker-ish) beings of intense negative emotions and ideas who did not like me at all. They also beat up my Guardian when he tried to protect me from them.
This Red Jungle Spice is THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. Terence McKenna MUST have been smoking the jungle spice thinking it was DMT. I've smoked alot of DMT and read alot of Terence Mckenna, and I have NEVER seen anything like what he describes. But, two tokes of this red jungle spice and I had his trip WORD FOR WORD. This stuff is SOOOOOOO much better, stronger, deeper, more meaningful, and more pleasant to use than DMT.
Editors Note: Terrence McKenna described DMT as "something that looked like orange mothballs" when recounting his first DMT experience, which appears to substantiate this notion.
I smoked it with my eyes open while watching SHPONGLE on stage. The stage began to morph and change, and suddenly a Self Transforming Machine Elf ripped the stage in half and jumped out to dance on top of the ravers. He was made out of what looked like shiny glossy molded plastic like a kids toy, but he was so colorful, changing shapes and dancing. This was with my eyes open. I had my rational mind intact; I knew I was at a Shpongle show smoking jungle spice. I could not believe my eyes. I even squinted at the stage in disbelief, trying to make things return to normal. If you smoke it with your eyes open, it completely transforms reality before your eyes. This is absolutely the most amazing chemical I have ever encountered, and everyone at the shpongle show agreed with me. I passed out about 3 grams of the stuff in individual doses, and evenryone agreed that it just blows DMT out of the water.
The second time I smoked it I closed my eyes. I was shot like a laser beam into God-consciousness. I was GOD. I created the universe and spawned life on earth. I saw the beginning and the end and everything inbetween. I beheld every thought that had ever existed in one instant. then I came back to reality and was back at the rave. BUT, I still thought I was God. I was walking around telling people I was the reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha, Terence McKenna and Tim Leary rolled into one. I truly believed this at the time. I felt omnipotent. I knew everything. But this began to fade and I started to feel stupid for walking around saying I'm Jesus and believing it. So then I started experiencing karma. I left the concert area and hid in the dark to meditate. I thought the people at the rave were going to crucify me. I thought they had already killed my son and were coming for me. I accepted this though, and embraced my imminent death. I knew I was going to die that day and it was OK. It took aboout 30 minutes for the jungle spice to wear off, and by that time I was a new man. My ego had been lifted up to the point of thinking I was a walking GOD, and then it was crucified. This stuff makes DMT look downright boring.
I'm traveling through their world now. I cannot interact with them and they are not aware of me, but I can affect their environment. [They are] solitary, lonely beings, living out their existence. They are oddballs, such as one being is a floating bust of an angry man and another is a pastel red colored 'cat' with a bejewled back. This land was not overtly unfriendly, but definitely an uncomfortable place to be in. A short-lived experience due to purposeful grounding.
SWIM once made a batch of a reddish-brown dmt from MHRB- I'm not sure how but it was qualitatively different from the white-yellow from the subsequent batch of extract. At first it was her favorite colour to smoke over white or yellow, but as it aged, and became darker red, blacker, the effects did become "evil" ... opening only to black spaces, twisted hyperspace. It was as though the dmt in the red spice had deteriorated and oxidized, leaving mostly mystery alkaloids that were having a greater effect.
II.2 Experiences Smoking Tan Waxes
"The material is tan and has the consistency of wax without being oily. A friend was over and wanted to try it. Not wanting to yuk up my DMT pipe and thinking that the stuff was shit anyway, I threw a few crumbs on top of a bowl of bud, 20 mg max. I really figured that it would just mostly taste bad. My friend took a hit, fanning the bowl with a butane torch and then he passed it to me. The bud was still burning and I just hit the top with a Bic, figuring that he had gotten most of it.
PUT IT DOWN PUT IT DOWN PUT IT DOWN!!!!!! Fuck, I couldn't get rid of the pipe fast enough. I leaned back in my chair - Why did I do that? Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. NO NO NO I DO NOT WANT THIS I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THIS!!! Please just let me out I'll never come back just make this stop.
