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Excerpts of a DeGenerate Options
#1 Posted : 9/2/2010 3:25:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 31
Joined: 02-Sep-2010
Last visit: 29-Jun-2011
Location: London
Im delighted to have found a forum to discuss such mind blending subjects. Shame we cant express our view as openly as we would wish to. Anyways Im gearing up for a PHD in Philosophy next year and im doing some prep work for it. And since im dyslexic I have been practising my writing skills since I have to submit a small dissertation prior to my PHD beginning. I thought I would offer some insight into my attitude towards life (or more precisely our current 4D reality frame of life we reside in). I know “DMT-Nexus” doesn’t encourage conspiracy talk, so I apologise if it crops up in this essay but I assure you I will not plant seeds once I have been upgraded on my posting privileges.

Excerpts of a degenerate

The world at large is going through the most spiritual and Evolutionary change since the inception of all creation as we know it.
The powers at large know this and are striving with all their resources to quell, and shut down our divine right to be conscious love emanating individuals. With the power to think, act, and discern what is beneficial for our own souls and the collective of all living beings.
Personally I have been picking at the scab of my life since I can remember, and im sure if you are reading this there is a high chance you relate to my frustration. I have had a yearning and longing to connect with people who are ready to take the spiritual journey we all have been put on earth to take.

To offer a voice, ear and verbal shoulder to cry on for those who seek the truth but have been eternally frustrated

To the few men, women, and children out there who don’t do this to gain kudos, or to try and feed EGO! But to help each and every single person who want to realise, realise that we are all leaders. Kudos to you all, and keep up the good work.
I want people to help themselves and recognise that (In the words of the late great Michael Jackson) “If you want to make this world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change”.

To have a voice and not be heard, must be a very frustrating situation to cope with. With each and every person having so much to offer why do we have such a disconnection from the world and from each other?

But in this fast paced, purposefully dysfunctional society we live in, where would we find the time? On the very few occasions we don’t ignore each other we all mainly interacted with each other in a degenerative selfish fashion. And most allow themselves to slip into a life of pure unadulterated egotistical degeneratism, reflecting the collective degenerate society we live in.

If and when we do reflect on the process, we find it happens so easily and without resistance. Just like water running down stream into the malfunctioning river of culture, and eventually into the miss-guided ocean of society at large. Which brings me to the conclusion that if we look deep enough, down in the depth of our psyche, we all must have subconsciously wanted to slip into this line of behaviour on one level or another.

In fact I have no doubt what-so-ever about this, since just like the flow of water, man has forever taken the path of least resistance. It’s the easiest path we wanted to take! Everything happens exactly as it’s meant to happen, despite the fact we have free will. And that’s why those who look perceive mans actions to be so tragic.

If you truly reflect on your choices, I suggest you will finally realise you learn just as much existing in a state “you think” is not beneficial for you. It all depends if you have conscious awareness enough to heed what life is showing you.

For instance, most people believe an abundance of wealth will lift most of the burden out of their lives. But if you simply look at reality itself, the wealthiest people in my opinion seem the furthest away from peace. We must forgive ourselves for our general attitude towards money, and we will have to do a lot of forgiving in the future if we ever want to evolve to the place we all long to be, so get used to it, because forgiveness is freedom.

When you take a step back and examine how the media has hypnotised us into mental slavery, showing us advert after advert of ‘things’ we don’t really want or need. Can you blame those who have little wealth, for the disposition they have towards wanting excessive wealth? Our propensity for forgiveness will be tested to the maximum. Especially when it comes to forgiving ourselves, I’m sure it will forever be an on-going process.

No matter how gross our degenerate behaviour becomes we always end up reflecting on our own actions and laying judgement on ourselves, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. We correctly put our own personal behaviour, and our own imperfections in our own spotlight even more than we judge others. However this behaviour is healthy, but we unjustly couple this with a large magnitude of self loathing.

If you examine our capacity to self loathe, and our ability to act on our self-loathing, it’s scary how far we will abuse ourselves, and examples are abundant.

Whether it is the girl who feels she need breast implants to match media stereo types of the sex object she needs to aspire towards. Or the guy who’s obesity stems from the endless desire to fill a void in his life and only ever feels short lived moments of fullness and fulfilment. These are just two of the endless ways in which peoples self-loathing and self-abuse surface.
The constant swelling of unwanted desires, sparked and aided by the media agenda prey on the self-manifested weaknesses of the human nature. Channelling energy towards needless wants, rather than focussing energy towards the needs that would serve human beings in eventually the most peaceful ways.

The cultural fury that handsomely describes the general behaviour of the 20th century, is something I believe fundamental and extremely beneficial. Since the 20th century ended and the year 2000 began the cultural models we have been so used to following have thankfully come under the fastest rate of change since modern man’s inception.
This idea coincides with ancient teachings, and with the most important cultural breakthrough of our generation, the internet.

Information can set you free, if only you would let it. The flow of information has revolutionised our way of life and how we interact with each other, down to the most pervasive levels. Different social barriers can now be explored with the push of a button. Which in-turn paves the way towards understanding, and peeling over the cracks of segregation.

However despite having the knowledge now at our fingertips, it doesn’t guarantee that people are going to take full advantage of the information available to them. The proverbial, ‘you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink it’ is the perfect metaphor for the lack-lustre attitude we have towards true spiritual growth. Falling in love with distractions such as religion, rather that contemplating abstraction.

What will it take? What trauma is necessary to break Mr Jo Public out of his shell? It’s unfortunate to suggest trauma is what’s needed in this situation. However, simple observation proves that giving people what they want doesn’t lead to satisfaction. It only leads to more wanting.

So I suggest trauma! Especially when you consider our capacity for war, parasitism, predation, etc, etc. If man would only look past his own desires we surely have enough trauma in the world to impact a big enough blow to wake a person from their spiritual comatose. Don’t we?
Obviously not!

So I suggest spiritual trauma rather than physical. And with the plethora of Entheogens discussed on this website(forum) we may have the key to spiritually upheave the masses. Despite the taboo society has placed on our explorations.
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