I don't know what I was reacting to, I was aware of no sensory input, hallucinogenic or otherwise, just that horrible feeling of NONONO. That went on forever and an instant and then I started to become aware again of my body and myself and I opened my eyes trying to pull out of that horrid fuckhole. Nope. Horrid fuckhole out there too. I had that crazy DMT vision where everything is fuzzy and lit from within and exists standing apart in it's own dimension but rather than the jewellike beauty of each atom, I was aware of the ugliness and nastlness of every line, shape, color, and texture. Everything was made of puss and overlapped and falling and oozing and suffocating and vomiting on me.
I closed my eyes again and I became the uglines. I opened them and settled for just being suffocated by it.
Around this time my hearing came back on line and I realized that the Tool album that we were listening to was no ordinary Tool album but a direct communication to me to reaffirm just how rotten and horrible every aspect of existence is. This came not as a paranoid flash of conspiracy like on MJ or acid but just as a fundemental understanding - like info gained from mushrooms. How can this be? How? How did they know that I'd be listening to this exact song right now? Despair washed over me as I realized just how horrible and squalid a thing everything that I'd ever known or loved was.
The psychoactive was wearing off. I white knuckled it back, said goodnight to my friend, and went to bed. The next day, it was still there. Nothing overt, just wearing a wet blanked of sorrow and despair about nothing. Beautiful things made me sad because I knew now what a lie it was. Nothing was nice. Everything had sharp teeth and wanted to bite.
The feeling faded over the day and now (T+2 days) I have to think about it to bring it back. But it's still there.
This could very well be merely a DMT trip gone bad. The substance was definitely used with inadequate preparation but I've used DMT under less than ideal circumstances before and never had it go that sideways. Such a small dose too. I'm sure that the total quantity in the bowl was less than 25 mg, my friend hit it first, I only had one toke, and in the morning I discovered that there was still some in the bowl. 25 mg of pure DMT doesn't get me as high as that shit did. It seems like it lasted longer than a DMT hit too, but I couldn't say for sure as I was too out of my mind to take note."
The effects of the "red" spice were body only, no visuals. However Swim found it very nice to put a nice chunk of the red behind the N-N in the pipe. Two large hits of N-N , and the third being the red. It seems to make the N-N extremely more potent, and much longer lasting. "Really nice effect"!!! Highly Reccomended, he said".
Swim once extracted some stuff using limonene and everclear that had no real psychedelic effect worth mentioning, but did have a long-lasting body high effect that felt really good, kinda like rolling or maybe a 10,000 X blue lotus extract or something. He smoked it with two chicks - he and one of the girls ended up falling asleep, while the other girl stayed awake for ~5hrs and continued to feel it the whole time. It felt good, but to use her words it was kind of like a "sinking spell."... he thinks this is the one people are mistakenly labeling kokusaginine.
The effects of K [yellow MHRB extract] are amazing to say the least ... swim has pulled it several times and everytime it has been the same... It changes radically with oxidation, becoming way more potent, and different, as time passes. If used within the first few days of pulling it (smoked ofcourse) it produces a heavy bodyload .. feeling like youve been shot with elephant tranquilizer.. lasting about 15 minutes. NO pronounced mental effects of any kind. However upon repeated exposure to air.. this substance .. given a few weeks is the absolute most "trippy" substance which he has ever encountered. Producing wild hysterical laughter .. massive size distortion in objects.. insane colorful hallucinations of things like cotton candy.. pink clouds.. puffy pink dragons and giant blue marshmallows. I know this sounds like total bullshit.. I probably wouldn't believe it either . It is true. It is very easy to find out. I highly suggest every try the K atleast.
The rock stuff swim pulled, what was considered to be kokusaginine carried only a heavy body load. After several weeks the substance got harder and harder, and darker in color. It also changed in smell. Swim smoked it maybe 5 times.. during the first week to week and a half after pulling it .. like he said.. only a heavy body load. No head effects.. nothing trippy whatsoever.
Well, swim tried it again when he was bored after a couple of weeks and found that it had went through some serious changes.. aside from the change in texture and color. It became really trippy... no real mental breakthrough or extreme DMT visuals or anything like that ... but it carried this INSANELY PLEASANT laughing .. singing .. trippy as hell load. No more heavy body effects. Swim smoked it on his bed .. took 5 hits ... had difficulty getting the 5th one because he was laughing so hard. The next thing swim knows, he is raising up and down off the bed like Linda Blair in the Excorcist, laughing his ass off in this INCREDIBLE "very tryptamine like" state. Lasted at least a half an hour .. swim winded up smoking about 20 hits over a 4 hour period and it was GREAT! Swim smoked all he had left the next night ... whatever it was it was phenomenal , wonderful.. !!!
II.3 Experiences Smoking Yellow Oils
There do not appear to be any experience reports by folks who've extracted and purified a yellow oil. However, due to the solubility of one (or more) of the yellow oils in hot naphtha, DMT crystals are often isolated with a distinct yellow discoloration (Figure 4), presumably because they contain the yellow oil in addition to N,N-DMT. There are experience reports with this substance, which I'll put here whenever I get around to it.
III. Isolation Techniques
III.1 Critical Switch's Tek
The very first tek known to describe the isolation of jungle spice was posted on Vovin's boards by Critical Switch. These boards have since gone down, and as far as I know the discussion of jungle spice that took place there has been lost. Fortunately Marsofold still had the tek. As he notes, it is needlessly lengthy, so I'll paraphrase a bit throughout. It also doesn't report pH at any point through the process, making it difficult to duplicate precisely. Further, it seems to be generally agreed upon that a more effective way to obtain jungle spice is to extract all the DMT with naphtha as usual, then do a xylene pull; this tek is included for historical relevance.
#1-9 - [Do an acidic extraction with hydrochloric acid]
#10 - [Basify the mixture with hydroxide.]
#11 Pulling the DMT from basified solution with Non-polar solvent - If you want the “jungle DMT”, then you will have to use xylene (lab grade or distilled). You will be performing three (or four if your obsessive) solvent extractions on each basified carboy... I swirl them every 5 minutes for an hour. Once this is done you need to siphon base solution out from under the solvent.
#12-13 [Notes on emulsions, sodium carbonate wash, construction of a homemade still]
#15-16 [Evaporate xylene and collect the dried product]
#17 Recrystalization is needed her for a few reasons. You can smoke the DMT as is but it will be a little worse tasting and the actual high is not as smooth. I put all the DMT into a flash and wash it with a nonpolar solvent until all that is left is a puddle of dark red. You now decant off the solvent and evaporate it or freeze separate it. Freeze precipitating will get a more pure product and this is what I will illustrate.
#18 JUNGLE DMT (Alternate Alkaloid)
You now decant off the solvent and evaporate it or freeze separate it to obtain the DMT. Freeze precipitating will get a more pure product and this is what I will illustrate. Now if you want the alternate alkaloid, the stuff you see in the flask above will crystallize and look maroon. This product is the jungle DMT alternate alkaloid and I advise you to take caution if you decide to try it. It won't work without using xylene or DCM as a extraction solvent. The washes must then be done with heptane or naptha to remove the DMT, but leave behind the alternate alkaloid, which forms bright red crystals once completely dried out as seen the picture.
#19 [Freeze-precipitate recovered DMT]
III.2 Implant's Isolation of "Kokusaginine"
As discussed above, this fraction is almost certainly not kukosaginine, but it is psychoactive. This isolation process is fairly unique in its use of a binary extraction solvent. From the available evidence, it seems reasonable to assume that this heptane/diethyl ether solvent is pulling a fraction which is also pulled by xylene or toluene.
As far as swim knows he is the only kitchen chemist who has suceeced in the extraction of Kokusaginine from MHRB (simply because no one else has tried as far as he knows). It is documented to be present in the bark by reputable lab research ...
Anyways its considerably more tricky to get this stuff. It requires the use of Diethyl Ether and heptane as a binary solvent, mixed "roughly" 8 parts DE/ 1part heptane. This is the solvent swim used to acheive success with this experiment more than once... You will also need naphtha and acetone.
You do everything you normally would to obtain your N,N-DMT except you use the binary solvent of DE&Hep. Freeze...